HCG Diet anyone???



  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    It wasn't bad during and according to the tests I didn't lose any muscle mass...... but as soon as I got off of it I was constantly hungry and I just gained it all back.

    My doctor says to stay active, take a multi-vitamin, and get plenty of rest and vitamins.

    Not follow some sort of f-ed up fad.

    Don't pay a quack to tell you what you want to hear.
  • TNTwedell
    TNTwedell Posts: 277 Member
    some people you have to bang their head against the wall - but LISTEN - DONT DO IT!

    high five to those who have had success (doubt there are very many) - but give me a break - its NOT worth it!
  • SwtLeeph
    SwtLeeph Posts: 4 Member
    I am on the HCG program right now (drops, not injections). I feel great and I am finally losing. I have some health issues which turned off the "fat burning switch" and left on the "fat storing switch". Since then, I have been under doctor's care and on too many diets/detoxes/exercise boot camps to count. NOTHING has worked as well as this is for me right now. I am eating fresh veggies and lean meats and feel satisfied. My immune system is awesome right now. I work with children and havent been sick at all this year and they have been sick more than a handful of times. In the recent past months before starting this I was sick at least once a month. I do take my vitamins as well with the plan (B complex). My husband has been eating the same dinners as me and he has lost weight as well, just from the foods. Granted, the diet can become boring, but with my past let downs, my new found will power has pushed me to do this knowing that it's the beginning stage of a new healthy lifestyle for me. That being said, this works for ME. Every BODY is different so do your research and find what's best for you. :smile:
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    What COULDN'T be great/healthy/reliable about a plan that involves hormone-infested horse piss?:noway:

    I swear, people will buy ANYTHING in a fancy wrapper.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: that's the BEST response!
  • Letty_c
    Letty_c Posts: 278 Member
    It wasn't bad during and according to the tests I didn't lose any muscle mass...... but as soon as I got off of it I was constantly hungry and I just gained it all back.

    My doctor says to stay active, take a multi-vitamin, and get plenty of rest and vitamins.

    Not follow some sort of f-ed up fad.

    Don't pay a quack to tell you what you want to hear.

    yeah now I wish I wouldn't have tried it but then I was fed up of never being able to lose weight.... and now I know that it was cause of problems with my body and it cant metabolise carbs correctly it wasn't till I became insulin resistant that I learned of it...
  • TheReese1206
    This except I don't repair people. Lol.
    Hcg is dangerous and 50% of your weight loss will be lean muscle mass which means a slower metabolism and it will be much easier to gain the weight back. I have helped many people repair their metabolisms after this program which takes months to do so.
  • mississippi_queen
    mississippi_queen Posts: 483 Member
    Hcg is dangerous and 50% of your weight loss will be lean muscle mass which means a slower metabolism and it will be much easier to gain the weight back. I have helped many people repair their metabolisms after this program which takes months to do so.

    Wondering how exactly did you help them to repair their metabolisms? I was on a very strict caloric intake for almost a year and now i'm having a very hard time losing any weight.
  • AMTaylor1980
    AMTaylor1980 Posts: 12 Member
    I did it last year and lost 45 lbs. I've managed to keep most of it off and it helped me change my lifestyle (i.e. eating healthy foods & working out). I used the prescription HCG, which isn't the target of the FDA ban people keep talking about. (Although some states have banned its off-label use for weight lose.)

    I didn't suffer any negative side effects. It actually helped me find the cause of my IBS-D, but I think any elimination diet would have done the same. (I just never heard of elimination diets for IBS-D, only allergies. Turns out I have a mild gluten intolerance.) My skin cleared up too, but I think that was also gluten related.

    I'm also currently doing pilates, cardio, & strength training to lose the last 25 lbs (or 2 pants sizes). HCG was just a tool to get me started on the right path, not a solution to my weight issues. Don't believe all the fear mongering about HCG, but don't believe all the hype either. Its not deadly nor is it some miracle fat cure. I'd be way more concerned about the people on here who preach less than 1200 calories a day and become cardiorexic for life versus a month of restricted eating.
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    The HCG diet has been around for at least 40 years, I worked for a Doctor back in 1972 that had patients on it....any diet out there will start with

    Check with a Doctor
    Eat At lower calories, lots of fruits and veggies

    With HCG you get all that and of course if you are only eating 500 calories you are going to lose...but why pay someone....

