Need some encouragement!!!

Need some help- A few weeks ago I started keeping track of my food portions, drinking lots of water and working out. I was doing soo good for about two weeks then all of the sudden I started binging, eating a lot more than I need, especially at night when I get the munchies! As a result I neglect to come on here and log my food, havent lost weight (obviously) and basically am really depressed (Im an emotional eater :( ). I also have been so wiped that I have had little desire to work out :( Any tips or advise would be great!!!!!


  • liftingheavy
    liftingheavy Posts: 551 Member
    I've done that as well. And the more days I'm bad, the harder it is to get started again, so I say "Okay, I'll start Monday"...

    What I started doing was just logging it. It was as depressing as could be. I'd then complete my entries and see how much I'd weigh in 30 days if I continued to eat that way.

    And BAM.... I was motivated again. It's not the short binges that bother me, it's the idea of going up a size or more in a month that brings me back to reality.

    So if youre not quite done with this "spell" start logging immediately and try it. Maybe that will help.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,332 Member
    If you are famished, depressed and tired, it's possible you aren't eating enough. That happened to me when I was trying to stick to 1300 calories a day.
  • Dare2Believe
    Dare2Believe Posts: 140 Member
    If you are famished, depressed and tired, it's possible you aren't eating enough. That happened to me when I was trying to stick to 1300 calories a day.

    This. Logging everyday helped open my eyes to where I could make healthy substitutes for the things I loved that weren't the best for me, plus showed me where I was doing well at. I also get the "munchies" late at night. Instead of letting it turn into a binge I now plan for eat with a healthy snack.

    Give yourself time for the new habits to become lifelong habits. Two weeks isn't much time.
  • coconutbuNZ
    coconutbuNZ Posts: 578 Member
    It is tiring being a new mum and if you're up late at night (can't sleep?) that leads to bingeing I know, I've been there done that and still trying to control my binge urges now. Don't stop logging in. Supportive friends may help a lot too, friends in here MFP or outside of here. Good luck to you.
  • janstacey
    janstacey Posts: 24 Member
    don't beat yourself up too much...most of us have been emotional eaters at some time...I agree that maybe you are trying to deprive yourself too much too quickly...keep your calorie counts up high enough so your cravings will die out....the depression and binging should go away when your body is not deprived....I try to eat large amounts of filling foods so I feel like I am always content...pears are really filling ...high fibre fooods but low in calories....most days(not alll) I actually HAVE to eat something in the evening just to get my calorie counts high enough...and I never , ever allowed myself to snack after supper before MFP!!!! I wish you luck...hang in will come together for you!
  • gmctech
    gmctech Posts: 104 Member
    I've been where you're at. I operate on a 1200 calorie a day diet, but i'm never hungry anymore... It was hard and still is at times.. I eat a good helping of veggies and lots of protien. It's all about food choices and conditioning. I found it hard, but i just pained through it.... It's not easy... nibble on your food all day, and have some plain almonds before you go to bed. There's no one answer really though, you'll just have to try a few different things... I hope you find a food diet groove that works. We're all here to help! ask and we'll try our best to give you some guidance.. :)
  • Gulzilly
    Gulzilly Posts: 238 Member
    3 yrs ago, I lost all my weight. I went from 170lbs to 123lbs. I looked and felt amazing! Fast forward 3 yrs-due to work pressures, life and moving-I've gone back up to 165lbs. I started MyFitnessPal about 2 months ago and am down to 145lbs(as of last night). But, I find that I'm already starting to loose the momentum. I've another 30lbs to loose to reach my goal weight(what doctor says is best for me)...but this time, I'm really struggling.

    Logging on-inputting whatever I eat, the minute BEFORE I put it in my mouth and forcing myself to walk to the gym has helped. You can do it. Remember one thing-everytime you eat-its a fresh opportunity to make the right choices.

