Review of Jillian Michaels body revolution



  • mes1119
    mes1119 Posts: 1,082 Member
    I've heard a lot of reviews on P90X and Insanity, but nothing on Body Revolution. Would also like to hear some reviews.

    The program is REALLY new. Was only released at the beginning of Feb '12. It simply isn't possible for anyone to have completed the 90 day program yet.

    Those beachbody programs have been around for some years now, as far as I know.
  • Goal_Seeker_1988
    Goal_Seeker_1988 Posts: 1,619 Member
    I just started week 2 I think it's a great quick workout that challenges your muscles. It's not as challenging as her 30 day shred but it slowly builds up to a more challenging workout. I burn on average 260 calories.
  • amgilman87
    amgilman87 Posts: 62 Member
    what are the no foods?
  • drmqn160
    drmqn160 Posts: 1
    Thanks for the comments! I just ordered it, I'll let all of you know how it goes :)
  • theredcliche
    theredcliche Posts: 233 Member
    what are the no foods?

    raw cruciferous veggies (fine when cooked), strawberries, peanuts, pine nuts.... that's all i can remember right now. she also advises against soy due to its estrogen like effects but that is not really talked about in the program as a no food. she states that they are goitrogenic and may adversely affect the metabolism by interfering with iodine uptake in the thyroid.
  • stacy397
    stacy397 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm on week 2 of Body Revolution - I did the Kick Start menu the first week and followed it exactly. I lost 3.5 pounds, so I'm very happy. The workouts really work you out, but I don't find them too hard (yet). I most likely won't follow her 90 day meal plan exactly. I work full time and do not have the time to make the current days meals, plus cook the meals that are for lunch the next day. While I followed the Kick Start menu the first week, I found I was in the kitchen every night for hours preparing the meals. this is too much with a job, family, etc.... This would work great for someone that doesn't work a full- time day job. But I will follow her excercise plan and plan to incorporate as many as the breakfast and dinner meals as possible. Also, I can't fit in a workout in the morning and the evening. I pretty much leave out her Cardio DVD - I count my power walk with my dog as my Cardio :-)
  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    just ordered mine :))
  • needlework
    needlework Posts: 141 Member
  • I purchased the Body Revolution recently and will start my own blog from a Vegetarian's perspective. I will begin the program on Monday so that Sunday can be my rest day.
  • dzmikki
    dzmikki Posts: 236 Member
    Thanks for all of the info. I have been able to find feed back on other threads to. I am going to order it, as everyone has good things to say about it!
  • what are the no foods?
    Never Foods
    Soy, Peanuts, Raw cruciferous veggies (broccoli, culiflower, cabbage, brussels sprouts and kale), pine nuts, millet, bamboo shoots, peaches, strawberries-- "These foods may have Goitrogenic affects. Goitrogens are substances that suppress the function of the throid gland by interfering with iodine uptake, which can, as a result, cause an enlargement of the thyroid"-- she does have some of the COOKED in her recipes.
    Other No foods
    Alcohol, Flax, limit caffiene to 400mg/ day (equiv. 2 cups coffee), MSG, High fructose corn syrup, artificial sweetners (Equal, Splenda, sweet N Low), Artificial colors, artificial flavors, Nitrates, Nitrites (found in processed foods)
  • natvanessa
    natvanessa Posts: 230 Member
    I am on the 3rd week of Body Revolution.

    I am LOVING the workouts. I've never done any of her others dvd's, so for me they are all new and challenging. I also really like the fact that there are so many workouts: you do 2 of them for 2 weeks, then move on to 2 more, etc, for 3 months so there are about 15(?) workouts altogether. Basically you don't get bored and each one is a bit more challenging. I'm only on the 4th workout but love the pace, the moves, and I am sweaty by the end! Another thing I like is she gives you a calendar to keep track of which day to do which workout, which just helps keep you on trackk. I love checking off each day.

    As for the diet, I did make an attempt but for me I cannot follow the diet. The reason is each recipe calls for a bunch of ingredients. I am single, living alone and cannot buy each ingredient just to use for one recipe. I am however, simply incorporating more foods into my diet that she suggests: greek yogurt, veggies, hummus, almonds, lean meats, etc. Then I just modify and make my own recipes. I find MFP to be very useful when it comes to my diet so I'm fine with that.

    Overall I am super motivated and looking forward to my results!
  • Hey, I have a bunch of jillians other dvds and love them. I want to get body revolution. How long are each daily workouts? Thanx guys
  • today is day 30 for me...i am down 15 pounds an 18 inches... i started week 5 workout yesterday and it was super hard i had to watch the video a full time thru just to get the moves down.. now she wants no modified push ups but i am not ready for that though i keep tryin... i do recommend this workout plan and i have been following the meal plan.. there is alot i dont eat that she would like but i pick my favorites and keep with those..
  • acup1234
    acup1234 Posts: 3
    I have just finished day 2 of the Body Revolution and I LOVE it! I gained about 50 pounds over the past 4 years due to stress, univeristy, and just life in general. As a nurse, working 12 hour shifts is exhausting in itself when you have to get up in 8 hours and do it all over again, but, I can easily squeeze 30 minutes in before I go to work or class. ( I am also a student at college). The meal plan does require some foods you probably will only be able to acquire at a health food store, but I have one just down the street so that part was easy for me. I love the fact that she basically yells at you during certain points in the workout about how she is going to come through the tv screen and kick my *kitten*...that is the Jillian I know from the Biggest Loser! Lots of motivation, lots of core work, targeted muscle groups and cardio! Unfortunately as life goes, it's Friday and I am going out for wings and is unavoidable as my boyfriends parents are coming to visit and they suggested it. Any suggestions on how I can get through the night without consuming my weight in high calorie beer and fattening (but oh so yummy) wings? Best of luck to everyone doing this program, I will post me week 1 results next Thursday!
  • I am almost finished with week 2, and I love the work outs. Although, I have gained a pound and a half. I cannot afford to use the meal plan, but MFP keeps me in check as far as caloric intake. I just hope the scale starts moving the other way before too long!
  • Acup1234... Try for the boneless wings. And ask if they could bake them (some places will). As far as the beer, go with Heineken light, or for less carbs, michelobe (sp) ultra is a good choice. Good luck!!
  • acup1234
    acup1234 Posts: 3
    Acup1234... Try for the boneless wings. And ask if they could bake them (some places will). As far as the beer, go with Heineken light, or for less carbs, michelobe (sp) ultra is a good choice. Good luck!!

    Thank you so much! Will give it a try :smile:
  • When you add your entry for your daily workout from the body revolution, what are people listing it as, and how many calories burned?? Thx
  • kkrondon
    kkrondon Posts: 46 Member
    I just ordered and received my Body Revolution DVDs and kit. I will start the program 2morrow. I am sure that I will enjoy the workout part...I'm a huge fan of her Ripped in 30 DVD and of circuit training in general, b'cuz it's so effective! But in reviewing the meal plan many of the recipes appear to be overly complicated and in general are not that consistent with my personal food preferences, so I'll probably end up doing some modified version of the meal plan and continue using MFP to ensure that I continue to eat within my daily 1200 calorie goal. which is the same total daily calories of her meal plan. But I do plan to follow her kickstart ur metabolism meal plan-I should be able to do it 4 a week! I'll keep u posted on my progress.