Need help with Motivation

I would like to find someone who can help me, I want to do this for my self but that little extra encouragement would be amazing. I'm looking to lose a total of 60 more lbs. HELP plz :)


  • Batchoy
    Batchoy Posts: 19 Member
    From your ticker you seem to be doing really well so far, keep at it.

    I'm currently 31lbs down 84lbs to go. Having tried and failed many times in the past, one thing that is keeping me motivated this time around is sticking to eating normal food but in more appropriately sized portions. After three months of sticking to this philosophy I find my self enjoying what I eat but able to restrict myself calorie limit. I even found myself refusing a butter croissant in favor oatmeal porridge for breakfast today something that would never have happened before.