Having a mental pity party today

Masq Posts: 191 Member
UGH, I am just frustrated with my weight loss journey.
Last year, I worked out like crazy and did three sprint triathlons at age 40! I lost about 15 pounds from January to August. Then in October I totally stopped exercising.... didn't watch my calories.... started drinking a lot of beer.... and now six months later I am disgusted with myself.
I am really having a hard time getting back on track.... I tell myself that I'm going to have a good week and then totally blow it by Tuesday. :grumble:
Tried to do a 5 mile walk/jog on Sunday.... now I have shin splints.... right now I'm annoyed with exercise... I don't want to do it, I don't want to make time for it, but yet if I do exercise I get more calories to eat! Seriously, I should be ALL over that!!
Thanks for listening to me whine and gripe..... I know others have it much worse than I do.... Just needed to vent. :explode:


  • patticarbjunkie
    patticarbjunkie Posts: 133 Member
    You can do it!!! It takes time to get back into shape.....just picture yourself in two months if you start TODAY :smokin: !!! If you don't start today...two months from now you will be :angry: !!

    six weks ago i started and lost 12 lbs...everyday is a struggle,but you can do it!!!
  • knrob
    knrob Posts: 65
    I had a NSV with a nice drop in time on my walk/run, then tweaked my knee. I did the pity party for a week or so, drowned myself in wine while i iced my knee. My knee is feeling better, and I am feeling better, too. Mentally ready to get active again! I could have done things differently, and really made an effort to do some strength training, but I didnt. I look back at the last month, and the scale hasnt budged; but I'm still logging and conscious of what i'm consuming; and I'm still here. WE can DO this!
  • Masq
    Masq Posts: 191 Member
    Thank you ladies. :flowerforyou:
  • ff1diver
    ff1diver Posts: 30 Member
    Just think about how you will look in a neoprene wet suit if you just let yourself go...that should motivate ya :tongue: :wink:
  • Years ago, before I knew anything about exercise, I thought the only way to get in shape was to run a lot. I HATED IT. But I kept at it and lost a lot of weight. However, it was exhausting, I never wanted to do the workouts, my shins hurt, and eventually I gave up.

    Finally, I learned that the real results come from weight training. It's the best solution for long term weight loss. The more muscle mass you gain, the faster your metabolism will be at rest. I totally transformed myself with weights and have fun doing it. Never went back to running again.

    Maybe running just isn't for you. Try switching to a type of exercise that you love. One that you can stick with! Good luck :)
  • Masq
    Masq Posts: 191 Member
    lol at ff1diver.... yeah, being able to squeeze my big booty into my wetsuit should certainly be motivation..... plus my BCD barely fit in February when we went to Coz..... :noway:

    Yeah, I think my body is telling me that jogging is not my thing (had shin splints for months last year). It's aggravating to not get as many calories back for jogging as you do for bike riding or swimming. I think I will stick with those more and add some weight training. :smile: