Gotta vent



  • 81Kyra
    81Kyra Posts: 115
    Eff them! Use it as motivation to prove those A-holes wrong because you can do it, you are worth it... Who cares what any one else thinks look what you've done so far good for you!
  • linda1243
    linda1243 Posts: 166
    Don't let the other idiots ruin your motivation. There are so many people on MFP who have lost a lot of weight over a long period of time. Let them be your motivation. And when the insecure, idiots get you down, come to the message boards and let us tell you how wonderful you are for deciding to make a change in your life and how you should be proud because a lot of us have worked super hard to lose just a couple of pounds and we are proud of it. You are doing something that is hard and challenging but you are doing it anyway, be proud!
  • em435
    em435 Posts: 210 Member
    I have lost a total of 30lbs and some people are noticing, some not so much... It stinks but I am not doing this for other people, I am doing this for myself so I feel better, not to make other people feel better and more comfortable about me.

    I was in a kettlebell press class a few weeks ago. I walked in about 2minutes late and they were starting so I grabbed my mat and my bell. I ended up in the front row. aaccckkk. There was a lady behind me and her boyfriend, husband, man servant> I dont know what he was to her but he was something. I was doing lunges and accidentally stepped on her mat and as I turned around to apologize she was snottily grabbing her mat and look at her whatever he is and said "I don't even know why shes here." aaahhhh you suck lady! Actually after the class I turned around to her and said, "You know what fat girls know they are fat, we dont need to be reminded, plus remember we aren't typically house trained either so next time I may end up peeing on your mat." She had nothing to say. I smiled cleaned up my stuff and left.. Sometimes you need to develop a thicker skin or a sharper tongue and let it roll. Anyhow, I haven't seen her back and I must mention she couldn't keep up with the class and I could..

    ^This right here!

    You're my hero!!
  • debikay55
    debikay55 Posts: 61 Member
    Well kido it sounds like you have a bunch of people around you that are not really good for you .So that said i have no support at home how ever i am doing this for ME alone not any one else .Get out there and no matter how much you lose it as a loss not a gain.Keep your heart set on what you want and tell yourself YOU ARE WORTH IT ALL:0) let them all go along there hatefull days yapping.Thing is you wont hurt over it any more cuz you are doing this for YOU .BE STRONG in your journey :0)
  • MikeSEA
    MikeSEA Posts: 1,074 Member
    I do agree totally - and people can be ****s.

    However, I do think people expect a lot of support from people right from the off - like I lost 3 lbs - cheer for me - well, they probably can't hardly notice and whilst you know you are on the right track, as far as they know that 3lbs could be a big dump.

    I never want to fish for a compliment off of anyone because then you're just forcing them to say it.

    Do the hard work for yourself, and then when they start complimenting you off their own back it means something.

    Then when they stop even mentioning it it means even more because you know you've gone from 'fat person got thin' to thin person staying thin' and even 'person they are jealous of so don't want to compliment'

    The moral of this story is - screw everyone else - do it for yourself.

    I think the moral of the story is that we should keep our judgments about strangers to ourselves. it's one thing to tell ourselves to stay motivated. It's infinitely more difficult when we're met with continued resistance that serves no purpose other than to be cruel.
  • LesaDave
    LesaDave Posts: 1,480 Member
    "I don't even know why shes here." aaahhhh you suck lady! Actually after the class I turned around to her and said, "You know what fat girls know they are fat, we dont need to be reminded, plus remember we aren't typically house trained either so next time I may end up peeing on your mat." She had nothing to say. I smiled cleaned up my stuff and left.. Sometimes you need to develop a thicker skin or a sharper tongue and let it roll. Anyhow, I haven't seen her back and I must mention she couldn't keep up with the class and I could..

    Now THAT is PRICELESS!!!!
  • mugsy1335
    People do suck, but I think you generalized and judge yourself by stating "skinny ppl" do this, not all skinny or thinner ppl are rude, I dont think the size of the person is what determines if you are rude or not (remember you yourself are wanting to get thinner, when you get there and not if because you will, are you gonna be rude to others who are heavier because you are thinner, no you wont because you know what that feels like to work hard to get to where you are at) Frankly, heavy, or thin there are just some plain miserable AHoles out there, plain and simple!! Dont let them stop you in your journey in your weightloss, that you are doing for you!! They are and will mean nothing to you in the end of things, you will be the one that matters to yourself, so love yourself, shuck off what these ppl say, they only show their ignorance in the matter. I find in life its the ppl who are most miserable in their lives that have to seek out finding things wrong with others to make themselves feel better, keep that in mind the next time someone says something to you. Other than that, enjoy your journey, keep your head held high and move on girl, there are bigger and better things in life than ppls ignorant comments.
  • coconutbuNZ
    coconutbuNZ Posts: 578 Member
    Whoever said revenge isn't sweet? I used to be 30kg heavier, a size 26. HUGE lady that I was after having my three babies. A few years later, the next time "they" saw me (the people who made comments about my fat) - they had obviously gained the weight and I was slimmer than them! THIS MADE ME FEEL GOOD. And do you know what? I didn't say a word. They said it all (with their heads down) "Oh I've put on the weight but you look great, how did you do it?" HAHAHA I smirked and enjoyed my revenge all day :wink:

    Be happy. DON'T GIVE UP.

