Unhealthy office

How do you guys get by trying to be healthy in an unhealthy office? I work in a very small office and there's always fast food, donuts, and candy around. My weaknesses and its very hard to not have a donut or handful of tootsie rolls when the other 5-6 people you're working with is diggin in! Any tips or suggestions?! I come armed with my healthy foods but its so hard not to allow myself to be tempted.


  • biancardi
    biancardi Posts: 20
    I am in the same type of office setting as you are and I also am right across from the vending machine! lol

    What I do is look at the tempting bit of food and think - how much exercise do I have to do today to burn that off if I eat it? And that usually decides it for me - I will walk away.

    I have a weakness for bagels, pastries so when those are around, I just do my best to not go into the office kitchen when it is there - my co-workers will eat them up soon and then it is safe to go into the kitchen.

    The way I look at it is that I got to be this very unhealthy weight because I used to partake in the office goodies. Now, I have to be more picky and choose my battles (food) wisely. If it is hard now, just wait until the holiday season!!

    good luck.
  • joytron
    joytron Posts: 104 Member
    I and one of my co-workers occasionally stick a plate of healthy alternatives (e.g., fruit) right next to the unhealthy stuff. Then when we're walking by and the impulse is to just grab something, it's easy to grab the healthy one.
  • bhisken
    bhisken Posts: 26 Member
    Try to motivate them to do MFP with you. If they can't see what they are doing MFP will help them. Keep talking about what you are seeing on MFP as far as calories(that is what I did.) When they see you saying "no" to things that are not in your calorie budget they will be courious how you can not eat those things. And when the pounds start comming off(I would start telling them when you lose ;-) they will want to do this with you. Let me know what happens!! This worked for me and my work place :-)
  • tbendel
    tbendel Posts: 1
    Same here. My coworkers are constantly getting horrible food and it's always around. I am like a drill sargeant to myself "eat the food you brought!". If I eat on a schedule I'm less tempted because I'm full. Before you eat ANYTHING, look up the nutritional facts. EVEN if it fits in your daily limits, it's the wrong food for a healthy life! The more you refrain, the easier it gets.
  • lukeout007
    lukeout007 Posts: 1,247 Member
    Same boat...just say no.

    Unless you have the calories to spare...and then say yes but only eat half of what you normally would.
  • Saruman_w
    Saruman_w Posts: 1,531 Member
    I always bring/prepare my own lunch, bring my own snacks. It's always good to plan ahead!
  • kcashwheeler
    kcashwheeler Posts: 23 Member
    We are the same way...it seems like it's always time to celebrate something with food. I just quit it completely and it wasn't easy. I stick to my allotted calories per day so I usually can't afford to take in any of the food that's out. Sometimes people decide to do a pot luck salad bar or fruit bar and that's always nice. I agree with the earlier poster...the holiday season is the worst!!!
  • rides4sanity
    rides4sanity Posts: 1,269 Member
    Honestly, I always have something I'm training for. No really, but sometimes its a long range goal sometimes its next month. If I just say I'm trying to drop a few pounds, they give me a pretty hard time, but I've found when I tell them why (not that its any of their business, but that's ok too) they let it go. Now I say I'm trying to drop a few pounds so I can climb better on my next long ride. Good luck!
  • sandeeface518
    sandeeface518 Posts: 41 Member
    Thats what I plan on doing (bringing my lunch/snacks) ....but sometimes those sneaky doughnuts just appear in the office and it kills me!
  • Jersey14
    Jersey14 Posts: 40
    I always bring/prepare my own lunch, bring my own snacks. It's always good to plan ahead!

    I hate planning ahead! I dont know how you and others do it! ;)
  • bf43285
    bf43285 Posts: 43 Member
    I'm in the same boat. I work in hospitality and it is usually non stop work. Every weekend one of the companies we work with brings donuts, local restaurants bring in food samples to convince us to send guest to them and our cafeteria food is, well, cafeteria food. A lot of times (mostly weekends) we order food due to not even having time for a decent meal break and it's easier to order pizza and Chinese for a large group of people. So far, I've been able to control my portions to keep it in my food budget. It's not easy but if you remind yourself why you are doing it and stay strong. I had a bad day yesterday and got fast food (I know, horrible) and it did not even taste good.
  • RosieWest8
    RosieWest8 Posts: 185 Member
    Same here too. =D There’s a woman on vacation right now and before she left she came in with 3 bags of fun sized Easter candy and said, “I brought this stuff in so you guys have some candy while I’m gone!”……Jeez!

    Good thing they are ‘fun sized’. I’ve done the same thing that others have suggested…..brought in fruit or some veggies to stick out next to the bad stuff. But I love sweets too. I’ve found that a few bites of something actually satisfies me though. So I usually ask someone if they want to split something with me (like: cookies/brownies/cake)…I generally just cut off enough to equal 2 or 3 bites and give them the rest. If it’s something where it’s possible to cut off my own serving (like a whole cake or coffee cake --- I just cut off 2 or 3 bites worth).
    When I eat stuff like that, I take super tiny bites….I think it makes me feel like I’m having a whole piece of something good if it takes me 10 bites to eat it instead of the 2-3 bites I actually have. LOL. It’s all in my head probably.
  • jameswestlund
    I always bring/prepare my own lunch, bring my own snacks. It's always good to plan ahead!

    This is really the way to go.

    It just comes down to commitment, really. If it's that big of an issue you could go drastic and find work elsewhere, in a company with different culture and more active/health-minded employees. That's the nuclear option though. Better to just show up prepared with your own food (and snacks!).
  • lsapphire
    lsapphire Posts: 297 Member
    LIMIT LIMIT LIMIT, that's how I manage
  • shelbynicole32
    shelbynicole32 Posts: 179 Member
    I always keep a bunch of healthy snacks in my desk so when everyone is digging into the M&M drawer I pull out my 90 cal chocolate chip granola bar.
  • hollyk57
    hollyk57 Posts: 520 Member
    Keep lots of your own healthy snacks around - maybe every now and again, bring in a fruit or veggie tray to encourage others to join in on good-for-you eating. One of my co-workers just did this today! Yum
  • LilRedPitViper
    I work in an office of three, and I'm very lucky with my co-workers. We all started "Operation Upgrade the Sexy" together and have all stuck to it for 2 months now. We hold each other accountable, "harass" each other when someone makes poor choices, etc. We don't keep unhealthy snacks around either, which makes it much easier! We actually have several bags of Easter candy here now to put together client gift tins, and none of us have even bothered with it.
  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
    This makes me realize how thankful I am that I work for a company where we are all health-minded and aware of what the "bad" foods do. We have healthy potlucks like our recent Smoothie and Salad potluck. We all brought salad toppings and fruit stuff to make protien/fiber smoothies and salads. I work for a health-supplement company, so it makes it really easy to stay on track.
  • kjmarks11
    kjmarks11 Posts: 19
    Chew gum! This may sound silly, but it works for me. If I've got a nice piece of fresh, minty gum going, I can resist the sweets and junk food.
  • PeaceCorpsKat
    PeaceCorpsKat Posts: 335 Member
    I deal with these EVERY day... I have interns that do part-time work at Au Bon Pain. There are bagels and pastry 3 times per week!

    I bring healthy whole food snacks for office functions. I bring a bag of Cuties (clementine organges) or a bag of pistachios.

    Having healthy options keeps me on track and everyone loves them. My cuties and nuts are gone before the cookies and cake.