How to eat more healthy fat?



  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    First do this....
    A quick demonstration....


  • mrspeavs
    mrspeavs Posts: 8
    I second the poster who said stay away from Franken Foods. My nutritionist would tell you that your protein bars and any other "non-real" foods aren't doing you justice. There are too many preservatives and unnatural additives (even if it says "all natural," look at the ingredients list. If you don't see whole foods, natural it ain't) in foods like the fake butter and the protein bars that can throw your insulin out of whack. We actually JUST had a session on fats today, and the facts show that fats (ALL fats - not just the healthy ones!) should be 25-35% of your caloric intake. Here are the two main types of "good" fats, and some foods that contain them.

    Monounsaturated (lowers LDL and raises HDL cholesterol):
    - Olive, canola, and peanut oil
    - peanuts
    - peanut butter
    - almonds
    - avocado

    Polyunsaturated (lowers LDL and HDL cholesterols):
    - corn oil
    - soybean oil
    - sunflower oil

    Omega 6 and 3 are both Poly fats, but they're the "essential" fats that your body can't actually make itself.
    - fatty fishes such as wild-caught salmon, tuna (light, not white), mackerel, and sardines
    - flax (ground) or flax oil
    - walnuts

    You should also remember that 5-10% of your overall fat intake should be saturated fats. Your body DOES need those, even though they're not the "good" ones. Just avoid the hell out of trans fats.

    Maybe you could try adding oil or butter to your veggies and chicken. Instead of steaming or poaching that dinner meat, fry that baby in a little pat of butter. Not only is it more satisifying, it'll get your fat intake up. :) Have some olives or a serving of cheese. There are plenty of ways that you can switch out nuts for other foods that could pack more fat servings with fewer or equal calories. MOSTLY, they revolve around adding oils to your super-lean meats, which also imparts a little more flavor!

    Good luck!
  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    Well, it doesn't look like a LOT of nuts to least lately I've been eating oodles of almonds. Yummm.....

    But yes, avocado, oils of various forms, butter, nut butters, and really, your diet is very low in about a dessert? Or cream cheese on your bagel?

    my diet is low in sugar? aren't there natural sugars in fruits?

    All you listed was banana and grapes. Two servings of natural sugar per day (I didn't look farther than what your post stated). I do consider that very low sugar. Maybe that's just me LOL.

    hmm, I never thought about that....does the balance bar have sugar? usually I eat 3 fruits a day though......maybe my sugar is off? something I should consider, I think...thanks

    I missed the balance bar. Yes that likely has sugar too. With that and 3 fruits you're probably ok on the sugar though an occasional dessert would still fit in nicely. What about full fat dairy? Mmm....cheese lol.