can i lose weight but still eat rubbish?



  • bridgie101
    bridgie101 Posts: 817 Member
    If you eat junk you end up with cravings, I have discovered, that make it harder and harder over time to stay on the diet. You don't get enough nutrients.

    1200 cals a day is considered about the lowest a person can go and get all the nutrients they need from their food. That's why this place won't let you go lower. On a calorie rate that low you have to be careful to get as many goodies into you as possible.
    the sugar cravings will go over a short while - you would be surprised how quickly your body forgets sugar.

    There will be real foods that you like, it's just a matter of remembering what they are.

    an egg on toast?
    a pottle of yoghurt?
    a bunch of grapes?
    frozen yoghurt and tamarilloes?
    nice bit of steak
    a baked potato!

    Just think about the real food you like, write it down if you need to... start from there, see where you get to.
  • castadiva
    castadiva Posts: 2,016 Member
    You have to find something that's sustainable for you. I personally find an 80/20 (or 90/10 if I'm having a good week!) rule works well for me. If my choices 80 per cent of the time are healthy, then the 20 per cent that is less healthy is much less of an issue. I haven't given anything up entirely, just reduced frequency and/or portions. Most days I'll have a little of something I fancy, or even a little of a few things, provided they fit into my calorie goals. I also try to make the 20 per cent choices a bit better, and more enjoyable - 30g of good quality chocolate rather than a bar of Dairy Milk, or a slice of freshly-made crisp pizza from my local pizzeria instead of two or three slices of soggy, much-higher-calorie Dominos. Having the indulgences I like in moderation makes me much less likely to fall off the wagon entirely, and keeps this lifestyle enjoyable for me - life's too short not to enjoy yourself! Good luck finding your balance.
  • amy1612
    amy1612 Posts: 1,356 Member
    I think you'd be stupid to try.

    Once you cut out junk your body will stop craving it. Simple. Eat healthier, eat more fruit, and change the way you eat and think about food. Have unhealthy food in moderation, and find ways of making healthy 'junk', such as flatbread pizzas, or fresh fruit lollies or what have you.

    I could go on a massive rant about people who just cut calories whilst still eating crap (such as the slim fast diet), but I wont. Suffice to say, it wont change your eating habits, and you'll be more likey to regain.
  • najla56
    najla56 Posts: 195 Member
    sounds strange yes but what i mean is as long as i eat only my 1200 calories can i eat sweets and high fat food or does it mean i have to eat 1200 calories of healthy food. see im a snacker and crave suger so im trying to figure out what i can and cannot have
    please help

    I do, I eat takeaway food a lot, chocolate a lot.... BUT I walk a lot to counter it. IMO eat what u like or you'll be miserable and then quit, just watch what u put in your mouth.... however I do agree with the people who say eventually you have to eat more healthy, so try mixing it up only eat rubbish.... say at works for me, & BTW I've lost 42lbs so far, so it works for me.

    I cant spend a day without eating a sugar treat. most days 100ml scoop ice cream, some days a whole DBC even! and i loose weight:) but i always always always exercise, and try to stay around (i dare not say under:tongue: ) calorie limit(+/- 100 cal atmost)
  • najla56
    najla56 Posts: 195 Member
    sounds strange yes but what i mean is as long as i eat only my 1200 calories can i eat sweets and high fat food or does it mean i have to eat 1200 calories of healthy food. see im a snacker and crave suger so im trying to figure out what i can and cannot have
    please help

    I do, I eat takeaway food a lot, chocolate a lot.... BUT I walk a lot to counter it. IMO eat what u like or you'll be miserable and then quit, just watch what u put in your mouth.... however I do agree with the people who say eventually you have to eat more healthy, so try mixing it up only eat rubbish.... say at works for me, & BTW I've lost 42lbs so far, so it works for me.

    I agree^^

    I cant spend a day without eating a sugar treat. most days 100ml scoop ice cream, some days a whole DBC even! and i loose weight:) but i always always always exercise, and try to stay around (i dare not say under:tongue: ) calorie limit(+/- 100 cal atmost)

    edited to add: and i try to make sure that the rest of my food is very healthy too
  • EllieMo
    EllieMo Posts: 131 Member
    Technically, you could, say, eat 4 Mars bars a day and nothing else, and lose weight, but it's not something I think anyone would advise :)

    You can eat "junk", but the problem with such food is that it tends to not be very filling, and lacking in the nutrients you need.

    Best to ensure you have a balanced diet and have "junk" as an occasional treat
  • Quiing
    Quiing Posts: 261 Member
    Theoretically yes you can as long as you maintain a caloric deficit.