    It's better if you do it on your own without the crutch of HCG (in whatever form) then you will know how to eat healthy foods and exercise to keep yourself in shape.

    BTW all the people that lost the weight 40 years ago...I never saw any of them that when they went off of it kept it off...they all gained it back plus more.
  • skylark94
    skylark94 Posts: 2,036 Member
    I love how so many HCG fans always use the "I'm under a doctor's care" line to justify that it must be healthy.

    There are plenty of idiot quacks out there who will do anything to make a buck. Just because someone has a degree certainly does not mean that they have your best interests in mind. Just look at all of the "pill mill" docs out there that will hand a oxy scrip to anyone who is willing to pay for it.
  • ShawnaCurley
    ShawnaCurley Posts: 82 Member
    I have a freind that's on it, and she's dropping a huge amount of weight for the amount of time she's been on it. Seems to be just another crash diet, and I really can't see how this would be healthy for a person!

    If I was only eating 500 calories a day, No one would even want to be around me! My family would be losing limbs!!! LOL!

    I'll stick with a steady slower pace of taking weight off. I didn't gain in overnight, and it won't come off overnight!
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,412 MFP Moderator
    Hcg is dangerous and 50% of your weight loss will be lean muscle mass which means a slower metabolism and it will be much easier to gain the weight back. I have helped many people repair their metabolisms after this program which takes months to do so.

    Wondering how exactly did you help them to repair their metabolisms? I was on a very strict caloric intake for almost a year and now i'm having a very hard time losing any weight.

    Essentially find their maintenance calories to stabalize a diet, add extremely heavy weight training and then start adding a surplus of calories to build muscle as its a direct link to your metabolism. So when someone does hcg and loses 15 lns of muscle of their 30 lb loss it will take more than 15 weeks to rebuild all that muscle at a rate of 3500 surplus of calories. Many times it takea 6 months or more to make up for the mistakes in 40 days
  • dinosnopro
    dinosnopro Posts: 2,179 Member
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    I did and lost 32 pounds in 4 weeks, I was under a weight loss Dr.'s care. I lost 18 pounds of fat, especially around my belly area, I am now in a size 10 comfortably. I had no side effects

    Out of 32 lbs lost only 18 was muscle, that is not a good ratio of fat to LBM loss, barely more than 50% of the loss was fat. This diet tends to end with the dieter losing a lot of lean muscle, which slows the metabolism down.
    JDMPWR Posts: 1,863 Member
    I did the HCG diet and I lost 20lbs, most of it was my body hair.
  • LordBezoar
    LordBezoar Posts: 625 Member
    DW & I tried it a couple of times, we always lost weight on it, but 500 Calories!!?1 We could never stick to it and as soon as we ate something off plan we gained everything back and then some.

    Not my idea of fun.
  • MrsCon40
    MrsCon40 Posts: 2,351 Member
    I love how so many HCG fans always use the "I'm under a doctor's care" line to justify that it must be healthy.

    There are plenty of idiot quacks out there who will do anything to make a buck. Just because someone has a degree certainly does not mean that they have your best interests in mind. Just look at all of the "pill mill" docs out there that will hand a oxy scrip to anyone who is willing to pay for it.

    Exactly. I live in California and ANYONE can get a marijana prescription. There are doctors that take your $250, give you an "exam" and write you a scrip. hCG is exactly the same way.
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    I did the HCG diet and my nipples starting getting firmer and more sensitive. It left me with this tingling sensation that I cannot describe.
  • skinnytayy
    skinnytayy Posts: 459
    I don't recommend it EVER. I don't recommend any diet, actually. If you want to lose weight and be healthy, change your lifestyle. Pick something you can do forever. That isn't realistic and you'll probably end up right back in the same situation you're in now. I follow the primal "diet". It's not that restrictive and its something I can do forever. Its simply eating the way we are supposed to. We eat things that do our bodies good and that our bodies are made to process. Fruits, vegetables, meats, and healthy fats. Limit dairy. No processed junk, sugar, or grains. I don't worry about tracking calories, have no need to. I don't even exercise that much. I've dropped 14lbs. in a month. I'm sure my weight loss will slow down but still. Check out marksdailyapple.com , love his blog so much! Very informative.
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