    Take your revenge and shut them up for good!
  • chrishgt4
    chrishgt4 Posts: 1,222 Member
    I do agree totally - and people can be ****s.

    However, I do think people expect a lot of support from people right from the off - like I lost 3 lbs - cheer for me - well, they probably can't hardly notice and whilst you know you are on the right track, as far as they know that 3lbs could be a big dump.

    I never want to fish for a compliment off of anyone because then you're just forcing them to say it.

    Do the hard work for yourself, and then when they start complimenting you off their own back it means something.

    Then when they stop even mentioning it it means even more because you know you've gone from 'fat person got thin' to thin person staying thin' and even 'person they are jealous of so don't want to compliment'

    The moral of this story is - screw everyone else - do it for yourself.
    I think what some people perceive as resistance is in fact people just not caring.

    And why should they care really? Perhaps weight loss isn't something that interests them. I'm sure if they came to you with a story about how big the fish they caught was or about this great tackle they pulled off at football, you probably wouldn't care either.

    You can't realistically get insulted because someone doesn't care as much about it as you.
  • coconutbuNZ
    coconutbuNZ Posts: 578 Member
    People do suck, but I think you generalized and judge yourself by stating "skinny ppl" do this, not all skinny or thinner ppl are rude, I dont think the size of the person is what determines if you are rude or not (remember you yourself are wanting to get thinner, when you get there and not if because you will, are you gonna be rude to others who are heavier because you are thinner, no you wont because you know what that feels like to work hard to get to where you are at) Frankly, heavy, or thin there are just some plain miserable AHoles out there, plain and simple!! Dont let them stop you in your journey in your weightloss, that you are doing for you!! They are and will mean nothing to you in the end of things, you will be the one that matters to yourself, so love yourself, shuck off what these ppl say, they only show their ignorance in the matter. I find in life its the ppl who are most miserable in their lives that have to seek out finding things wrong with others to make themselves feel better, keep that in mind the next time someone says something to you. Other than that, enjoy your journey, keep your head held high and move on girl, there are bigger and better things in life than ppls ignorant comments.

    You are right. I've heard insults from heavy people as well, some who look even heavier than me!
  • mugsy1335
    perfectly said!!!:smile:
  • MikeSEA
    MikeSEA Posts: 1,074 Member

    I think what some people perceive as resistance is in fact people just not caring.

    And why should they care really? Perhaps weight loss isn't something that interests them. I'm sure if they came to you with a story about how big the fish they caught was or about this great tackle they pulled off at football, you probably wouldn't care either.

    You can't realistically get insulted because someone doesn't care as much about it as you.

    People don't bother going out of their way to treat others like crap because they don't care. People who don't care simply go about their lives. Let's not act as if people who are overweight aren't mistreated all the time. I bet those people would love to be ignored and go on with their day without hearing the random notions of some ill-informed jerk who gets off on being rude. This thread didn't start because someone was feeling ignored.
  • melbot24
    melbot24 Posts: 347 Member
    The other day in the office kitchen we had some clients over and one of my co-workers baked them cookies. (Yes, we have an Otis Spunkmeyer oven and cookie dough in the office!) Anyway, when the cookies were done I offered them a couple and while they were waiting for me to bag 'em up one of the female clients, who happens to be rail-thin, says to me...

    "So, are you the one that does all the baking around here?"

    I thought to myself...

    "Is it because I'm overweight? Or perhaps it's because I'm a woman?"

    People are stupid and they don't think before they speak.
    She doesn't know that my thinner co-workers are the ones that eat horribly, constantly snacking on ice cream sandwiches, chips, jelly beans, cookies, soda, all the crap provided in the kitchen, eating out everyday for lunch.

    She doesn't know how hard I work to stay away from that stuff and bring in my own healthy fruits and veggies to snack on, all the lunches I've had to decline.

    I could have let that stupid comment really upset me, but instead I reminded myself that right now, all that matters is that my body knows - my heart, my bones, my muscles.

    I'm doing this for me, no one else needs to know.

    Eventually, our appearance will reflect all the hard work we're doing and it will speak for us.
    Until then, screw 'em.
  • coconutbuNZ
    coconutbuNZ Posts: 578 Member
    The other day in the office kitchen we had some clients over and one of my co-workers baked them cookies. (Yes, we have an Otis Spunkmeyer oven and cookie dough in the office!) Anyway, when the cookies were done I offered them a couple and while they were waiting for me to bag 'em up one of the female clients, who happens to be rail-thin, says to me...

