Soooo I Um.... Kinda pulled my Groin Muscle....

Sooo a few years ago... I think it was in like February 2010... I pulled my groin muscle... doing the dirty (Kinda embarrassing)

I went to the hospital because it was SOOO bad that I couldnt even sit down without feeling like I was dying.

They put me on crutches for a week and all was well.

Welll every few mos or so it seems like it wants to give me hell again.

Any suggestions?! I really dont wanna keep showing up at the doctors with a pulled groin muscle to keep hearing the same response.


  • BellydanceBliss
    what exercise were you doing that it does this? during my period usually i have a pelvic joint issue that is very painful i have no clue why...I feel your pain sister.
  • DietingMommy08
    DietingMommy08 Posts: 1,366 Member
    what exercise were you doing that it does this? during my period usually i have a pelvic joint issue that is very painful i have no clue why...I feel your pain sister.

    I do aerobics & I do a lot of walking every day.

    Even when I wasnt exercising its like every other month.

    Its so uncalled for...
  • dreawest
    dreawest Posts: 208 Member
    work in some massage play...
    as a one time story its fun and all but even if it was the best night ever it shouldn't have left you with a reoccurring injury. I hope it fades with time.
  • DietingMommy08
    DietingMommy08 Posts: 1,366 Member
    work in some massage play...
    as a one time story its fun and all but even if it was the best night ever it shouldn't have left you with a reoccurring injury. I hope it fades with time.

    It wasnt even the best night ever. Lol.
    Was just tryin something "new"

  • Sunshiny2
    Sunshiny2 Posts: 24 Member
    I would ice it regularly for sure! As well as some light stretching, if that doesn't do it for you.. You may want to try Physio or chiropractor who does active release technique.