What improvements have you made in your life/ diet?



  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    We always say we "want" to make changes, but I have found that two things are necessary--at least for me. It took one significant event to provide instant focus

    For me it was a combination of my 36th birthday and my brother being diagnosed with end stage liver disease. I realized how important health is. When it became about health instead of just looking good, something clicked inside of me. Then, of course, finding MFP. :smile:
  • SGFlyinHi
    SGFlyinHi Posts: 469 Member
    Good job to all.

    For me it was a few major things that changed:

    1: I stopped drinking soda and alcohol and started drinking LOTS of water. I was probably drinking 3-4 cans of soda a day and now I will only have a sip of someone else's once in a long while. I also stopped drinking a lot of alcohol. I still have a drink once in a while, but no where near like I used to . Right now I think I'm going on 2 months without a single drink, but I'll make up for it next month when I'm on vacation. :bigsmile:

    2: I went from eating 2 times a day to eating 5 to 6 times a day. I never ate breakfast and usually ate only lunch and dinner. Lunch was usually fast food and dinner was usually chicken and potatoes. Now I eat 5 to 6 times a day which consists mostly of fresh berries or apples for fruit, green veggies, chicken or egg whites for protien, and almonds, olive oil or avocado for fats. Breakfast was the hardest thing to get used to. I still have a hard time sometimes to make myself eat as soon as I get up, but I do and then I feel better the rest of the day. I have not eaten at a fast food place in over a year.

    3: I went from working out 2 times a week to 5-8 times a week. I was doing weight training 2 times a week, but no cardio. When I started with my current trainer she started getting on my case about doing cardio. I had a hard time incorporating it at first, but then as I started doing it more often I started to feel better. I then started doing cardio in the early morning then would go back in the evening to do my weight training, which was why I was in the gym 8 times during the week. Now I am only in the gym 5 to 6 times a week, depending on my work schedule. I feel 1000 times better now then I did when I started back in Oct 2007.

    This has definitly been a life change for me and I feel awesome. I never thought I had as much will power as I do, though the sweet cravings do get to me once in a while. I just get right back into my routine and don't beat myself up for slipping.

    Good luck to all. :glasses:
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