Has anyone tried Intermittent Fasting??



  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    I'm confused. Every trainer I've ever used, every article, every book I have ever read, has pounded it into my head that eating breakfast when you wake up is CRITICAL, that is what jump starts your metabolism. I am in the practice of eating a substantial proportion of my daily calories (maybe 1/4) for my first meal. Then, logic follows that you should taper off as the day progresses, eating your smallest meal at least 2 hours before bedtime.

    But here I am hearing people say that this really works for them, and everyone saying this, from what I can see in those itty bitty profile pics, looks ripped! Or thin!

    And, I am not having much success as of yet. It's still early tho. Where can I go to research this more?

    Same as the whole myth about "6 small meals a day or your metabolism will slow down and you'll starve"

    The pressure to eat a meal every few hours is what's making a lot of people fat in the first place. Sure it may work for some people, but a lot of people overeat that way.

    It really doesn't matter how many meals or how big those meals are. It's your weekly caloric total that really matters in the grand scheme of things.

    Part of the reason why people like to eat a big breakfast is because it fuels your entire day. But as long as you are getting the right amount of calories and macros in the grand scheme, times and frequency or meals aren't as important as every thinks.

    I agree and disagree...I got fat eating exactly the same way (and things!!) I did when I got thinner lol, which was eating one or two huge meals a day. The big difference, and the most critical part...is strength training. Not for the caloric deficit...but for the effects on hormone production etc.

    That being said, IF definitely works...when taken as a whole program...rather than just an eating style.

    I do have a link to the IF group...but I'm not home. I'll post it when I get back.
  • tgzerozone
    tgzerozone Posts: 160
    http://leangains.com (Good info here.)
  • PercivalHackworth
    PercivalHackworth Posts: 1,437 Member
    I'm on my 6th week on Leangains -
    I fast from 8:30 pm to 12:30 am (I can only train after 6pm, and need to eat)

    What IF brought me :
    Good :
    - More discipline
    - No more craving for foods
    - I don't need to binge anymore, I still have sometimes a need when it comes to emotional eating, but while I used to binge at least one time per week, it's over now :-)

    Bad :
    - Made me a fasted window addicted, can fast less than 16 hours :laugh:
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    I'm confused. Every trainer I've ever used, every article, every book I have ever read, has pounded it into my head that eating breakfast when you wake up is CRITICAL, that is what jump starts your metabolism. I am in the practice of eating a substantial proportion of my daily calories (maybe 1/4) for my first meal. Then, logic follows that you should taper off as the day progresses, eating your smallest meal at least 2 hours before bedtime.

    But here I am hearing people say that this really works for them, and everyone saying this, from what I can see in those itty bitty profile pics, looks ripped! Or thin!

    And, I am not having much success as of yet. It's still early tho. Where can I go to research this more?

    Same as the whole myth about "6 small meals a day or your metabolism will slow down and you'll starve"

    The pressure to eat a meal every few hours is what's making a lot of people fat in the first place. Sure it may work for some people, but a lot of people overeat that way.

    It really doesn't matter how many meals or how big those meals are. It's your weekly caloric total that really matters in the grand scheme of things.

    Part of the reason why people like to eat a big breakfast is because it fuels your entire day. But as long as you are getting the right amount of calories and macros in the grand scheme, times and frequency or meals aren't as important as every thinks.

    I agree and disagree...I got fat eating exactly the same way (and things!!) I did when I got thinner lol, which was eating one or two huge meals a day. The big difference, and the most critical part...is strength training. Not for the caloric deficit...but for the effects on hormone production etc.

    That being said, IF definitely works...when taken as a whole program...rather than just an eating style.

    I do have a link to the IF group...but I'm not home. I'll post it when I get back.

    If there's just one group, I found it and joined. Thanks!
  • mamitosami
    mamitosami Posts: 531 Member
    I do IF. I LOVE it! It makes me appreciate food sooo much, and it has simplified my life... I've maintained my weight (I'm at my original goal, but would like to strip some body fat at some point). There is nothing I don't like about it. If you'd asked me 3 months ago if I'd do this, I would have laughed at you!!! I am an IF devotee now... who knew...?!

    Oh, and I do Fast 5. And it took about 7 weeks to get used to IF. I eat about 1800-2400 calories in my 4-5 hour eating window.
  • chatnel
    chatnel Posts: 688 Member
    I love it, it's stopped my food obsession cause I am not constantly thinking about my next meal and can eat more of the food I enjoy instead of the low cal variety.

    Here is the link to the group: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/groups/home/49-intermittent-fasting
  • lilojoke
    lilojoke Posts: 427 Member
    I love IFing as well. Recently doing a five hour window and now going back onto to Eat Stop Eat!

    I also love the eight hour eating window as well although sometimes because of time laziness LOL its more of a 10 hour window!

    It does take pressure off of food choices to some degree and also makes me more at ease that I can quite easily manage body fat much easier this way.

    The fasted lifting still gets me stumped sometimes so depending on how I feel I will have a scoop of whey before I lift.
  • whatevany
    whatevany Posts: 109 Member
    I recently broke a month long plateau by doing a 24-hour fast (breakfast to breakfast).
  • lovelee79
    lovelee79 Posts: 362

    Mark's Daily Apple has lots of articles/ info about IF. Such a great website.
  • lilojoke
    lilojoke Posts: 427 Member
    Also www.leangains.com
  • redpat74
    redpat74 Posts: 33
    Has anyone tried intermittent cutting off of major limb?
  • snuggllepuff
    I've been doing it for a year now. it totally transformed me. I'm a lot more defined and actually gained muscle size. I even find that I have more energy when working out fasted.

    I started off with one 36 hours fast but switched to two 24 hour fasts per week. I love it. I just have to make sure I eat enough on my non fasted days. I usually go like 300-500 cals over what MFP says to make up for the fast days.

    I also have one cheat day per week. I think more people should seriously give it a try. It also really helps you realize the difference between actual hunger and bored snacking.

    On what days do you usually do your fasts? Do work out on those days? Do a lighter workout?

    I started out by just fasting on sundays and wednesdays which are my off days. But I realized that I actually work out well fasted. Everyone is different though. One of the fasted days I only do cardio. The other fasted day I do heavy strength training (i'm doing the 5 3 1 program) and I feel fine.
  • mamitosami
    mamitosami Posts: 531 Member
    Has anyone tried intermittent cutting off of major limb?

    What does this even mean?
  • lilojoke
    lilojoke Posts: 427 Member
    Has anyone tried intermittent cutting off of major limb?

    What does this even mean?

    I am trying to figure this one out!
  • tgzerozone
    tgzerozone Posts: 160
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    Has anyone tried intermittent cutting off of major limb?

    What does this even mean?

    I am trying to figure this one out!
    Don't ...probably put us in the same category of juicing, HCG and other fad
  • snuggllepuff
    she probably thinks our metabolisms will slow down and we'll go into starvation mode... and die...
  • XoCynthiaXo
    XoCynthiaXo Posts: 78 Member
    I am interested in learning more about this, tried it a while ago and didnt make it through the frst few days, i had massive headaches and was starving. Please tell me more, i work mon-fri from 8-5, usually have a protein shake in the am, eat lunch and dinner then go to the gym.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,239 Member
    Has anyone tried intermittent cutting off of major limb?

    What does this even mean?

    I am trying to figure this one out!
    Don't ...probably put us in the same category of juicing, HCG and other fad

    It means she doesn't know what IF is,and can't be bothered to express an informed opinion so she likens an intermittent fast to cutting off a limb. The thing is, I eat my food, but take time to fast as well. If I cut off a limb, well, its gone. I was waiting for this sort of reply, glad I was not disappointed.