Metabolism Restart - help!

I'm 28, 5'6 and just topped out at my heaviest yet-212. I've done the yo yo diet several time now and just want to start dieting like a normal healthy person that won't result in the dreaded rebound. 2 years ago I lost 40 lbs but was eating only around 600 calories a day and working out - I know BAD! Moving about 3 months after my wedding and eating whatever I wanted I put on a quick 60 lbs. I realize ive messed my body up - its confused. Its taken me 12 months to forgive myself and I'm ready to do it right and lose the weight for good.

I've been working out for a minimum of 30 min 3-4 x a week and eating about 1200 calories a day. The scale hasn't moved for 3 there a way to jump start my metabolism? I'm scared that my body doesn't know how man calories it needs anymore (the whole starving and binging really f'd it up). But I'm ready to do it right and believe I have been so far - but the lack of lost lbs is tempting me to go back to old ways - I DON'T WANT TO!

Also I am very active on the weekend -meaning I tend to hang out with friends and drink - so how much does alcohol affect my Metabolism?


  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 9,992 Member
    sounds like you really don't know how many calories your averaging a day......probably a lot more than you think. I wouldn't beat yourself up over a 3 week period given your circumstances and situation. Add some weight bearing exercise and make sure your getting enough protein. Efficiency, duration and intensity of exercising is another one of those factors that normally gets skewed on the high side for calories burned as well. Just keep at it and ratchet up your duration and intensity.
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    First need to think of this as a lifestyle change, not a "diet".

    Alcohol has a ton of empty calories (plus it does make you weaker to resist that crappy bar food when someone orders a giant platter or wings or something), so yes, it can absolutely slow you down.

    Are you tracking everything you eat and drinking water? Make sure you're tracking sodium too, especially if you eat out a lot. Depending on what kind of workouts you're doing and how long you've been at them, it might be time to change up your routine. If you're doing the right things, the changes WILL come, but your body might take a little longer to respond..hang in there!!
  • nixirain
    nixirain Posts: 448 Member
    Do this:

    I know it seems like alot of calories, but it is lower than you were doing before. If you try to make a major jump like you did the last time you will have the same results.

    I don't know about you, but I am cranky at 1200 calories a day and I am short! 4'11" and 139. I dont eat less than 1700 calories a day now and I am still losing. Slowly, but that's the best way to keep it off.
  • luv2eduk8
    luv2eduk8 Posts: 46 Member
    Try upping your calories to 1300-1400. I noticed for me that 1200 wasn't enough and I needed more. You are also not supposed to go below 1200 and if you are working out and burning calories, you are now lower than 1200 calories for the day. So try adding 50-100 calories to your total and see if that helps.