    You do so much for everyone else-you deserve some time to treat yourself right as well!
  • ktrn0312
    ktrn0312 Posts: 720 Member
    Just continue to log your calories as this will give you perspective. Remember "Rome was not built in a day." In terms of exercising, I am a firm believer in starting slowly & progressing upward. In my early days of this weight loss journey I primarily walked around the neighborhood. As the weight started coming off , I advanced to exercise DvDs. Now I am doing the different Jillian Michaels' series. On days when I am just not into it i go back to my walks it helps clears the mind.
  • I have been doing this for 10 days and hit a point where I ate alot yesterday and just felt blah if I wasn't eating. Totally agree with alot of your encouraging responses...not eating enough, and getting back into the swing of things. Personallly, at the end of my day, I can sit on the couch and just veg out after my "work," day. I have been making sure I crawl off to do some yoga streching, crunches, clamshells, back strengthening moves, and or whatever small movements while watching TV with my husband. It is so easy NOT to do anything, but with those little movements you will progress:flowerforyou:
  • Livin_Large
    Livin_Large Posts: 104 Member
    I'm in the same spot you are right now. Three weeks and I'm losing my steam. I have some new jillian Michael's videos coming tomorrow so I'm hoping that motivates me. I need something to smack me back on track.
  • tigerbabe2
    tigerbabe2 Posts: 93 Member
    Am here 4 support & encouragement. I can't eat when stressed which probably is worse maybe. Keep strong and positive, there's always tomorrow to begin again. Keep 4ward don't look back :p
  • I think that everyone of us goes through that at some point in our dieting journey. I know that I have. My issues with diet and exercise are similar to yours. I start a diet and do really well at first and then it is all down hill from there. My problems are family gatherings with lots of unhealthy foods and the urge to drink around the also tend to eat when I am bored! Not good! Exercising for me is difficult because I dont want to do it alone and I live in the middle of nowhere, so to get anywhere I have to drive a ways and with gas the way it is that is nearly impossible. But dont get discouraged! For most of us it takes more than one time to stick with a diet! My advice is....Dont give up!!! YOU CAN DO IT!!! Try logging into MFP everyday and logging your food before you eat it. I do my food log a day ahead of time and keep busy so that way I am not thinking of food or being "hungry". Also any house cleaning or playing with kids is all counted as exercise so dont beat yourself up! When you get the energy start a mild workout routine again! GOODLUCK!!!
  • kapspecial
    kapspecial Posts: 67 Member
    Log the good, the bad and the ugly. Also as some have already stated, don't look at one bad choice as an excuse to make bad choices for the rest of the day. You ate something you shouldn't, log it and then eat what you know you should the rest of the day. Since you know you haven't decided to control your snacking (cause it's completely within you to resist), then if possible don't have that stuff in your house.

    Nothing is outside of your control. You honestly can do just about whatever you put your mind to. And you definitely have control over what you put in your mouth, you just have to exercise your resistance a little more. Tell yourself NO and mean it.

    Do what you need to do to avoid the pitfalls. I have written letters to myself, talked out loud to myself (not in public, but would if I thought it would help), called a friend, gone to bed early, thrown stuff out, brushed my teeth, drank extra water, exercised, painted my nails, taken a shower, look at my fat pictures, gotten naked in the mirror, gotten on the scale, reasoned with myself (e.g., will this cake aid or hinder you in reaching your goals? is it worth it?) -- all to make a better choice. It really shouldn't be that serious, but it has worked for me. For me if I delay my response to a craving, I can usually get around it. Or satisfy it more thoughtfully, by eating some yogurt, fruit or something else sensible.

    Start this very moment, don't wait for a fresh day. All you have is NOW! Good luck and know that you can absolutely do this! DO NOT GIVE UP ON YOURSELF OR YOUR GOALS!! Yes, this is me screaming at you, but it's from a good place :)
  • Jenph20
    Jenph20 Posts: 134 Member
    I'm sorry to hear that :( im the same way. I have a ladies only support group on FB if you are interested in joining. We would love to have yoU! send me a msg :)
  • ShawnDMuth
    ShawnDMuth Posts: 270 Member
    A coffee or pre workout supplement can come in handy when extra pick me is needed.
  • JDRGirl
    JDRGirl Posts: 21 Member
    Thanks everyone, Great advise! Its nice to know Im not the only weak one out there :P Food is definitely a comfort thing for me, I just need to find other things to occupy my time..maybe Ill take up knitting :P