calorie intake



  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    Ok but it's like hoping your car will take you across the state on only a half gallon of have to eat enough for your body to stop sending signals to hold onto every single fat cell it has. Once that happens, you'll start losing weight.

    What does MFP recommend you eat based on your age, current weight, and activity level?
  • hmo4
    hmo4 Posts: 1,673 Member
    OMG girl-you're messing up your body! How can you not eat?:huh: I can put that much away at breakfast! Pick up some fitness mags and read and educate yourself, you'll never lose the weight and totally screw up your metabolism! Trust us, eat about 1400 cals, plus your exercise ones and your body will not only thank you, but you'll lose weight also.:flowerforyou:
  • TwistedKidd
    stormieweather- I don't what it was but i think it was 900- 1200

    Hmo4- I do eat!! :angry: Like I said im trying to up my intake. It's hard. 500 seems like alot considering how high everything is now days.
  • hmo4
    hmo4 Posts: 1,673 Member
    stormieweather- I don't what it was but i think it was 900- 1200

    Hmo4- I do eat!! :angry: Like I said im trying to up my intake. It's hard. 500 seems like alot considering how high everything is now days.

    500 is hard? What do you eat? Maybe you've got the wrong calorie info.:noway: I'm shocked you can survive on 500 cals. Am I the only one who thinks this? That's anorexia amounts...or do you mean 1500? I don't mean to lecture-I'm a Mom, I'm supposed to lecture:wink: ,but seriously that is such a small amount you don't realize....
  • tymaddox
    Eating only like 500 calories a day would mean that you have a serious eating disorder... and in this case, it seems like you are somewhat proud of the fact that you are starving yourself. Eating more than 500 calories per day is not a difficult task. Even though you may be mantaining a certain weight by only eating that miniscule amount of food, you are being extremely unhealthy and hurting your body. You are definitely not on a healthy path, my dear
  • RoxieFoston
    Your face looks so pretty. You couldn't possibly look like that.
  • astridfeline
    astridfeline Posts: 1,200 Member
    stormieweather- I don't what it was but i think it was 900- 1200

    Hmo4- I do eat!! :angry: Like I said im trying to up my intake. It's hard. 500 seems like alot considering how high everything is now days.

    Could you clarify this--do you mean how high everything is calorie-wise or financially?? B/c if you mean calorie-wise, you need to bone up on your nutrition and start eating healthy foods (fruit, veg, lean meats) you can eat a lot in terms of volume/calorie when you eat healthy foods.
  • TwistedKidd
    RoxieFoston- If that was to meh... If you are saying that i don't look like that i do. I took that pic a few days ago for my xanga account.

    Hmo4- I eat things like 1/2cup or peas or corn things like that for breakfast if i eat breakfast and the same for lunch. I don't really eat dinner and if i do i eat candy

    tymaddox- Im not proud that i eat 500 but im not ashamed of it either. This thread asked how much so i said how much. Eating 500 i lose weight but not on purpose

    Astridefeline- Yesh! I mean the cals are high. And i do eat veggies and fruit. I try not to eat meat and things like that
  • hmo4
    hmo4 Posts: 1,673 Member
    RoxieFoston- If that was to meh... If you are saying that i don't look like that i do. I took that pic a few days ago for my xanga account.

    Hmo4- I eat things like 1/2cup or peas or corn things like that for breakfast if i eat breakfast and the same for lunch. I don't really eat dinner and if i do i eat candy

    tymaddox- Im not proud that i eat 500 but im not ashamed of it either. This thread asked how much so i said how much. Eating 500 i lose weight but not on purpose

    Astridefeline- Yesh! I mean the cals are high. And i do eat veggies and fruit. I try not to eat meat and things like that

    You need to come stay with me for a while and get some education. Don't you read the other threads about how important protein is and other nutrients? The more protein you build and have, the more fat it burns. There are some good fats that are recommended to eat such as olive oil, avocado, olives, nuts, that have Omega 3s in them which our body actually uses to help burn fat, and they contain healthy antioxidants in them. Carbohydrates-2 kinds. Simple carbs-not good. Sugar, white flour, white rice. Anthing you eat like that causes your body to have high sugar rushes. Insulin, an enrgy storing chemical in your body, stores these as fat for energy need later. The problem is, we usually eat again by then, so it is stored as fat. Complex carbohydrates- veggies, fruit, whole grain breads and pasta, take longer to digest, so the Insulin doesn't spike as quickly in your body, ( your body won't store away these foods as fat as quickly). Those calories in that food is used first for energy. We need carbohydrates for energy. You need protein to keep you full longer also and build and retain muscle. You should always eat Protein and Carbs at ever meal, cause they work together in our body. Do you understand any of this?:flowerforyou:
  • stacey76
    stacey76 Posts: 66 Member
    Are you on the HCG diet? Thats the only diet I know where people do 500 or less....
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    That's sad Twisted Kid - you need help! Please seek some counseling - you are killing yourself. Your body needs more nutrition than you are giving it - you will develop weak bones, heart problems and serious side effects if you don't get help soon! Please take care of your body, it is the only one you get and you have to live the rest of your life with the damage you do to it now. :flowerforyou:
  • TwistedKidd
    Hmo4- Yes i understand ^_^

    Stacy- No

    Mtgirl- That kinda upset meh! I don't need help! I'm find by myself.
  • astridfeline
    astridfeline Posts: 1,200 Member
    Ditto what MTgirl said--you are killing yourself. Please seek help.
  • debb1985
    debb1985 Posts: 19
    RoxieFoston- If that was to meh... If you are saying that i don't look like that i do. I took that pic a few days ago for my xanga account.

    Hmo4- I eat things like 1/2cup or peas or corn things like that for breakfast if i eat breakfast and the same for lunch. I don't really eat dinner and if i do i eat candy

    tymaddox- Im not proud that i eat 500 but im not ashamed of it either. This thread asked how much so i said how much. Eating 500 i lose weight but not on purpose

    Astridefeline- Yesh! I mean the cals are high. And i do eat veggies and fruit. I try not to eat meat and things like that

    Why on earth are you eating candy for dinner?!? I mean if you are going to starve your body with 500 calories, why would you waste them on candy! Please realize that everyone if trying to help you see that what you are doing is not safe for your body - you are going to lose weight in the form of muscle and won't be able to stand up without fainting. Personally from your picture you look great and I don't see the need to even lose 86lbs (what it says on your profile). Please be healthy on your journey and be smart in your food choices.
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    Hmo4- Yes i understand ^_^

    Stacy- No

    Mtgirl- That kinda upset meh! I don't need help! I'm find by myself.

    You DO need help - you are in deep denial about what you are doing to yourself. Please, you are doing irreversable damage to your body - people die from the damage you are inflicting on yourself. I won't beat on this drum anymore, but you need to get help. You are not seeing yourself accurately and not nourishing your body - at least consider what has been said to you. No one is being mean, but you have made it very clear that you are in serious need of help!!
  • TwistedKidd
    Debb- I love candy so why not eat candy. Thanks but yea i need to lose lose weight. My bmi is obese right now. When i get down to 150 i think it will be normal but i still want to lose 80-86 pounds. I know yallare trying to help but yall are making meh feel ****y about eating 500. I mean i do choose to eat 500 but that is only becasue that is what i normally eat.

    Mtgirl- I don't have an eating disorder is that is what everyone is thinking. Well i don't think so. I think 500 is alot and more than enough. I know it's low to other people but to meh it's way to much.

    Like i said i am trying to up my intake but everything my parents make or get i don't want =/
  • nopeekiepeekie
    nopeekiepeekie Posts: 338 Member
    Mines is 500 or less. I just took what i eat most days without sweets

    Sweets count as caloric food (although not a healthy choice), so you're eating a lot more calories than you think you are. Just because it's not a healthy choice, does not mean it doesn't count for how much you eat.
  • Sarah_LM
    Sarah_LM Posts: 96
    I really don't understand how you can only eat that little! I wouldn't like to upset you or make you think everyone is being mean but I really hope that you come to your senses. Nutritionists and scientists say that 500 is NOT enough, 1200 is the minimum to be healthy and as far as I know you are not either so how can you think that you know better? Please start eating properly or you will end up ill, no doubt about it.
  • TwistedKidd
    Mines is 500 or less. I just took what i eat most days without sweets

    Sweets count as caloric food (although not a healthy choice), so you're eating a lot more calories than you think you are. Just because it's not a healthy choice, does not mean it doesn't count for how much you eat.

    I know! When i eat sweets my intake is about 650 or less. When i eat sweet i normally only eat half on days and the other half the other. I only eat sweets maybe twice a week sometimes three
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    Think of it like this, Kidd...your body is a machine. It really is, an amazing one!

    If you treat it right, it will hum right along and look great for a very long time. If you don't take care of it, it will stop working right and most certainly not look beautiful and healthy. Eventually, if you neglect what it needs, it will stop working completely :cry: .

    People who are experts on nutrition and how our bodies run say we need calories made up of protein, carbohydrates and fat in order for all the parts function. Based on an extremely small (like less than 5' tall-are you that short?) person's needs, 1,000 calories a day is probably the VERY LEAST you could possibly eat and not be starving your body of what it needs to run properly. And when you eat the very least you can get away with, it needs to be extremely nurishing food, not candy or whatever.

    If you really want to look great and feel great, please look into this for yourself. Don't just take our word for it.