Help! I have to eat 1800 calories today to NET 1200 calories

I'm really nervous about eating back my exercise calories. I'm supposed to net 1200 each day and I burned 609 calories today. I've been reading that eating back your burned calories helps weight loss. Any success stories from this? thanks!


  • Aeriesified
    Aeriesified Posts: 206 Member
    I'm having a hard time with this part, too. I try to eat them back, but I'm never really hungry enough to. Sometimes I just get something that isn't so good for me just to fill the gap. Probably not a good idea, but I don't have a clue what else to do.
  • michelleepotter
    michelleepotter Posts: 800 Member
    I was just reading a thread today about someone who proved to herself that eating back exercise calories is really necessary:
  • Jamcnair
    Jamcnair Posts: 586 Member
    Don't be doesn't mean you're eating over your calorie deficit. You gotta nourish that body!
  • juliekaiser1988
    juliekaiser1988 Posts: 604 Member
    This topic is covered 10 ways to Sunday. Do a search of that subject- you'll find a million threads.

    Also, you don't have to neccesarily eat more food to get more calories, per se.

    Use olive oil n vinegar on your salad.... avacado on your sandwiches, walnuts on your oatmeal, flax seeds in your protein shakes, etc.

    Plenty of ways to get it done without adding another meal to do it.
  • jackb1285
    I eat back my burnt calories everyday, I've lost 15lbs in 28 days and I'm still going strong. I'm on day 33 right now of actually committing to my weight loss. I would think it would be unhealthy to not eat at least most of them back for you especially on a 1200 a day net goal. Let me know how it goes.
    Side note< I am not a doctor but I once watched E.R. didn't much enjoy it but meh, it wasn't horrible, my point being I'm no expert I just know it works for me.
    good Luck
  • Twiinkless
    Twiinkless Posts: 27 Member
    I tend not to worry about it as long as I balance it out over the week. Say today you eat 1500 and you burnt 600 so you net 900 right? What if tomorrow you don't get to work out and you eat a bit more so you net 1500? Now you've got a weekly deficit of 600. See how it can balance out? As long as you're not doing this every single day, it's fine. If you are doing it all the time, then consider revising your meal plans because you wouldn't be fuelling your body enough for the exercise you're doing.
    Not a doctor or professional, this is just how I see it.
    Hope it helps :)
  • healthyliving_girl
    healthyliving_girl Posts: 290 Member
    I almost always eat back my exercise calories. It's easy to do with healthy foods like nuts (I favor pistachios, cashews, and almonds), seeds (sunflower seeds - actually I like something called "Beach Bash" which is a trail mix from seeds, not nuts), and avocados.

    I also sometimes will add in more protein or carbs then - like a steak, french bread roll, or something. HAHA.
  • RedHotRunner
    RedHotRunner Posts: 850 Member
    Only 1800? That should be easy. Just have a few slices of avacado and some nuts in addition to your regular meals and you're golden.
  • Pepper2185
    Pepper2185 Posts: 994 Member
    Worked for me!

    I eat every calorie, and lose consistent weight eating way more than 1200 calories per day!
  • Walkin4Lyfe
    Walkin4Lyfe Posts: 15 Member
    The easiest way for me to net 1200 after exercise was for me to eat 6 times a day. Breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner, snack. It helps to plan your meals and exercise ahead of time as well. I don't eat all of my exercise cals back, but I make sure my net is 1200 after exercise. For a while my net would be below 1200 and I stopped losing weight. But as soon as I upped my net to 1200 after exercise I lost 8 pounds in a two week frame. I'm not a professional so I'm just speaking from my own experience. Another factor to think about is if you're not eating enough, you're not giving your body the fuel (food) it needs to burn anything. I hope this info is useful to you. :)
  • polrbear
    polrbear Posts: 31 Member
    But what if you're just not hungry???? I listen to my body now instead of just mindless eating. I know when I need protein, I know when I am lacking carbs. I often crave veggies or strangely enough, beans, lentils and such. I try to eat more to eat back my exercise calories, but when I exercise, I don't feel hunger. HELP!
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    Only 1800? That should be easy. Just have a few slices of avacado and some nuts in addition to your regular meals and you're golden.

    I was thinking the same thing lol..... I am currently eating 3200 calories a day (yes i eat my exercise calories back) and I have no problem eating that amount so 1800 would be easy over the course of the day.. Add in some good fats like nuts (almonds, pistachios) and peanut butter are a go to in my day... Also love a big glass of 1% chocolate milk at bedtime....
  • Rachiepie6
    Rachiepie6 Posts: 423 Member
    lol I'll be eating about 2500 today... I find it hard to eat 1800 coz I get hungry, love having a high metabolism because I eat above my BMR.
  • cstakes02
    cstakes02 Posts: 22
    I eat back my burnt calories everyday, I've lost 15lbs in 28 days and I'm still going strong. I'm on day 33 right now of actually committing to my weight loss. I would think it would be unhealthy to not eat at least most of them back for you especially on a 1200 a day net goal. Let me know how it goes.
    Side note< I am not a doctor but I once watched E.R. didn't much enjoy it but meh, it wasn't horrible, my point being I'm no expert I just know it works for me.
    good Luck
    Thanks Jack
  • cstakes02
    cstakes02 Posts: 22
    I almost always eat back my exercise calories. It's easy to do with healthy foods like nuts (I favor pistachios, cashews, and almonds), seeds (sunflower seeds - actually I like something called "Beach Bash" which is a trail mix from seeds, not nuts), and avocados.

    I also sometimes will add in more protein or carbs then - like a steak, french bread roll, or something. HAHA.
    Yummy thanks,
  • marekdds
    marekdds Posts: 2,211 Member
    YES, went from 215 to 140 eating back my calories. And yes, on hard exercise days, had to get creative. I found nuts, dried fruit, and cheese quickly got me the cals w/o feeling like I was stuffing myself. Good luck to you. You can do this.
  • cstakes02
    cstakes02 Posts: 22
    The easiest way for me to net 1200 after exercise was for me to eat 6 times a day. Breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner, snack. It helps to plan your meals and exercise ahead of time as well. I don't eat all of my exercise cals back, but I make sure my net is 1200 after exercise. For a while my net would be below 1200 and I stopped losing weight. But as soon as I upped my net to 1200 after exercise I lost 8 pounds in a two week frame. I'm not a professional so I'm just speaking from my own experience. Another factor to think about is if you're not eating enough, you're not giving your body the fuel (food) it needs to burn anything. I hope this info is useful to you. :)
    Very encouraging thanks!
  • cstakes02
    cstakes02 Posts: 22
    YES, went from 215 to 140 eating back my calories. And yes, on hard exercise days, had to get creative. I found nuts, dried fruit, and cheese quickly got me the cals w/o feeling like I was stuffing myself. Good luck to you. You can do this.
    Thanks for the ideas. You are very sweet and encouraging.
  • Vyshness8699
    Vyshness8699 Posts: 428 Member
    Yes it works when you eat your excerise calories I usually eat 75% of my exercise calories so far I've lost 41lbs and I'm following a 1200 calorie diet also
  • lynne172
    lynne172 Posts: 11
    I'm new to if I my net calories consumed/ day is suppose to be 1640 and I burn 600 by exercising, does that mean I need to eat 2200 calories?