90lbs down - When will I FEEL the dfference?????



  • sars_68
    sars_68 Posts: 308 Member
    Do you mean you still feel frumpy physically or just mentally? If it's physically, check your sodium intake. I didn't start to feel thinner until I reduced mine (I try to keep it less than 1800mg).

    Bit of both really - but I will take on board your advice. I think I do tend to have a bit too much salt at times.

  • onmywaytoskinny155
    onmywaytoskinny155 Posts: 228 Member
    I still go to the plus section first before I go to the smaller section.
  • frosty73
    frosty73 Posts: 424 Member
    i know you aren't fishing for compliments, but I have to say..... WAY TO GO!

    For me, I lost weight a long time ago but didn't really "feel" any different. I guess I was expecting the heavens to open and a parade of unicorns to shower rainbows and butterflies on me. It didn't happen.... and I gained the weight back over a period of time.

    THIS time, I am making sure to log and keep track of how hard I work, so I have proof that *I deserve this*. I worked hard for it. Never, ever forget how hard it was and how far you've come. Take a moment to smile at yourself in the mirror every day and say, "Well done, you!" Take ownership of your new body, love it, and feed it well.

    Long live the skinny woman! :happy:
  • j77r68
    j77r68 Posts: 271 Member
    i assume you were larger for many years like most of us and the self esteem and body image issues started way back then or
    probably even earlier. it's going to take quite a bit of doing positive affirmations with yourself.(drilling positive images into your head) talking with a counsellor to uproot issues to see what else may be blocking total success.
    Congrats on your success thus far and good luck at repairing yourself inside
  • krisrpaz
    krisrpaz Posts: 266 Member
    Try doing like the Biggest Loser and put the weight back on in the form of weights strapped to various parts of your body. It doesn't even have to be 90 pounds. I lifed a 40 bag of salt the other day and couldn't believe I used to carry almost twice that much. How did my poor body handle it? It didn't!! It kind of helps you realize how far you've come and how thankful your body and joints are to you. Of course my naturally negative mind thinks "Now if I could just lose ONE more of you..." but I'm still working on that negative mindset ;-) My mind and body are a constant work in progress.
  • escloflowneCHANGED
    escloflowneCHANGED Posts: 3,038 Member
    This is what made me feel it (Still think I look terrible and avoid mirrors). I played a sport(paintball) that I hadn't played since I lost the weight...It was night and day. I was running around and felt faster, stronger and overall better, that's when I felt the change and it only pushed me harder. Do you have any sports or physical activities that you loved before the weight loss that you haven't done since? If so, go try it and you will be surprised!
  • kidskart
    kidskart Posts: 79 Member
    I feel that way at times. I know I've lost weight, but still feel like the fattest person in the room.

    Yesterday was the first day I had gone to looke for new jeans, I tried on a 22, then a 20, next an 18, then a 16, finally a 14 fit! A 14 from the Jr. section not the Plus section. That was a real motivator!
  • krisrpaz
    krisrpaz Posts: 266 Member
    i know you aren't fishing for compliments, but I have to say..... WAY TO GO!

    For me, I lost weight a long time ago but didn't really "feel" any different. I guess I was expecting the heavens to open and a parade of unicorns to shower rainbows and butterflies on me. It didn't happen.... and I gained the weight back over a period of time.

    THIS time, I am making sure to log and keep track of how hard I work, so I have proof that *I deserve this*. I worked hard for it. Never, ever forget how hard it was and how far you've come. Take a moment to smile at yourself in the mirror every day and say, "Well done, you!" Take ownership of your new body, love it, and feed it well.

    Long live the skinny woman! :happy:

    This is one of the BEST posts I have ever read on MFP. First of all, it almost made me spit my coffee out from laughing at the "expecting the heavens to open and a parade of unicorns to shower rainbows and butterflies on me" part. But the second paragraph is gold. :-) It is so easy to forget to do this.
  • PaveGurl
    PaveGurl Posts: 244 Member
    You've been heavier longer than you've been "small" - of course it's going to take time to re-envision yourself!

    You have made amazing strides and incredible progress - and you may not FEEL thin, but it's important at this stage to realise you are still seeing your "old" self in your mind's eye, and give yourself kudos at the smaller size. For me, realising that my mental picture of myself isn't accurate was a HUGE thing.

    My breakthrough came when I was with my partner somewhere, and he pointed out a woman with a body I envied. I got upset! I was SO MAD - and he was confused! I cried "why would you point out a girl like that when I look like THIS?!"

    And that's when he said that she and I had the same sort of body! I was completely flummoxed, so he asked me to point out what I thought I looked like - and then it was his turn to be bewildered, because it was completely not how he (and, it turned out, others) sees me.

    Perhaps something like that might be helpful - find someone you trust implicitly to help you get a visual on where you were when you began - and where you are now? That was such an eye-opening experience for me, I can't even tell you.
  • mariannelyman
    Congratulations on your weight loss!! I've lost 96 pounds from gastric bypass, but after 11 months the weight is coming off slowly. I think this website is great motivation! The food diary is really great, too. I feel so much more energenic since the weight has come off. I wish I knew how to post pictures in this post so you could see my before and after photos.
  • NewFitKeri
    NewFitKeri Posts: 190 Member

    For me, I pay attention to how I feel doing things that most take for granted...such as feeling lighter walking...try paying attention to little things like that. Is it much easier for you to do most things now? Relish in those moments and hopefully you'll start to actually feel it.

