Best King of Milk

VanessaGS Posts: 514 Member
Does anyone know what the best kind of milk is with the fewest calories? Even one cup of 2% milk seems like alot. Is skim milk any good and how healthy is it?


  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member

    Edited: Just look at the chart. The crap underneath is typical B.S. Dairy products do not contain antibiotics.
  • Sl1ghtly
    Sl1ghtly Posts: 855 Member
    Chocolate milk!
  • VanessaGS
    VanessaGS Posts: 514 Member
    Isn't chocolate milk the worst kind even though it's so good.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Are you trying to suggest calories are bad?
  • VanessaGS
    VanessaGS Posts: 514 Member
    No just trying to cut the calories down a little more to stay within my calorie range for the day.
  • PlanetVelma
    PlanetVelma Posts: 1,231 Member
    I drink 2%, I just fit it into my calories for the day.

    I've tried soy, almond, etc....and I have found that I prefer my dairy fresh milk. I buy milk from a local dairy. Fresh milk is the best!
  • VanessaGS
    VanessaGS Posts: 514 Member
    I guess I can cut down half a cup or just work out a little longer, but seriously does anyone know how skim milk tastes?
  • Sl1ghtly
    Sl1ghtly Posts: 855 Member
    Isn't chocolate milk the worst kind even though it's so good.

    It's the best ever! Anyone who says different only says that to discourage you from having any so there is more for them.
  • venetianprince
    In general, Skim milk is the best, it has a moderate low GI and contains protein to support lean muscle, whole milk is just loaded with saturated fats and has alot more calories than skim.
  • PlanetVelma
    PlanetVelma Posts: 1,231 Member
    I guess I can cut down half a cup or just work out a little longer, but seriously does anyone know how skim milk tastes?

    I'm not a fan of skim milk either. Well....I don't mind it in my coffee, does that count? HA!

    Just workout a bit more, lift some weights, walk a little longer, whatever ya gotta do!
  • LindaCWy
    LindaCWy Posts: 463 Member

    Edited: Just look at the chart. The crap underneath is typical B.S. Dairy products do not contain antibiotics.

    You sure?
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Skim milk tastes fine, but I am not sure if you are trying to avoid calories or fat. We use 2% because a little fat is good for you. That said, I also use Soymilk which is around 90 calories for a cup, Almond milk which is about 60 calories for a cup and Cocunut milk which is about 80 calories for a cup.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    I guess I can cut down half a cup or just work out a little longer, but seriously does anyone know how skim milk tastes?

    Skim milk tastes pretty much the same as 2% but is watery in texture. Have you tried 1% or even soy or almond milk.
  • lizzzylou
    lizzzylou Posts: 325
    In general, Skim milk is the best, it has a moderate low GI and contains protein to support lean muscle, whole milk is just loaded with saturated fats and has alot more calories than skim.

    but it's oh so tasty! you're probably one of those anti-cream people too :frown: :wink:
  • venetianprince
    I guess I can cut down half a cup or just work out a little longer, but seriously does anyone know how skim milk tastes?

    I'm not a fan of skim milk either. Well....I don't mind it in my coffee, does that count? HA!

    Just workout a bit more, lift some weights, walk a little longer, whatever ya gotta do!

    Fairly Watery, not as rich as whole milk though.
  • VanessaGS
    VanessaGS Posts: 514 Member
    Skim milk tastes fine, but I am not sure if you are trying to avoid calories or fat. We use 2% because a little fat is good for you. That said, I also use Soymilk which is around 90 calories for a cup, Almond milk which is about 60 calories for a cup and Cocunut milk which is about 80 calories for a cup.

    Trying to cut calories down by a few. Not much though cuz I will work out. Just curious about the skim milk also.
  • GasMasterFlash
    GasMasterFlash Posts: 2,206 Member
    I dunno, but the queen is...

  • ciel9
    ciel9 Posts: 15
    Almond milk! I tried Silk's Almond Milk with Dark Chocolate and i'm not going back to dairy milk again!
    And it's only 120 calories for 250 ml.
    The plain version has much lower calories..
  • SARgirl
    SARgirl Posts: 572 Member
    I drink fat free milk and if I drink 2% it tastes like I'm drinking whole milk. I like it and use it frequently. I also like Silk Soy Chocolate Milk Light (I use it in my protein shakes).
  • venetianprince
    Hey its not bad to have a cheat meal with creamed foods here and there, just don't make it a habit.