    However if you value your health, you'd need to take vitamins and keep an eye on your macros to make sure you are giving your body at least some of what it needs.
  • LastTenPoundsGodDamnYou
    Yes, sounds like a brilliant lifestyle. I recommend 4 Snickers Bars per day - only 1200 cals. Slim in no time.
    SCOUSERWENCH Posts: 74 Member
    YES but in moderation! I still eat junk and still lost weight lol
  • jonski1968
    jonski1968 Posts: 4,498 Member
    But what would be the point?
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    When I get sweet cravings I go for dried fruit (I'm not a big fan of fresh fruit) oats sweetened with honey etc.
    IF that isn't cutting it, I go for 2 scoops of low fat icecream or some sorbet or a few squares of REALLY dark chocolate.
    I think that you can still eat the things you want, just eat less. I no longer go through a pint of icecream in 3 minutes because I feel satisfied after just one or two scoops. Craving gone, no major calorie gain, move on with my day.
  • BreakingOath
    BreakingOath Posts: 193 Member
    As long as you stay in a calorie deficit it does not matter what you eat. But by eating "rubbish" you most likely will not get the correct nutrients your body needs to sustain itself and you may become an unhealthy skinny. Carbs give your body energy, protein helps rebuild and keep your muscles strong, and healthy fats have a number of reasons why they should be included in your diet.

    The goal should be just about losing weight by eating rubbish, because that seems to just be a quick fix. It needs to be a a healthy lifestyle change that you can stick with throughout life. :)
  • katysmelly
    katysmelly Posts: 380 Member
    sounds strange yes but what i mean is as long as i eat only my 1200 calories can i eat sweets and high fat food or does it mean i have to eat 1200 calories of healthy food. see im a snacker and crave suger so im trying to figure out what i can and cannot have
    please help

    Yes, you can. You can do whatever you like. :smile:

    You will lose weight if you eat fewer calories than you burn, and it doesn't really matter what form those calories are in. However, there are other factors to consider. First, of course, is your overall health. But, you are allowed to decide that you don't care about every vitamin and mineral, so long as you are smaller. That's your choice.

    Another thing to consider is your cravings and metabolism. I am a sugar craver. I want to pig out on CAKE and then I go into a sugar crash and feel horrible and then I'm sorta hungry and I eat more CAKE and on and on goes the vicious cycle. On the other hand, if I eat lots of fibre and protein (meat and veggies), I feel fuller for longer and I don't get the blood-sugar yo-yo effect. This makes it easier to eat fewer calories and I generally just feel happier for it.

    What is absolutely possible is a little of both: eat sensibly, choosing foods that are high in nutrients and slower to digest (protein, fibre, and fats) and then "banking" a few extra calories so that you can occasionally indulge in your favourite treat.

    You may find that these treats start to lose their appeal as you break away from your addiction to them. But, that's just a bonus. You decide what you want to do. Logging what you eat and weighing yourself is the first step. You'll learn what works for you - what you can live with, what you can be happy with, and what you lose weight with.

  • wendywoolley
    thanks every one i do try to make some healthy changes like fruit instead of choc or yogurt but then find i eat 4 bananas in a row to stop the craving 1 choc bar would of solved. it good to know that i can make the changes slowley and still say on track to lose weight
  • frankiesats
    frankiesats Posts: 114 Member
    I've said this so many times.


    1200 calories of McDonalds chicken nuggets
    1200 calories of lettuce

    Is you did this on a daily basis (obviously neither is healthy at all!) which do you think would make you lose more weight, quicker?

    A balanced, mostly clean diet is the best way to lose weight. AND you need to consider this to be a 'lifestyle change' rather than a 'diet' the second you hit your goal weight stop 'dieting' you'll gain all those pounds back. Learn to love fruit and veg :)

    And of course, the occasionally treat is a great thing!
  • liftingheavy
    liftingheavy Posts: 551 Member
    Just have something like that once in a while. After a bit, you will find that you crave it less and less, especially sugar.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    sounds strange yes but what i mean is as long as i eat only my 1200 calories can i eat sweets and high fat food or does it mean i have to eat 1200 calories of healthy food. see im a snacker and crave suger so im trying to figure out what i can and cannot have
    please help

    You can, yes.

    But if you would like to try to eat healthier, as a sweet-tooth victim myself, I can give you some pointers on getting your fix in a healthier way and also minimizing those cravings.
  • squishycow7
    squishycow7 Posts: 820 Member
    technically yes.

    but you will find that healthier options give you a greater quantity of food.

    for instance, 200 calories of chocolate is NOT a lot and probably will not leave you full
    but 200 calories of lettuce is something like 25 cups.... you'd definitely feel full if you ate that much!!

    so don't tell yourself you can't have ANY treats, but you'll probably WANT to eat healthier (regardless of actual health benefits) once you see how fast your calories get used up.
  • LeenaRuns
    LeenaRuns Posts: 1,309 Member
    Can I lose weight but still eat rubbish? Yes, but you won't necessarily be healthy
  • douglasmobbs
    douglasmobbs Posts: 563 Member
    A journalist did a programme about this a year or so ago in the UK. He had a full medical before he started, only ate junk food but stayed within his limits, then had a medical at the end of the period (I think it was one month)

    Apart from all the negative effects this had on his moods and emotion etc he lost weight but the medicals showed that he was in considerably worse health at the end of the experiment compared to the start.