Here's why you're not losing weight! Follow this equation!



  • SPNLuver83
    SPNLuver83 Posts: 2,050 Member
    This is interesting, however my bmr is 1384, now times lightly active = 1904.375. So If I want to lose 1lb a week, i should eat 1404 calories, or for 2lb a week, 904 calories. I currently eat 1,200 - 1,400 per day plus most of my exercise cals and have not lost any weight at all in over a month (aiming for 1/2 - 1lb per week). If i wanted to lose more, the 904 would be way below the minimum level most people say is ok which is 1,200, so how do i win?

    It also says that a goal of 2 lbs per week with ppl who don't have much to loose would too much of a deficit... maybe you are one of those who need to not focus on weight loss per the scale but rather replacing the fat with muscle?
  • aray1107
    aray1107 Posts: 75
  • tinamina78
    tinamina78 Posts: 241 Member
    Does this mean that there is no way that I can lose 2 pounds each week? My calories to lose 1 pound a week is 1200ish, so I can't drop that down any lower in a safe way to drop 2 pounds a week...or can I?? HELP, ANYONE!! :)

    It's not impossible, but the point of eating above or at your BMR is to keep your body fueled properly and avoid slowing down your metabolism. You can starve yourself and if you stick with it, you will lose weight fast, I'm sure. But once you eat normally again, you will gain weight faster than you'd believe!! (take it from me. I did the starvation, lost 30 pounds, met a guy that made me happy, started eating normally and gained my 30 pounds back in 1/2 a year!).

    What Tigersword is saying so eloquently works for a sustainable, healthy weight loss and a future of healthy living. This is also a good website with a calculator that helps explain things.

    Best wishes!!
  • SPNLuver83
    SPNLuver83 Posts: 2,050 Member
    @ Tinamina78.. Thanks.. Sometimes I exercise sometimes I don't. I am a single mom of 3 teenagers and have 2 grandbabies so my evenings are taken. I do try and take the stroller and walk fo 30 mins but it doesn't happen often. I will really try to start getting closer to my cal. Thanks for the advice

    wtf? YOU are a mother of 3 teenagers and have grandbabies???????? You look SO YOUNG in your profile pic, I thought you were younger than me, and I'm 28. DAMN!
  • athensguy
    athensguy Posts: 550
    A lot of people seem to be posting that you should not eat below your BMR. They provide no real source for this information. I see no reason that your BMR even matters except as part of the equation for TDEE. A calorie burned for BMR is no different than a calorie burned for Exercise Associated Thermogenesis or the other components. TDEE=EAT+NEAT+BMR+EPOC+DIT
  • MoooveOverFluffy
    MoooveOverFluffy Posts: 398 Member
    OK MFP has me confused.... I got the part were you should not eat below your BMR.... mine calculated here and on fat2fit and averaged for the 3 different equations should be : 2454 cals per day.
    my TDEE factor is 1.2 as I am mostly sitting at a desk during the day so : 2944.8 I have/want to lose about 100 lbs so I figured 2lbs a week was a good rate to start.... hence 1000 cals deficit..... 1944.8 cal (close to MFP recommendation).... with eating back most calories from exercise. great, so far it has worked good for me... now my concern is at 1944 cla/day, I am about 500 cals under my BMR.... so should I be concern at the moment ? What do you guys think ?

    (for the record, I drink plenty of water, I am losing weight regularly, I stay within my dietary proportions except maybe for cholesterol and sodium wich is hard to control for me at the moment.... and I exercise every day with more or less intensity, usually low impact like walking etc...)

    The more you have to lose, the bigger deficit you can afford. 2 lbs. per week should be fine. If you say it's working, and you feel good, then keep up the good work!! For the folks with only a few lbs. to lose, it's not realistic for them to set their goal for a 2lb. loss per week........
  • rsmblue
    rsmblue Posts: 353 Member
  • lind3400
    lind3400 Posts: 557 Member
  • Babs0077
    Babs0077 Posts: 51 Member
  • ToBeSmaller
    Anyone else BMR always calculate in the fricking 1,200 range? I am STARVING at that intake and would eat my own children if they sat next to me at night...which they won't because i'm so hungry that the aggravation just radiates off me...

