PMS is KILLING my hard work. Advice???

Hi Ladies.
I came to the realiztation that when my TOM comes around, I'm a pig! ( :embarassed: For a lack of a better term) My emotions and appetite get the best of me. I try my hardest to say no to the temptation, but it seems like EVERY cycle for about 4 days I want to EAT EVERYTHING IN SIGHT! I've tryed to binge on fruit and veggies, but my hunger isn't even close to being satisfied and I end up pigging out on just about anything and everything I can find in my fridge and pantry. I wish I could get rid of all the "bad" food, but my fiance likes his snacks and I can't just change his ways. (Ok, I have changed some things... but the cookies, ice cream and chocolate is a no touch subject, esp. when he can eat that crap all day and not gain an ounce :grumble: ) These 4 days of eating garbage along with total lack of desire to exercise, I end up gaining anywhere between 3-10 lbs. I know it's from my high volume of salt intake and it usually does come off within the week AF is here. I was just wondering, what do YOU do to help these snack attacks? Any little bit of advice or tips would help me greatly. This seems like a battle I fight every month and I just want it to STOP!! I hate seeing 3 weeks of hard work and dedication go down the drain because of one measly week and the joys of being a woman. :cry:


  • Daydreams406
    Daydreams406 Posts: 249 Member
    hahaha...I just went through this, so I will be looking forward to the answers as well. I was a beast for a week before my period, to four days in. I had some "ok" days in that time, but most of it was trying my darndest to stay away from the junk. I did find that If i ate some protein (i ate the precooked chicken strips) at about late afternoon, then it took some of the edge off. Because I was the worst around 2pm - 4pm. Then in the evening...I used popcorn and claussen pickles. lol Chocolate fix...I found the skinny cow chocolate wafers do the trick for me....or their ice cream sandwiches.
  • Amy_Lee_2012
    Amy_Lee_2012 Posts: 156 Member
    PMS is horrible for me! The emotional part aside, my food cravings are just terrible. I can eat from the time I wake up until the time I go to bed, and that's exactly what I used to do.
    Now, I recognize that this time of the month is going to have this effect on me, and I just deal with cravings. I have 70% dark chocolate in the house and I allow myself 5 squares a day, when It's that time of the month. I also make sure and drink tons of water and workout, which also seems to help.
    I gain between 3-7 pounds every month, during my TOM- I hate it! I am just glad it disappears as quickly as it appears! :)
  • Brandie6004
    Brandie6004 Posts: 87 Member
    I'm the same way! I end up drinking tons of water and I'll try to stick with almonds (blue diamond has some flavored ones that are yummy and not too bad) or I'll have some yogurt covered preztles (those seem to really help w the salty/sweet cravings i get) ...and I chew alot of gum. When it gets really bad I'll brush my teeth. I know that sounds weird but I hate eating ANYTHING right after brushing my teeth. I hope you find something that works for you, I know how hard it can be. Good Luck! :)
  • marvelousmeg422
    marvelousmeg422 Posts: 72 Member
    This post totally hit home! I was doing so well, and now it's that time of the month, and I want to eat everything in sight-- especially chocolate. I tried moderation but it... escalated. So in other words,

  • significance
    significance Posts: 436 Member
    Talk to your doctor about what can be done to stop or reduce the PMS. If you aren't trying to get pregnant, there are lots of options.
  • This is one of THE hardest battles! It sends me into a tailspin every single month and is so discouraging.:sad: I try to snack on trail mix (high in fat but at least I'm getting some good fat and protein) and allow myself one, guilt free treat a day and keep it to a reasonable portion. When it's really bad I'll nibble on frozen dark chocolate hersey's kisses (a tip I got from one of my MFP friends :smile: )
  • KeepOnMoving
    KeepOnMoving Posts: 383 Member
    I just go with craving but in moderation. Not every month is like this - just certain ones. Once you get a portion of the craving out of your system - don't feel guilty let it go. When its over, make sure you make up for lost time by being healthy the rest of the time. I weight more during this time, but always go back after its over (water weight.)
  • darlilama
    darlilama Posts: 794 Member
    Ah, yes, I was the same way. I literally felt like I was starving… my stomach would actually rumble. There is definitely a chemistry behind it all, although I never went into researching it in detail. I honestly never found a good coping technique. I just tried very hard to stay away from the really bad stuff… have a little not-to-bad stuff… and try to fill in with the actually good stuff. Rarely did the bad stuff satisfy my "cravings", so knowing that did give me a better reason not to "go there".

    Now that I'm going through menopause, it's sort of like 24x7 PMS. Although, the food cravings aren't as strong as they were before… I guess really I'm just more b*tchy… and hot and sweaty… and not in a good way. :ohwell:
  • lisa28115
    lisa28115 Posts: 17,271 Member
    This post totally hit home! I was doing so well, and now it's that time of the month, and I want to eat everything in sight-- especially chocolate. I tried moderation but it... escalated. So in other words,


    Girl I feel your pain!!!
    I am looking for answers myself
    I am trying to curb someof the cravings with protein, but I crave salt like crack!!!
    I still usually end up going over on my calories.
    Working out just makes me feel more starved!!!

