Hi All

I wanted to start this thread as i thought that now i am on a journey to better health and fitness i need to make a pleadge to myself so that it's on record. Please also write the things that you have promised yourself. I will start us of:

Pledge - Im never going back to:

1. Being so unfit it hurts to climb stairs
2. Being uncomfortable to wear a tshirt
3. Not being able to look in the mirror without seeing all my faliures
4. Ripping tracksuit pants because there just too tight
5. Shops for BIG and tall men (unless its because im too tall)
6. Continuous fried food, which has no benefit to my body, mind or spirit
7. Being down because i have no get up and go
8. Thinking that i CAN'T do it (YES WE CAN !!)
9. No Exersize and a bad diet.
10. Unfitness/unhealthyness

Thats my pleadges to myself that i wanted to share. Please all share your pledges that you have made (or not made yet) to yourself for a better healthier future.
All the best


  • KatWood
    KatWood Posts: 1,135 Member
    Those are fantastic pledges!

    I've never really thought about it this way, but I'll try to come up with some

    I'm never going to
    1) Go to a store with a friend and find nothing there in my size.
    2) Be afraid to receive clothing as a gift that is too small
    3) Avoid looking in a mirror out of shame
    4) feel like I am taking up more than my share of a seat (e.g. in an airplane, in a theatre, etc)
    5) feel unworthy of my husband's adoration
    6) get winded checking the mail
    7) allow myself to make excuses for being overweight and inactive
    8)avoid being in photos
    9) limit myself because of my weight
  • Skinny_Mocha
    Skinny_Mocha Posts: 208 Member
    Great idea!

    In addition to a bunch of yours:
    1) Being attracted to a guy in public, and knowing I don't stand a chance
    2) Sweating constantly
    3) Becoming disappointed every time I see a picture of myself
    4) Being afraid to weigh myself
    5) Having show my girlfriends and sisters that I really won't fit into something they think I will
    6) Feeling guilty and hopeless because I just destroyed my week with my weekend
    7) Constantly covering myself up while receiving a spa treatment
    8) My giant, huge, disgusting arms
    9) Not being able to fit into any of the lingerie I want to buy
    10) Hating when people touch me, or get too close to me, because I feel so repulsive
  • laura11248
    laura11248 Posts: 49 Member
    I love this...you all hit on the BIG ones...here's a few more...

    1. Making promises to myself and not keeping them.
    2. Not taking time for me.
    3. To being a bad role model for my girls.
    4. Being embarassed for my kids as the fat mom!
    5. going to the DR's and hating the scale.
  • tkain
    tkain Posts: 28 Member
    I love this...Thanks to all for your inspiration! :happy:
  • CharityD
    CharityD Posts: 193
    What a wonderful list! And I NEEDED to read this today!
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Diet Plans
  • dacialyn
    This is Awesome Motivation!

    I love this song "Never Going Back to OK" ! Because sometimes I just settle for what comes my way!

    I am losing weight:

    -so I don't look like I have a belly and I'm not pregnant!
    -so I won't be so self-conscious!
    -so I can fit into the clothes I have and not look like I'm ripping the seams
    -so I can hold myself more accountable and self control (learn how to say no!)
    -so I can set a good example for my son and not look like a fat mommy (and for my husband too)
    -so when my hubby and I go on our anniversary trip later this year, I have toned and slimmed up some for him too!
    -so I don't hide in photos!
    -so I can stay healthy and stay on track for a healthy lifestyle
  • getfitter2009
    Hey All

    This is very good, i am now even more motivated. Making a promise to yourself and others is a great start.

    Thank you for sharing your pledges it will inspire ourselves and many others. I know this journey is hard, but it is the most enjoyable and rewarding journey ever.

    We can do this.....I'm so proud of you all !!!