    I work a desk job. Weigh 154. I put in a 1 lb a week loss and get 1,260. there is no way i could stick to that amount every day. WTH am i missing? (obviously self control - but why does everyone else's BMR always seem higher?!?)
  • tinamina78
    tinamina78 Posts: 241 Member
    A lot of people seem to be posting that you should not eat below your BMR. They provide no real source for this information. I see no reason that your BMR even matters except as part of the equation for TDEE. A calorie burned for BMR is no different than a calorie burned for Exercise Associated Thermogenesis or the other components. TDEE=EAT+NEAT+BMR+EPOC+DIT

    You know, honestly, I took the advice because of the definition of BMR:

    -What is Basal Metabolic Rate?
    Your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) is your "base metabolism", or simply the energy or calories you burn while you're at rest. The energy you burn while at rest is sufficient only for the function of your vital organs. (Liver, kidneys, heart, lungs, muscles, nervous system etc.)
    found on:

    To me, this means that my body's VITAL (not yelling, just emphasizing) functions need to be supported with this amount of calories, minimum. I read all the info on BMR from several websites and it just made sense to me that if that's what my body needs when it's at rest (and I mean the BMR that figures NO activity, I'm not talking TDEE), then I shouldn't eat less than that amount.

    I want my vital organs and bodily functions to have the fuel they need to function properly. That's my logic.
  • CherryOnionKiss
    CherryOnionKiss Posts: 376 Member
    so basically all you need to do is eat you exercise calories back and that's it?
  • MoooveOverFluffy
    MoooveOverFluffy Posts: 398 Member
    So, recap. Use the BMR calculator, and then figure out your TDEE from there. Pick a number between them, and NET it consistently. Lose weight. Enjoy life.

    ^^^^THIS....PLEASE....AND THANK YOU.... !!!
  • taylorblues
    taylorblues Posts: 49 Member
    Bump.......looks very interesting!....will catch up later.
  • CherryOnionKiss
    CherryOnionKiss Posts: 376 Member
    According to MFP's Calculation I should eat 1380 cals per day to lose 1 pound a week. But with your calculation I should eat a little more

    BMR x 1.2 (sedentary) = TDEE
    1590.5 x 1.2 = 1908.6
    1908.6 - 500 = 1408.6

    There's a 100 calories gap between this calculation and MFP automatic calculation. Which one is right ?
  • kiwinik
    kiwinik Posts: 25 Member
  • TrishaGuy
    TrishaGuy Posts: 63
  • tinamina78
    tinamina78 Posts: 241 Member
    According to MFP's Calculation I should eat 1380 cals per day to lose 1 pound a week. But with your calculation I should eat a little more

    BMR x 1.2 (sedentary) = TDEE
    1590.5 x 1.2 = 1908.6
    1908.6 - 500 = 1408.6

    There's a 100 calories gap between this calculation and MFP automatic calculation. Which one is right ?

    There is no exact "right." I think with a difference that small, you could play around with it and see what works best for you. make sure you give it a good, consistent chance, though, before deciding it's not working... your body does need time to adjust and recover. Your daily caloric needs will change as you lose weight anyway. If you reach a plateau, you can "tweak" your goal and see if it helps. You're doing great, keep it up!
  • CherryOnionKiss
    CherryOnionKiss Posts: 376 Member
    According to MFP's Calculation I should eat 1380 cals per day to lose 1 pound a week. But with your calculation I should eat a little more

    BMR x 1.2 (sedentary) = TDEE
    1590.5 x 1.2 = 1908.6
    1908.6 - 500 = 1408.6

    There's a 100 calories gap between this calculation and MFP automatic calculation. Which one is right ?
    So far i've lost around 4 pounds in a month so I'm guessing this is what it supposed to be like

    There is no exact "right." I think with a difference that small, you could play around with it and see what works best for you. make sure you give it a good, consistent chance, though, before deciding it's not working... your body does need time to adjust and recover. Your daily caloric needs will change as you lose weight anyway. If you reach a plateau, you can "tweak" your goal and see if it helps. You're doing great, keep it up!
    So far i've lost around 4 pounds in a month so I'm guessing this is what it supposed to be like
  • tgmshierry
    tgmshierry Posts: 83 Member