soda not diet not zero but real calorie filled soda



  • I was a Coke addict too. I changed to Diet Dr. Pepper because Coke Zero had not come out yet and I hated the Diet Coke and Diet Dr. Pepper like Coke Zero tastes like the original. So, I drink both Coke Zero and Diet Dr. P! Why not give them a try.
  • Lizabee84
    Lizabee84 Posts: 346 Member
    My boyfriend and I were total coke junkies. We could go through a 12-pack each over a weekend. I eventually switched to diet (go for the one's that don't taste /as/ diet-y as others: Coke Zero, Dr. Pepper 10, Diet Barq's--even my boyfriend says these aren't too bad and he hates diet coke). And you know what? I lost about 20 lbs. just taking that out of my diet.

    Then I weened myself off diet coke by getting flavored seltzer water (not the diet kind because it'd defeat the purpose), but it still gave me that carbonated feeling I missed. Eventually, I just figured why spend the money, got a Brita faucet attachment, and now I drink plain water most of the time. It's a process, but doable. I never thought I'd give up coke.

    One way to help reduce your intake is to buy those smaller cans or bottles that they've begun to come out with. I think they're 8 oz. instead of 12. But if you really want inspiration, then know that you absolutely will lose weight by simply taking regular coke out of your diet.

    My husband and myself were a coke junkie too. We would go through a case in a week. Then we decided to lessen it to a 12 pack. Now we do not buy soda for the house. It is a treat to either get it at work (my guilty pleasure some days) or at a restruant. I havent seen a big differnce for me but my husband lost 10 pounds after doing this. Good Luck
  • My husband was. He was drinking 6-8 cans of Coke a day. (and I followed his habits and started drinking 2-3) we both stopped cold turkey on New Years. It was pretty difficult at first. We would actually take Excedrin (it has caffeine along with tylenol and aspirin) Just to help alleviate the caffeine withdrawals and migraines we got the first week or so. But by the end of the second to third week it wasn't so bad. And we stopped craving them. We have a 12 pack that we bought just before Christmas still sitting in my kitchen, untouched. And I have actually began preferring ice water! (Which I never have before)
    After 2 months of absolutely NO soda. we will occasionally treat our selves to one. I would say huibby has roughyl 1 a week and I am having about 1 every 2 weeks.
    Moral of the story. It was HARD, especially for my husband. (He had been drinking them like that since before I met him 6-7 years) but is IS possible and you WON'T regret giving them up! :)
  • nukebhs83
    nukebhs83 Posts: 158
    I LOVE LOVE LOVE COKE. i used to drink a 2 ltr bottle a day. i quit-cold turkey- about a year ago and have been miserable ever since--i dream about coke--some days i would kick a puppy for just a sip of coke (not really--puppies are way too cute--but you get the idea). i now allow myself one 20 oz bottle every other week as a treat. i drink a diet coke-sorry diet dr pepper (here in tx when someone asks if we want a coke and we say yes--we ask what kind--that means coke, dr pepper, pepsi) every once in a while but it gives me a headache so i limit them.
  • jennifer52484
    jennifer52484 Posts: 888 Member
    I gave soda up for my resolution a few years ago. I went over a year without any soda. Now I might have a diet one now and again. but for the most part I drink water. Have you tried carbonated water? It might be a way to slowly reduce your intake of regular soda.
  • BigAlfrn
    BigAlfrn Posts: 173 Member
    i quit soda cold turkey lol i used to love an ice cold pepsi or a orange crush mmm mm good. when i started educating myself about all the stuff that i ate and drank regularly it made me change. now i'm not saying that i wouldnt have a soda every now and again but i dont think about it at all. i dont even buy juice when i go food shopping.
  • Yes,

    I too was a PESPI ADDICT. My mom said I started @ 3MONTHS:) All I drink now is Pepsi Max. I love it and a case last me for awhile cause I drink it every now and then, not on a regular basis. Just cut back, you can do it. :)

    Slim Sconie aka EX PEPSI ADDICT
  • xjackie83
    xjackie83 Posts: 23 Member
    I love soda and I can't drink the coke zero or diet soda because artificial sugars taste extremely bitter to me and leave a badddd aftertaste. So it's all HFCS or sugar soda for me. I've been off soda for three months now. I will admit that I did have sprite once when I was sick because I was hoping it would help settle my stomach.

    The way I stopped drinking it was simple: I just didn't allow myself to have it. I did the same thing with fast food. I just wouldn't buy it and I would make the decision to drink/eat other things. Plus, when I'm drinking water or have constant access to it, I'm so hydrated that I can't drink anything else.

    I don't see myself being soda free forever, but I think it's kind of essential when you're losing weight. I don't think I'll ever go back to drinking soda like I did. Someday I would like to enjoy it as a nice treat when I go out to dinner.
  • SarahLee10
    SarahLee10 Posts: 10 Member
    For me it was a caffiene thing. I would have a pop (20 oz coke ) every day at lunch and then usually another at home after dinner. The weekends were just a free for all with the pop! I finally was able to kick it by switching to tea at lunch and dinner. Unsweet tea. I got my caffiene fix and kicked the pop habit. Its been since Jan 7th 2012 and now i mostly get my caffiene in my morning coffee. I had my bumps in the road and have had a few here and there ( mainly Capt morgans and coke) but usually its all water and some tea. I craved it for about the first month. You can try crystal light to give the water a little flavor, or slice up lemons and keep them in a pitcher of water in your fridge. You can do it!! Good Luck!
  • _ylime_
    _ylime_ Posts: 661 Member
    I HATE drinking my calories, so I have that on my side. I do wish I could cut out the diet soda though. I love the burn!!!
    Maybe you can switch to carbonated water w/ a splash of lemon?

