Inconvenience! HELP!



  • IveLanded
    IveLanded Posts: 797 Member
    A tall skinny mocha is just over 100 calories.
  • MissNations
    MissNations Posts: 513 Member
    If you wind up at Starbucks, get the oatmeal with fruit and nut (no sugar) for breakfast. Can you drink just a plain latte or coffee with milk? Neither of those is horrible...
  • coconutbuNZ
    coconutbuNZ Posts: 578 Member
    The day or night before - organise your brekky and other meals for next day. Buy some fruit, crackers, low fat cheese, yoghurt.
  • katiejarr
    katiejarr Posts: 251 Member
    I was a Skinny Latte addict! Now I set my coffee maker the night before, bought non fat milk and make a regular coffee and put non fat milk in it with Truvia and take it with me in my coffee traveler mug (tastes just as good!) and for my food I take a Protein bar or a Fiber One bar 90 calories and has chocolate in for me!
  • lizrd3
    lizrd3 Posts: 3
    APPLES are great for you and have like next to nothing bad for you...
  • TinkrBelz
    TinkrBelz Posts: 888 Member
    On Sundays I am running all over the place getting the kids and myself ready for church.

    SO, I get my coffee ready to make the night all I have to do is turn on the machine and I have a Pure Protein bar ready. I eat that during Sunday School while everyone else eats those fried little sausage balls (yes, they look sooooo good!!!)
  • guildwars1987
    guildwars1987 Posts: 73 Member
    Stop running late... lol. But, seriously, see it as motivation to get up a few minutes earlier or start to get ready a few minutes earlier. It's a motivation for weight loss.
  • blueeylb
    blueeylb Posts: 297 Member
    for me i found what helps me is i bought a kurig and as i'm getting ready to put my things together and head out the door i turn on the machine and coffee is ready in 2 mins. i also found out that the Zone Bars taste great and are 200-210 cals. and loaded with protien and keeps you full. also just found out the k-cups you can get them @ sam's 80 cups for $37.00 and the supermarket has good sales on the Zone Bars 10/$10..
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    Couple of tips

    1) Prepare food in bulk. I am a single guy but when I cook, I cook atleast worth of 4 days of food. Alot of times more than that. Maybe you can do something like cook 4-5 different dishes on your day off or something?

    2) Keep fresh AND dried fruits around. This way if you're running late, no problem. Got a 300+ calories worth of breakfast via 2 bananas + a glass of milk

    3) Keep some TV dinners around. They're not the best, they dont taste amazing either but they're the lesser of the 2 devils.

    4) Keep some deli meats, bread and mustard at work if you got a fridge and make a quick sandwich. Much better than KFC/McDs
  • julie781
    julie781 Posts: 221 Member
    The Starbucks by my house take FOREVER!!! I can make coffee and breakfast at home in less time! Make sure every things good to go the night before and in the morning by the time you're hoping out of the shower... coffees's brewed! I toast half a thomas' fiber english muffin, slap a over easy egg on top, and I'm off!
  • kellystigers
    If you choose to go to Starbucks... always order skinny! That is non-fat and sugarfree. It will help your calories which will help you! If you are on the go.. try grabbing some fruit with your bagel. I have a pig in a blanket (made with turkey franks and reduced fat crescent rolls) during the week with an apple on my way to work. Both are under 300 calories. I make the pigs on the weekend and just pop in the microwave each morning for 30 sec to warm it up. I cut the apple while that is warming..grab my lunch bag and I am out the door. Hope these tips help or give you something else to try! Good luck!
  • AZKristi
    AZKristi Posts: 1,801 Member
    The best investment of my life was my programmable coffee maker. I prep coffee and pack my lunch before I go to bed. In the morning, I fill a Contigo insulated stainless steel cup with coffee and half & half before I leave home. This way I have time for breakfast as well.

    As far as quick breakfasts...

    2 Tablespoons of Peanut Butter and an Apple
    Good Food Made Simple Steel Cut Oatmeal (frozen) - Toss it in your bag and microwave/eat it when you get to work
    A couple of pieces of Low fat string cheese and a piece of fruit
    Single serving yogurt containers are easy to eat at a stoplight while you drive to work
    Keep ziplock baggies containing pre-measured servings of dry cereal handy - a cup of milk in an insulated cup and you have cereal on the run!
  • GrammyWhammy
    GrammyWhammy Posts: 484 Member
    If convenience is worth the extra $$$, then:

    Buy your favorite breakfast bars--Fiber One and Kashi have some of my favs--and keep them in an easy access basket.

    Stock up on quick-grab fruits, like Clementines, bananas, dried plums or cherries, and small apples, that are easily portable.

    Every couple of weeks fill snack bags with a single serving of your fav high fiber crackers and nuts and keep them next to the breakfast bars.

    Buy small containers of yogurt or l/f cheese sticks (or single servings of Kefir).

    Fill reusable water bottles with water and keep in fridge. Carry Mio or similar item in purse or keep in car/desk to jazz up drinks.
  • Helenatrandom
    Helenatrandom Posts: 1,166 Member
    Banana and an apple with peanut butter. You can toast a couple of nutrigrain waffles while you gather your things, spread the peanut butter over the waffle and eat it with your fruit. If you like Starbucks coffee, then get it. Your'e still saving money .
  • Musikelektronik
    Musikelektronik Posts: 739 Member
    You and you alone control whether you're late. So that's not really an excuse. But that's not what you asked.

    My typical breakfast consists of a banana coupled with a Slimfast weight-loss shake. They come in cans and if you find they're a little pricier than you'd prefer, different grocery chains have their own brand (Safeway is one).

    A banana is fruit, so that's good. And the shake is loaded with vitamins and tastes pretty good, too. I like the "Chocolate Royale" flavor. Total for this meal is about 275 cals. If that's too many, you can always skip the banana.

    Best of all, no prep time. It takes five seconds to grab the canned shake from the fridge and the banana off the counter. Shove them in your bag. If you do this, no matter how late you are, you can always have a good breakfast.

    Oh, and this meal costs maybe $1.25 tops. The only thing you can buy at Starbucks for $1.25 is a dirty look from the barista! :happy: