This post is for women on birth control and trying to lose w



  • laurensohn22
    laurensohn22 Posts: 163 Member
    I had this problem on the depo shot and seasonique. It all depends on your body chemistry and how it reacts with the chemicals in the drugs. Most of the weight isn't true "weight", it's just water.

    I switched to Implanon (the upper arm implant) and haven't had issues since (except nausea when I eat's the only difference).

    I've never heard of implanon . I've been using seasonique for almost a year and its been heel to try to lose every single pound. Can you explain implanon because i'm dying for help over here lol
  • Sal4kids00
    Sal4kids00 Posts: 22 Member
    Yea I am also having massive mood swings :( the only reason why I assume it's the birth control is because the week I'm on my inactive pills I really respond to my exercise and diet well.... And then it slows or stops right when I start taking the active pills again.... Thank you so much for all your input.

    I get a bit emotionally interesting right before my period.... but i always have. I did notice that my cramping has been better though since starting the pill.

    The mood swings start right when I first start a new pack hehe my fiancé knows when to watch out :)
  • cior
    cior Posts: 133 Member
    Hm, I haven't noticed my birth control affecting my weight loss at all. I take the generic for orthotricyclen low.
    Are you on a high dose?

    I'm on the same thing. Actually birth control is helping me lose weight. I have very off the wall hormones were I did not get my period for months at a time, nearly almost a year at one point. I do gained a couple pounds back here and there, but for the most part, I've been fine!

    I hope you figure this out because it sounds how I was before I was in BC. No matter what I did, it didn't matter! I was not gonna get that weight off.
  • Sal4kids00
    Sal4kids00 Posts: 22 Member
    it probably has to do somewhat with your hormone levels and water retention... I know a few birth controls are known to cause weight gain. I have mirena, and I know during the first few weeks when my body was regulating itself to the new birth control my cravings and everything were crazy out of control. I would suggest talking to your doctor and seeing if you could switch to something else, everything effects everyone differently. However, I wouldn't be concerned, 25 pounds since January is AWESOME weight loss and definitely nothing to be discouraged about!

    Thank you do much :) I'm kinda on a lil time limit hehe but I think you are right.... I think it has a lot to do with my body messing around with water retention... At least the week I start my cycle the actual weight that falls off stays off...
  • lrgirl81
    lrgirl81 Posts: 14
    I have this problem too. Your weight loss my be slower, but you gain weight with a pregnancy and then the point is lost anyway. It's kind of lose-lose. If you are having regular sex, unless you want a baby, you probably shouldn't chance it. If you aren't, and there are no other medical reasons why you are on them, maybe you could get away with going off of them for a while. Maybe you should talk to your doctor! and see if there are other birth control options that you may react differently to.
  • valenief
    valenief Posts: 134 Member
    I take the depo and I gained about 35 lbs :( Im still on it but with diet and working my butt of at the gym it is slowly coming off but bc makes you body pretty much think your about 2 months prego so it does make you wanna eat and it's easier to gain weight!
  • SARgirl
    SARgirl Posts: 572 Member
    I have not had an issue with losing weight while on birth control. I take ortho tricylcen lo.
  • Sal4kids00
    Sal4kids00 Posts: 22 Member
    I also should mention although I'm happy with the amount of weight loss... I'm kinds frustrated with how slow it is because I stupidly ordered my wedding dress two sizes smaller... And I only have about a month and a half to get it to fit comfortably... The weight loss is coming from some other place rather then my trouble area lol
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    The pill never affected my weight, but I not have Mirena and it's pretty much stopped my losses completely.

    BC affects everyone differently, so you aren't going to get the same two answers to your question. Some women will have no problems and others will. Maybe talk to your doctor about a different pill.
  • stablesong
    stablesong Posts: 224
    My doctor told me most weight gain is water retention, and that the depo shot increases your appetite, so that is why it makes you gain weight. I think that if you were on the Depo shot and still managed to stay within your goals, the only effect on weight would be water retention. I'm on Safyral and I've been able to lose provided that I keep my calories from being too low but also stay within goals.
  • My body and BC don't really get along :/ I've tried numerous types of pills, Nuvaring etc over the years. All pills besides the one I'm now (Desogin or Apri) cause my sex drive to tank. Like don't touch me, I *might* let you sleep in the same bed sorta thing. This pill makes me carry 10lbs of extra weight. I've been on it 3 different time throughout my life and it happens every.single.time. Sucks.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    My doctor told me most weight gain is water retention, and that the depo shot increases your appetite, so that is why it makes you gain weight. I think that if you were on the Depo shot and still managed to stay within your goals, the only effect on weight would be water retention. I'm on Safyral and I've been able to lose provided that I keep my calories from being too low but also stay within goals.

    Yeah ... no.