    Keep up the hard work!
  • catherinergrunden
    catherinergrunden Posts: 14 Member
    You are experiencing a perfectly normal thought process after losing a lot of weight. I struggled with it for months. I was even considering therapy at one point because I just couldn't see or feel the 100 pound difference. It's hard for someone that hasn't lost a lot of weight to understand. I lost 100 pounds but still saw the old me in the mirror. That's no joke, either. I literally thought I still looked exactly the same! Mentally I KNEW I was wearing six sizes smaller but physically I thought I looked the same. Kinda freaked me out!

    Comparing pictures has really helped. The mirror just doesn't cut it. I also took my husband out to the mall and made him point out women that had a similar body size as me. That was an eye opener! I'd point out someone I thought I looked like, and he just laughed. Then he'd point out someone my size and I'd be astonished! This may sound strange, allowing my husband to check out other women. But I really had no concept of what I looked like. It really helped. Of course, he then asked if I needed him to compare breast size, too. Men :P

    It will take awhile for your brain to catch up to your body. But it will happen eventually!
  • maysflower
    maysflower Posts: 180
    First off, congrats on your success. I do know how you feel. I'm down 75 lbs, but I still feel as big as I did before my weight loss. I think that I will "feel" my weight loss when I no longer have a muffin top or flabby thighs and when I put on a bathing suit and not feel like I need to cover up. Everyone is different, and I'm sure you will feel your weight loss at some point. Just keep going, keep a smile on your face and it will happen. Stay positive.
  • jenalderman
    jenalderman Posts: 411 Member
    LOL.....thank you so much for posting this! I thought it was just me! I was starting to think that I had become obsessed or had some sort of disorder! I have to remind myself literally EVERY day that I'm not fat any more, I too go to the big girl sizes first and then I'm surprised when I can't find a size 7 there. I start to head into the handicapped toilet stall when I remember that I can actually fit in the regular ones now. I also sometimes catch myself still making derogatory remarks about my body. This one I am getting a lot better about and I'm pretty quick to apologize to myself and remind myself of where I started and where I am today. The only time I truly feel like a thin person now is when I'm running. I'm with you. I can't wait until my mind catches up with my body.
  • Hawksbillus
    Hawksbillus Posts: 128 Member
    I don't know what your exercise program is like, but if you've lost a lot of weight through diet alone or with a lot of cardio, you may feel skinnier, but still feel weak. One thing that has helped me a lot lately has been to add strength training to my workout. It's only been 3 weeks, but I've not only lost some more weight, but I feel strong and powerful. It's totally changed how I "feel" about my body, even though I'm only 1/3 of the way to my weight goal.

    This article is one that convinced my wife to start strength training with me 4-5 days a week.


    After she read this she said: "I want to be her!!!"
  • katysmelly
    katysmelly Posts: 380 Member
    I once saw an episode of Extreme Makeover (the only one I've ever watched, actually) in which they took a young woman who had had a disfiguring accident as a young child and fixed her face.

    They also gave her charm and etiquette lessons. Why?

    They knew it wasn't enough for her to look in the mirror and see a pretty face... she had internalized a self-image of Quasimodo and that wasn't going to go away all by itself. They wanted to give her some confidence-boosting poise tips so that she could carry herself like the beautiful woman she was.

    It was a really heart-warming episode - she looked fantastic. I mean, she was at least an "8" if not a "9" and when she walked into the room and graciously greeted her family with a big smile, everybody burst into tears. But, I digress.

    Anyway, my point is that it's going to take a while for what you've internalized to catch up with your exterior.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    First off, congrats on your success!!

    There are days when I'm almost surprised at how people react to my changes. Just yesterday I ran into a girl in my office that I hadn't seen in a while and she just raved about how good I looked and even hugged me! Thing is, compliments from others, as heart warming and wonderful as they are, are fleeting. Unless you feel that same joy from within, you can't fully absorb it and believe it.

    Two things have helped me fully realize my progress so far...

    First, take a look at some old pictures and pull out that pair of pants or dress or whatever you still have hanging in your closet from when you were at your heaviest. Take a real good look at the differences you've made and really think about how far you've come and all the hard work you've put into it. You need to be proud of what you've done! It's not all about the number on the scale. It's about your improved health and well-being as well. Also think about how you can move around better now and have more energy, etc. And how your eating habits and coping skills (going for a walk instead of reaching for the cookies) may have changed too. Start a journal or blog if that helps get your thoughts going...

    Second, I totally agree with getting on the fitness bandwagon. Not sure what you're doing for exercise now but maybe it's time to add some challenges like say you walk but you could walk farther or faster, or maybe even try running and/or sign up for an event. If you're not doing strength training, try adding that in. Or maybe join a sports team or hike somewhere you've always wanted to - the possibilities are endless!
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    first, it takes time for your brain to catch up.
    second, you have to work hard on remembering all the stuff that was awesome that you loved about yourself before you lost the weight and cultivate it.
    third, let go of her.

    it sounds terrible, but the girl you used to be... wasnt in a healthy state of mindan body and she may have held on toa lot of fear. You woke up and changed one day because you didnt want that anymore, you wanted something different, right?

    she would want you to be happy.

    so take the time, to let your brain catch up, and let her go. She served her purpose and got you here- so take the best and run with it.

    It WILL happen, I promise.

    pretty soon you'll be dancing around in front of your mirror taking dirty pictures and you wont remember exactly how you USED to look, only how small you feel now.

    Its ok :)
  • whpd700516004
    whpd700516004 Posts: 4 Member
    Its just in your mind find ur self a thearpist.