    Bumping for more answers:bigsmile:
  • I eat carbs like they are going out of style tomorrow!!! Pizza is the worst!

    I have gotten used to controlling my cravings to a point. Not a great point, mind you. I workout harder. Especially if I start barging why I should not workout at all, then I have to give an extra 20 minutes for trying to back out of it!

    If I want to eat, which I DO!, then I have to put in the work first. I run the miles or lift the *heavy* weights then sit down with my Papa Johns and not feel bad that I just ate the entire thing because I at least got an awesome workout while I was bleeding to death. :drinker:
  • premiumchilenita
    premiumchilenita Posts: 600 Member
    I found this website that was really interesting, it give ways on substituting junky for healthy but still hitting the 'spot' and also somethings that women with PMS may be lacking. Tackle these one's and the cravings may not be so bad
  • darlilama
    darlilama Posts: 794 Member
    I found this website that was really interesting, it give ways on substituting junky for healthy but still hitting the 'spot' and also somethings that women with PMS may be lacking. Tackle these one's and the cravings may not be so bad

    OMG… Just went there. Sounds like great advice, but right between points 2 and 3 is a link to WHITE CASTLE? Crack me up.
  • jendez78
    jendez78 Posts: 1
    I think most girls go through this. I also fight with myself during this time of the month. Food high on carbs are irresistible. I have found that high protein snacks do help. I snack on little packs of chocolate covered almonds (100 cal packs) I do drink more water, and if your not too sensitive to caffeine, drink more green tea during the day, it does cut down on some of the cravings. Also even if you feel tired, don't skip your workouts, this really helps you stay on track because I notice that when you have a good work out the last thing you crave is high sugar/ high salt foods after. I also noticed my birth control made this worse for me. I don't know if this is the case for you but something to consider. Good luck!
  • lizaboots
    lizaboots Posts: 43
    I drink LOTS of water during this time- it seems to help some with cravings if I make my stomach full on water. I usually drink about 120oz a day, but during TOTM it's about 150oz. I've also found that I not only feel bloated and icky (with a couple pound weight gain) during my TOTM, but also during my ovulation time. This means that I really only drop weight a couple weeks out of the month. Joy.
  • Raina27
    Raina27 Posts: 133
    My TOM is here now and I find that since I have been committed to working out and eating better that the cravings have stopped!! I think what really works for me is that I log all my food a day in advance, drink plenty of water, and make sure I stick to what I put in my diary...also as someone else stated it really does help to workout during that TOM!! I can honestly say that my dedication is strong enough to deal with my TOM!! I think it just helps to stay motivated!! :)
  • Leiki
    Leiki Posts: 526 Member
    I've read that eating a piece of dark chocolate (at least 70% cacao) will curb a sugar craving. The way it works is you eat half a portion of whatever sweet you crave, and afterwards eat the dark chocolate. It will be easier to say no to the second half of your portion.
  • nemsmom
    nemsmom Posts: 48
    I used to be the same way, it was so horrible!!! Then someone told me about raspberry leaf tea (or I read about it, can't remember which lol), it is so great. Not only does it help with my cravings, but other issues as well. I drink one tea bag worth (about 3 cups brewed) every day.

    I know this comes across as a sales pitch of sorts. But I don't know how else to word it.

    I can't even remember where I originally heard about it and all the sites I find now don't talk about the cravings, but the stuff really works wonders! I started drinking it in early February and have only missed a few days of drinking it since because I drink it for more than just cravings.

    It doesn't matter what brand as long as it has raspberry leaves in it. Or you can even make it yourself with leaves you dry from your own raspberry plants, the leaves are best when the flowers first start to bloom.
  • starblazing
    starblazing Posts: 28 Member
    i am going through this right now. i found that if i MAKE myself go to the gym and spend about an hour and a half doing hardcore cardio, i feel so much better and i dont want to eat everything in sight as much as i would if i didnt go. on the other hand, if my cravings get the best of me and i do eat hella bad food, i dont feel so bad cause i just worked out a ton.
  • stephslosinglbs
    stephslosinglbs Posts: 64 Member
    I'm right there with you! Sweet & salty is what I always want, kills me every month.
  • lisa28115
    lisa28115 Posts: 17,271 Member
    I drink LOTS of water during this time- it seems to help some with cravings if I make my stomach full on water. I usually drink about 120oz a day, but during TOTM it's about 150oz. I've also found that I not only feel bloated and icky (with a couple pound weight gain) during my TOTM, but also during my ovulation time. This means that I really only drop weight a couple weeks out of the month. Joy.

    this is me:grumble: