How many calories will I burn during zumba?



  • I'm 5'2 and weigh 124lbs (lost 26lbs in 3 mos)....I push myself every time and only burn between 350 & 375....I guess it's good since I'm having so much fun burning it!!! :)
  • fromaquasar
    fromaquasar Posts: 811 Member
    It depends how hard you go - until you get the moves it can be harder to keep up the pace. But as you are bigger you will be burning more anyway.

    I am 5"4 and 120 pounds and I EASILY burn 500 cals/hour sometimes more like 600 - I wear a HRM to track my calories accurately :)
  • MissMaryMac33
    MissMaryMac33 Posts: 1,433 Member
    I'm 5'4" and 150 and burn 400-500 an hour... and I work my butt off -- been doing zumba 5-7x a week for almost a year.
    I wear an HRM with a chest strap --- the estimators are way off for me.

    EDIT: I burned a lot less when I first started --- you can work harder once you learn the moves and routines...and after awhile you won't really care if you're following the teacher --- if they do a move you don't like, just do your own thing so your heart rate never drops.. I hate the arm flinging stuff and I just don't do it -- I make up something else :)

    PS I think you generally burn more if you are heavier, and less the closer you get to your goal -- but its still THE MOST fun workout ever... I'm addicted.
  • cheshirequeen
    cheshirequeen Posts: 1,324 Member
    i work really hard, so i guess around 10 calories per minute. im usually drenched so its probably more, but i try to go on the lower side
  • Sul3i
    Sul3i Posts: 553 Member
    Heart rate monitor* so that's the trick! Learn something new everyday! =) gotta get me one I guess!
  • kelscjo
    kelscjo Posts: 7 Member
    I was just wondering the same thing so I started researching - i found this one website. Hope it helps. Just scroll down to the bottom and enter in your information and it will give you an estimate.
  • Thanks for the Zumba calculator website. That helps!!
  • misskimlilac
    misskimlilac Posts: 306 Member
    shygal - could you let me know what make ur hrm/calorie counter is? I really want to get one but don't know where to start!!

    I would like to know too! :)
  • mochamom83
    mochamom83 Posts: 6 Member
    This is great!! I just started a Zumba class. Had my second class this morning. I love it!! I know I don't move around quite as much as others I see, but I know I will get better at it as time goes on. Some times I get lost in all the steps, but just try and keep moving. Where do you get a good heart rate monitor? Are they very expensive?
  • colormeskinny2
    colormeskinny2 Posts: 9 Member
    What kind of heart rate monitor to you all use for Zumba, I want to get one but don't want to spend a lot on one but I want one that works well....any suggestions??
  • From what I have seen, most people are WAY overestimating the number of calories burned during a zumba workout. I even had one coworker claim that her "watch counter" calculated that she lost 1100 calories in a 45 minutes workout. God lord. You would have to cross country ski - uphill for over an hour to burn those kind of calories, or literally run 10 miles in an hour. Zumba is a good workout, but you should keep your estimations more realistic, if you really want to lose weight. The fitness people I have spoken with estimate the total burned during zumba to be somewhere closer to the 250 calorie mark.
  • What brand do you guys use for the heart rate monitor?
  • Heart rate monitor* so that's the trick! Learn something new everyday! =) gotta get me one I guess!

    me too!! Have anyone use the biomedia?? I saw from Jillian Michaels. And theres another one SUUNTO. I dunno which one to buy.
  • I do Zumba as well and found the following site which takes into consideration how hard you worked out and your weight to give you an amount of calories burned. That is what I use. Hope it helps.

  • I like using the Zumba Calories site people have posted, I do Zumba at home every other day, but with the site I usually round to the lower 10th (i.e. it says I burnt 233, I'd take it down to 230, or if I had done 236, i'd still take it down to 230. so pretty much 231 through 239= 230) I'd rather underestimate then over estimate.
  • martinjn194
    martinjn194 Posts: 1 Member
    I am a Zumba instructor and I've had students in my class that would burn from 800-1000 calories in a 60 minute workout :)
  • Phrak
    Phrak Posts: 353 Member
    no more then 10cal/min, average person can not sustain activity levels above that for an extended period of time.
  • tmejias
    tmejias Posts: 11
    You would actually burn approx. 726 calories for a 45 minute zumba workout, you can use the calculator at:
  • CarrieStL
    CarrieStL Posts: 162 Member
    I have worn my heart rate monitor to numerous high energy ZUmba classes and clocked in 650-850 in an hr class. On MFP for diary purposes- I typically just log in 400. Same for bootcamp which I know burns WAY more than I typically log- again 400. I would rather UNDER estimate calories burned than over, which is EASILY done. Unfortunately, there is no TRUE way to know how much you honestly clocked in a workout.