Swimming burns this many calories?!

So when I log in my swimming time (I am on a competitive swim team and swim 1 and a half hours 6 times a week) it says I burn 1,110 calories...is this true? It seems like a bit much. And if it is true am I really suppose to eat all my exercise calories?


  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    wear a heart rate monitor and see........that's the best way to know for sure.
  • Hey I'm a competitive swimmer too!

    i don't know how intense your training is, but to my knowledge that calorie burn sounds about right!
  • Nice!

    Ok just making sure I wouldn't want to be logging in more calories than I actually burn!
  • mes1119
    mes1119 Posts: 1,082 Member
    I swam in college. I'm pretty sure that is probably right. I know I ate like a mad man back then but still had a hard time keeping on weight.

    It wasn't until I quit swimming and kept on eating like I hadn't that I gained weight.
  • amybg1
    amybg1 Posts: 631 Member
    It depends on many factors, such as your heart rate, overall intensity, duration, weight, BMR...
  • Wearing a heart rate monitor is the best way to get the most accurate calorie burn. I am not a swimmer, but I do wear a heart rate monitor when I run and lift weights. Sometimes what MFP caculates is pretty close, but I find it to usually be under what my heart rate monitor says I am burning when I run but spot on for weight lifting.
    Anyway, to answer you other question, "should I eat my exercise calories?" that's sort of a touchy subject on here :) I always make sure my net calories are at least at my goal.
  • You should try to eat most if not all of your exercise calories back, as you have already accounted for your weight loss/gain/maintenance in your caloric deficit/surplus.

    Swimming for an hour and a half? I'd say 1100+ calories burned is certainly feasible (I burn about the same when I run 1.5 hours).
  • ShadowSoldier23
    ShadowSoldier23 Posts: 321 Member
    HRM + water sounds like a bad idea. Unless there is one that is waterproof?
  • wait net calories at your goal? what does that mean? my goal is 1,200 and I usually eat around that...
  • as swimmers we should eat way more than 1200 unless you are SERIOUSLY trying to lose weight, but you should be focusing on muscle gain. Some good recovery foods are chocolate milk (believe it or not, choco milk is like the best recov. for simmers), Lara bars, and nuts. Lean protein, low fat dairy, and blah blah blah. 1200 is too low if you are training tho, you will lose muscle.
  • Fat4Fuel2
    Fat4Fuel2 Posts: 280 Member
    I agree with the other swimmers. How I miss the days of busting out multiple 200 flys like it was cake! Just watch for yardage. Less yards/sprint practice = anerobic and less caloric burn. massive amounts of yards = more aerobic and tons of caloric burn. Also, remember to drink tones of water. You sweat even if you don't feel it.
  • SomeMorr
    SomeMorr Posts: 220 Member
    HRM + water sounds like a bad idea. Unless there is one that is waterproof?

    My Polar FT4 is water resistant up to like 30 meter depth? It works most of the time in the water, you just have to make sure the chest strap is tight enough around your ribcage so you have consistent contact with your skin.
  • well...I'm a distance swimmer so I wouldn't worry about sprint practices ;)
  • Hilary75
    Hilary75 Posts: 90 Member
    Not a competitive swimmer but a few years ago I had to take a break from running bc of my knees and did some swimming instead. I was bummed bc I felt like I couldn't possibly be getting as good a workout as when I was running. I started wearing my HRM and I'll be damned if I didn't have the same calorie burn after a 1 mile swim that I did after a 3 mile run. I guess I'm of the thought that if you don't sweat it don't count but you can't tell if you're sweating when you're in the pool.

    Have a good swim!
  • andrea198721
    andrea198721 Posts: 173 Member
    Now I want to swim.
  • torshi
    torshi Posts: 107 Member
    Now I want to swim.

  • riouxha
    riouxha Posts: 995 Member
    i used to swim competitively. now i really wanna start again :)
  • swimming is such a good way for loose weight, its very beneficial !!
  • ellycope
    ellycope Posts: 80 Member
    My Sigma HRM is waterproof and I've worn it for a couple of swims. I'm in no way a competitive swimmer and the last time I went I burnt 220ish in 30mins so 1,100 for an hour and a half of intense swimming is probably about right. I'm 5' 6" and 143lbs if that helps!
  • Thanks everyone for your help!