    "So, are you the one that does all the baking around here?"

    I thought to myself...

    "Is it because I'm overweight? Or perhaps it's because I'm a woman?"

    People are stupid and they don't think before they speak.
    She doesn't know that my thinner co-workers are the ones that eat horribly, constantly snacking on ice cream sandwiches, chips, jelly beans, cookies, soda, all the crap provided in the kitchen, eating out everyday for lunch.

    She doesn't know how hard I work to stay away from that stuff and bring in my own healthy fruits and veggies to snack on, all the lunches I've had to decline.

    I could have let that stupid comment really upset me, but instead I reminded myself that right now, all that matters is that my body knows - my heart, my bones, my muscles.

    I'm doing this for me, no one else needs to know.

    Eventually, our appearance will reflect all the hard work we're doing and it will speak for us.
    Until then, screw 'em.

    That was very well said and yes you are right! Why let stupid comments upset us? Unmotivate us? Make us sad? Make us quit? No. We have to own our feelings and then strive to NOT QUIT.
  • coconutbuNZ
    coconutbuNZ Posts: 578 Member
  • tlc12078
    tlc12078 Posts: 334 Member
    Yes, I let someone get to me. I shouldnt have. But it wasnt from someone I know, but form someone I didnt know. Why? Because tis person made a assumption without carting to know I already lost over 30 pounds, 5 came from starting this site. You dont know me. My god, just because I am big, oyu think I dont notice? really? Hello I am not stupid. I dont neglect to look in the mirror everday dam day and say I hate me. No. of course not just add too it. I'm not fishing fro compliments, just sick of the judgement. My bf, of 13 years, can out eat me any day, but no one would ever think that he eats like he does. It was a doctor I saw today about my stomach scar from a previous surgery. Yes, I get it. I'm fat. Thank you for telling me.......again. I dont expect him to notice, but to acknowledge it. There is a difference. "Well ok mam you have already lost some weight ,but more is needed to be lost in order me to fix your scar." Thats all that need to be said. Not to treat me like I am some idiot, like I never ever noticed my weight. yes I freakn notice and I already hate myself, so give me more self doubt. You dont know me, so dont judge and if its that much of a nuisance to you I am fat, walk away. I know I am still letting it bother me. It actually messed up my whole day. Been making mistakes all day.
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    I have a friend who has this great saying, I try to live by it these days...."Don't let them live in your head rent-free!"
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    skinny doesn't equal fit. I'm 330lbs and I can out run, out hike, out work my 115lb wife. she's working out to get in shape while I work to loose weight. I could care less what other think of me because I'm not doing this for them ;) Don't let ignorant people keep you down.

  • liftingheavy
    liftingheavy Posts: 551 Member
    You know, its sad you know your big and people act like you dont know your overweight and being over weight is bad for you. Even after you told them you already lost weight, they still need to inform you. Like "Ok I know you lost weight but whatever, your still a pig so starve and make it happen overnite" Thats how I feel. Everyone dont know everyones story, but we come to conclusions (assume) that we some how know everything about everyone and we are a bunch of know it alls. I lost 5 pounds since I started this. I am happy about this, but then still feel frustrated about the assumptions that people make of me. How dare you judge me or how dare we judge anyone at all. Who are we to think we know it all. How dare anyone who has always been skinny to automatically think big people gorge on food all day. Do you know for sure? Do you keep tabs and obsess over big people just so you can talk about them? I feel like giving up already just because. I am doing this for me, but when I keep getting told you still are overweight and fat (when you lost weight) I feel so hopeless. It just brings me down even more. I think skinny people do this to have that control over someones emotions. Idk its like if I lost weight its like "see how fat you were?" or if I didnt "your always going to be fat" Just so freakn hopeless.

    I firmly believe that people who judge others are so insecure that they feel the need to comment about your weight or someone elses. There is no reason for it otherwise.

    Keep your head up and keep moving. You are doing this for you and no one else anyway.
  • cloud2011
    cloud2011 Posts: 898 Member
    Those people are called dreamkillers. I completely understand your frustration with others. But, you also need to be kind to yourself, and as hard as it is, just divorce yourself from these stupid comments. You are on your own journey, and the people who aren't willing to support you, well they don't matter to you right now.

    I find that sometimes I am the one saying those things to myself: wow, you've lost over 30 lbs but you have so much to go. It's going to take forever. No one notices, etc. Well I just have to keep reminding myself that so what if it's taken me 3 years, I'm going to achieve my goal, even though it might take a long time.

    Anyway, hang in there, keep at it, and you're doing great!