    I want to invest in one of those Sodastream machines where you make your own, but it's $100 and I'm not 100% sure if it's worth it yet. I have a feeling in my case it would be.

    Do it! I love mine... each CO2 cartridge yields about 50-60 L of soda water... and it is only $15 to exchange... soooo... I save a ton of money and have really cut back on soda (diet coke addict here)... :drinker:
  • shellsrenee01
    shellsrenee01 Posts: 357 Member
    Ooooh soda, how I love and hate thee!

    I can totally relate to your issue. I am addicted to the stuff myself. People who advise to switch to diet may not fully understand the addiction. When I have a diet soda, all my brain thinks about is "What is this crap?" and I still have a regular one.

    It wasn't until I started MFP that I realized how many of my daily calories were from soda alone. This has helped me to tone it WAY down! I still have one from time to time, but not nearly as often. I've tried to quit completely, but that isn't going to happen. I just can't do it (and to be honest, I don't really want to do it. I love the stuff...and yes, I know, it's bad. Se la vie! haha)

    Good luck! One alternative I do, when I am at a fast food restaurant, is to order the Light Lemonade! I find it to be sweet enough to trick my mind that is isn't "diet" lemonade, haha.
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    Hey, at least you know one thing you can completely cut out and lose a ton of weight almost instantly!

    Soda is the glue that keeps fat on our bellies.

    The more you drink, the more you want it!

    Start chugging water. Buy a big jug and force yourself to drink tons of it. It will become habit before long and you won't really even crave the soda anymore....
  • spynoodle
    spynoodle Posts: 404
    I HATE drinking my calories, so I have that on my side. I do wish I could cut out the diet soda though. I love the burn!!!
    Maybe you can switch to carbonated water w/ a splash of lemon?

    I want to invest in one of those Sodastream machines where you make your own, but it's $100 and I'm not 100% sure if it's worth it yet. I have a feeling in my case it would be.

    Do it! I love mine... each CO2 cartridge yields about 50-60 L of soda water... and it is only $15 to exchange... soooo... I save a ton of money and have really cut back on soda (diet coke addict here)... :drinker:

    Yeah ~ I think I'm going to do it! I hate lugging the 12 packs several blocks from the store, too!!! :wink:
  • I am a soda addict as well, and often think it is so out of line with my lifestyle. I eat about 80% organic, so you would think that I wouldn't be able to put soda in my body, but I love mountain dew. I have quit several times and always return becuase I can't drink it in moderation. I have been soda free now for two weeks and found a tea that I really enjoy hot or cold. It is Arizona green tea with Pomegranate and acai. I buy the tea bags and brew my own and don't anything to it. It tastes great and is good for you. The only problem I had was that my grocery store quit carrying it so I had to order from Amazon. I have also tried the organic version and it is not as tasty! Good luck quitting the soda! Also keep in mind that diet soda is pretty much the same as drinking rat poison so if you are trying to make healthy changes don't give up one bad for another.
  • AnninStPaul
    AnninStPaul Posts: 1,372 Member
    Okay its been confirmed I am addicted to soda not just one kind almost any kind..I have tried numerous times to stop and I can't well I did stop for 2 weeks but even then soda stayed on my this point all I can do is reduce the amount I drink which I have ..I now have one 12oz can a day and dats working for now..but I want to know is there anyone else out there with a soda habit as bad as mine or if anybody has quit and how did u do and do u still think about it

    There is some research that suggests HFCS, the sweetener used in most non-diet soda in the US, does not stimulate satiety the way that real sugar does. Which would explain why a "small" soda in the US is often 16oz....

    I would suggest switching to soda with real sugar, which often comes in smaller containers. Keep counting the calories and decide if it's really worth 150-200 calories per day.

    I only drink sugar sweetened soda (no HFCS), and then only rarely as a dessert type treat.
  • I used to drink full fat, switched to diet and could never go back! although I do drink about 2l a day of the stuff which is not healthy at all, but at least there's not a lot of calories !x
  • bassanne
    bassanne Posts: 56
    I was addicted to Diet Mt Dew. I still have one every morning, but after that I use the Wyler's drink mixes in my water, which has seriously uped my water intake. I love the cool raspberry one, 10 calories and the cost $1 for a box of 8 from Dollar General.
  • Okay its been confirmed I am addicted to soda not just one kind almost any kind..I have tried numerous times to stop and I can't well I did stop for 2 weeks but even then soda stayed on my this point all I can do is reduce the amount I drink which I have ..I now have one 12oz can a day and dats working for now..but I want to know is there anyone else out there with a soda habit as bad as mine or if anybody has quit and how did u do and do u still think about it

    I was addicted to Mt Dew. I drink Crystal Light Lemonade. If I don't have lemonade, I will drink soda. But that is how I kicked it! Good luck!!
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    Do it! I love mine... each CO2 cartridge yields about 50-60 L of soda water... and it is only $15 to exchange... soooo... I save a ton of money and have really cut back on soda (diet coke addict here)... :drinker:

    I have several friends who swear by the things - one even started carbonating milk, which I find personally revolting but hey, whatever works!

    I'm not much of a fizzy-water fan, but if you can carbonate water with a little lemon or some heathly additive and make it your drink instead of the sugary malted battery acid, it's a Good Thing!
  • bizgirl26
    bizgirl26 Posts: 1,795 Member
    I am a mean person without my soda. I am just trying to cut back. I used to have at least 4 a day, now my max is 2.