Fifty Shades of Grey



  • D446
    D446 Posts: 266 Member
    It would be interesting to know how many of the women that are all gaga over this book think that if their husbands watch porn its cheating and/or disrespectfull im sure a good number.:laugh:

    Lol, who cares?!

    Anyway, I started the first book but stopped reading it as I couldn't get into it.
  • Tara4boys
    Tara4boys Posts: 515 Member
    I just finished the first book last night. I was very captivated by the characters and the "forbidden love" and the "dark past" themes. Very entertaining, page turners. The book is often compared to Twilight and the leading male and female do remind me a lot of that series.

    I agree with some of the criticism that the author overuses some of the phrases "blushed, bit lip, twtichy palms" Also annoying that the editor didn't take out the British vernacular since all of the characters are American "ex. Pram, Cookery Book, etc)
  • RhondaLeeRoss
    Read the first one and now on chapter 20 of the second. I downloaded it onto my playbook (that way nobody know I'm reading smut!) I like the books, easy fun read.
  • ClascyParra
    Heard alot of hype about it from a bunch of ladies who were reading it....found out it has porn like situations and apparently my cousin says that the stuff that I read is much raunchier than this series. So i'm skipping it LOL
  • RhondaLeeRoss
    Oh yes, and getting alot more exercise with my hubby if ya know what I mean! Any way you can burn calories ladies!!!! LOL
  • DieVixen
    DieVixen Posts: 790 Member
    It would be interesting to know how many of the women that are all gaga over this book think that if their husbands watch porn its cheating and/or disrespectfull im sure a good number.:laugh:

    Lol, who cares?!

    Anyway, I started the first book but stopped reading it as I couldn't get into it.

    I just find it funny,all the women I know that are all nuts about this book are the same ones that consider porn cheating which furthers my opinion that most women are hypocrites

    ETA: if you didnt care you wouldnt have quoted me,you would have ignored what I said and moved on like everyone that commented after me,you must have cared a little:laugh:
  • D446
    D446 Posts: 266 Member
    It would be interesting to know how many of the women that are all gaga over this book think that if their husbands watch porn its cheating and/or disrespectfull im sure a good number.:laugh:

    Lol, who cares?!

    Anyway, I started the first book but stopped reading it as I couldn't get into it.

    I just find it funny,all the women I know that are all nuts about this book are the same ones that consider porn cheating which furthers my opinion that most women are hypocrites

    ETA: if you didnt care you wouldnt have quoted me,you would have ignored what I said and moved on like everyone that commented after me,you must have cared a little:laugh:

    Lol interesting theory. I was actually just trying to point out to you that nobody cared, and that it had nothing to do with the thread... But anyway :)
  • D446
    D446 Posts: 266 Member
    Oh yes, and getting alot more exercise with my hubby if ya know what I mean! Any way you can burn calories ladies!!!! LOL

    Hmm maybe I should pick this book back up haha!
  • DieVixen
    DieVixen Posts: 790 Member
    It would be interesting to know how many of the women that are all gaga over this book think that if their husbands watch porn its cheating and/or disrespectfull im sure a good number.:laugh:

    Lol, who cares?!

    Anyway, I started the first book but stopped reading it as I couldn't get into it.

    I just find it funny,all the women I know that are all nuts about this book are the same ones that consider porn cheating which furthers my opinion that most women are hypocrites

    ETA: if you didnt care you wouldnt have quoted me,you would have ignored what I said and moved on like everyone that commented after me,you must have cared a little:laugh:

    Lol interesting theory. I was actually just trying to point out to you that nobody cared, and that it had nothing to do with the thread... But anyway :)

    actually it does have to do with thread,the thread is about 50 shades of grey,my comment was about 50 shades of grey
  • StephTheBookworm
    StephTheBookworm Posts: 177 Member
    This is on my to-read list. I've heard excellent things!
  • D446
    D446 Posts: 266 Member
    Oh geeeeez.
  • carrotstick2012
    porn for bored housewives.........I dont need to read my porn,I prefer it on screen. But if I was pressed to pick a book of this nature I would have to go with The story of O

    Not necessarily and I actually read over most of those parts. It was when I got past the first third (approx.) that I started to enjoy it more - when the focus was more on the psychological aspects of who he was. I don't think you can compare reading the books to watching porn. There's a difference between reading fictional words and watching real people.
  • Jessies_journey
    Jessies_journey Posts: 131 Member
    Oooh yes I've read all 3. Love them all! Book 2 was a bit on the boring side, but I had to keep going - I enjoyed #3 - but I think they could have made that book into a couple books! I wanted more!!!
  • vraesgame
    vraesgame Posts: 129 Member
    i read that book! It only took me a day and half because I just couldn't put it down! I loved it.
  • carrotstick2012
  • DieVixen
    DieVixen Posts: 790 Member
    porn for bored housewives.........I dont need to read my porn,I prefer it on screen. But if I was pressed to pick a book of this nature I would have to go with The story of O

    Not necessarily and I actually read over most of those parts. It was when I got past the first third (approx.) that I started to enjoy it more - when the focus was more on the psychological aspects of who he was. I don't think you can compare reading the books to watching porn. There's a difference between reading fictional words and watching real people.

    No there is not,women just like to say that. There is no diffrence between reading about someone getting f***ed and watching someone getting f***ed. In that case I guess those penthouse forum letters are not porn since its words on a page. This is porn geared toward women,men get off by watching people do it,women get off by reading about and calling it a "love story"
    why else would a book so poorly written end up a bestseller?
  • carrotstick2012
    porn for bored housewives.........I dont need to read my porn,I prefer it on screen. But if I was pressed to pick a book of this nature I would have to go with The story of O

    Not necessarily and I actually read over most of those parts. It was when I got past the first third (approx.) that I started to enjoy it more - when the focus was more on the psychological aspects of who he was. I don't think you can compare reading the books to watching porn. There's a difference between reading fictional words and watching real people.

    No there is not,women just like to say that. There is no diffrence between reading about someone getting f***ed and watching someone getting f***ed. In that case I guess those penthouse forum letters are not porn since its words on a page. This is porn geared toward women,men get off by watching people do it,women get off by reading about and calling it a "love story"
    why else would a book so poorly written end up a bestseller?

    It's not the kind of book I would normally read and probably wouldn't have even discovered by now if it hadn't been recommended to me as a (free) fanfiction. I don't know about the penthouse forum letters having never read them - but if they are about real people I wouldn't read it. We can agree to disagree but words about fictional people will always be different to real life people acting in my view.
  • beaglenutty
    beaglenutty Posts: 160 Member
    Im almost done with the 2nd one and Im sure I will read the last one.
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    I want to read it so bad! But my mom made a comment about how it's so bad so I'm going to have to wait until I move out!
  • laurab68
    laurab68 Posts: 5
    This book is bad. Poorly written. Its a big contradiction. I'm on second book and just don't get why people like this.
    Both characters are annoying. And the sex is completely farfetched. Honestly, read something worthwhile.