    I have not increased what I eat and I exercise like a mad woman. Mirena has the same hormone as Depo. I gained 20 pounds and it will not come off since I got Mirena. It isn't my eating and exercise habits causing this and I sure as hell am not retaining 20 pounds of water.
  • jpuderbaugh
    jpuderbaugh Posts: 318 Member
    I don't take birth control, but maybe it could just be causing you to retain water so that's why the scale is going up? I wouldn't think it would actually affect fat loss, but that's just my best guess.

    Some of the birth controls do say in the warnings about weight gain, usually only 5-10 lbs.

    I too am on birth control, whatever Aviane is the generic form of. I have been on it for years, but I can't really give you input because it's only been rather recent that I finally started really trying to lose weight. I cut out sweets for a week and lost 4 lbs. I lost 5 lbs. the week before my wedding by only drinking tons of fruit (no sugar added) smoothies and fresh veggies. Then my sweets cravings come back with a vengeance and I gain it all back.
  • Sal4kids00
    Sal4kids00 Posts: 22 Member
    Thank you again for your input everyone.... I think maybe I should try a month without the pill.... Since everyone mostly does have a different experience with birth control and weight loss. :flowerforyou:
  • ctlinj7
    ctlinj7 Posts: 151 Member
    I was on OTC lo for 2 years and gained over 15 lbs ( I was an all sport athlete and constantly exercising) and still gained. I was depressed so I talked to my doc and switched to Implanon, which was the BEST decision I have ever made. I've had it for 3 years and recently got the 2nd one implanted (they are good for 3 years). I seriously LOVE it. I've lost about 15 lbs now. I do think it has to do with body chemistry, but if you are having questions or thinking that there is a better alternative out there, def seek your doctor's advice and if not, consult another doc.
  • Sepheara
    Sepheara Posts: 208 Member
    I take the depo and I gained about 35 lbs :( Im still on it but with diet and working my butt of at the gym it is slowly coming off but bc makes you body pretty much think your about 2 months prego so it does make you wanna eat and it's easier to gain weight!
    I deop and I did gain some weight, I thought it was hormonal or something tuntill my doctor explained that my body things I'm pregnangt so my appetite is whats in creased. so I switched to healthy snacks and more water and the weight is coming off.

    So I don't think the shot makes you gain weight like some people say, I think it just increases your appetite, if you know it's gonna happen and plan for it you'll be fine. I am hoping I can lose all the weight without giving up my beloved shot.
  • JessiC1984
    JessiC1984 Posts: 97 Member
    I'm on alesse, I haven't had any issues with weight loss, but I've found over the two and a half years I've been on the pill I actually *got* cramps. I never did before. The last few months I don't even get a period at all during the placebo pill week, instead I'm getting random spotting the last week of my pills. Getting REALLY annoying, but the clinic keeps telling me "oh well, that's normal" screw that, I have my yearly check up and all that soon, so I'm going to let the doctor know that I don't care if it's normal, I don't want random spotting, that's one of the main reasons for me having gone on the pill...
  • Kris0109
    Kris0109 Posts: 177 Member
    Generic Yaz, no problems now (and it evens out the premenstrual crazy that usually results in the death of small chocolate creatures). I think they've changed it since last time I was on the generic, because it did make me gain a few lbs a few years ago. But that could also have been because I wasn't working out, was eating like garbage.

    And someone else made a comment before about whatever the negligible weight gain was being better than the weight you'd gain during an unplanned pregnancy, and to that I say AMEN.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I take the depo and I gained about 35 lbs :( Im still on it but with diet and working my butt of at the gym it is slowly coming off but bc makes you body pretty much think your about 2 months prego so it does make you wanna eat and it's easier to gain weight!
    I deop and I did gain some weight, I thought it was hormonal or something tuntill my doctor explained that my body things I'm pregnangt so my appetite is whats in creased. so I switched to healthy snacks and more water and the weight is coming off.

    So I don't think the shot makes you gain weight like some people say, I think it just increases your appetite, if you know it's gonna happen and plan for it you'll be fine. I am hoping I can lose all the weight without giving up my beloved shot.

    Then why do I know so many people who went on Depo and were working out like crazy and watching what they ate and still gained and couldn't lose it?

    The weight gain and bone loss (and many, many other negative side effects of that awful shot) affect 40% of users, which means 60% of you won't experience them. That doesn't mean the experiences of those 40% aren't real.
  • Sal4kids00
    Sal4kids00 Posts: 22 Member
    I have this problem too. Your weight loss my be slower, but you gain weight with a pregnancy and then the point is lost anyway. It's kind of lose-lose. If you are having regular sex, unless you want a baby, you probably shouldn't chance it. If you aren't, and there are no other medical reasons why you are on them, maybe you could get away with going off of them for a while. Maybe you should talk to your doctor! and see if there are other birth control options that you may react differently to.

    Yea it's kinda weird... It's like it slows the weight loss down a good bit for me....