foot injury



  • jcr85
    jcr85 Posts: 229
    I just started to see some real success on this program, and have injured my foot and will be in boot for at least 4 more weeks....any ideas for exercise? I do not want to fail, or get off track. i have gained back about 1.5 lbs in the last 2 weeks from non activity and being in the boot...Help...

    How did you gain 1.5 lbs... obviously something is wrong with your diet. Maybe you should take the four weeks you have until you don't have wear the boot anymore and really focus on fixing your diet. Having a proper diet is more important than exercise.
  • MyNewZen
    MyNewZen Posts: 101 Member
    To be completely honest, when I broke my foot back in January I tossed the boot and crutches into the back of my car and carried on with every day life. Did it feel good? No? Was it a good idea to run, walk, keep on it? Probably not. Did I do it anyway? Yup. My foot is fine. Aside from the ocassional soreness it's healed and walking/jogging on it didn't damage it further. (The 1,000 medical bill damaged my pride, I can tell you that.)

    Besides the point.

    If you're not comfortable with walking on it, then don't. Yes it will hurt, especially if it's broken. However, there's a very large chance it'll heal just fine whether you use the stupid boot or not.

    ^^... This! I broke my ankle back in June and was tired of being told to sit around in the cast and wait for it to heal. I started walking, then jogging and now I'm running. Does it hurt like a MF sometimes?..yup. But it's better than the alternative...sitting around and chunking up again.

    I would be really carful with this type of advice... if you do more damage you could be out of action for a very long time.

    I'm just getting back in to my hiking after developing tendinitis in my ankle, while I was not hiking I took up dragon boating (it’s a bit like rowing).

    Just use more upper body and eat right till you can get back on it.
  • elwinberry
    Definately make sure you keep the boot on and dont push to quickly. I had foot problems for 2 years still have to wear a brace all because I pushed myself when I shpildnt have. As long as it doesnt hurt to walk you still can. Or maybe even ride the recimbant bike. There is not the pressure or resistance of the regular bike. You can still do all the upper body work. Just make sure you verify things with foot doctor first.
  • matchbox_girl
    matchbox_girl Posts: 535 Member
    Here's the thing: I don't know what kind of foot injury it is.

    Is it fractured?
    Is it broken?
    Is it sprained?
    Is it bruised?
    Is it bloody?
    Is it open?

    I swear to you, a doctor will hand you crutches and a boot if you have a cut on the top of your toe. So, this is for you and your doc to determine. No one on here, including me, can tell you how far to push yourself.
  • docHumphreys
    Well spoken, Matchbox girl. About 2 years ago I tore my achilles on my right foot by not stretching out well enough before using the treadmill. (boy, did I learn from that how important that was) I had two choices; surgery of let it heal on it's own. I decided that if it could heal it would be stronger than cutting it and letting it grow back, It took a tremendous amount of time (over a year) for it to heal. I just took my time, added supplements that helped, and only exercised with what I could that didn't contribute with hurting it worse. You need to learn what you can and can't do. Go slowly. Since you are female I would suggest a calcium supplement. Make sure it is absorbable. Puritan's Pride makes the one the wife and I use. Also, certain vegetable and fruits are high in calcium. It should help the bones to heal faster, also. A good dose of vitamin D will also help the calcium to work better. Good luck!
    Here is a link that has some good info.