

  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Jipsy Judy & Realpure: I am driving up to spend the weekend with my parents and I plan to celebrate WITHOUT sweets or treats too. My Mother will have a cake or a pie or something special for the holiday, but I will pass. I do far better if I don't have ANY thing sweet. If I have "just a bit" I tend to start craving more. That's just me. I have also had rising blood sugar levels over the past year and am waiting to hear back from my doctor about my retest this past Tuesday. It is odd that my sugar went UP after losing 18 pounds when it was normal before, but we shall see. I am hoping it was a fluke, but I am realizing by limiting carbs more that I feel better anyway, so it is a good way to eat regardless. (And I am glad to hear about the Insulin Resistant Diet Book, in case it is what I need to deal with. (Sounds interesting anyway. I would love to hear a little about what it suggests)

    I was able to run for 20 minutes in a row this morning. That was almost 2 miles, so I am getting faster. Then I walked 2 miles. I am not trying to do this often, but it feels good to be able to boost my heart rate for that long. Once it gets more humid and hotter, I know I won't be running!

    I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. Not sure if I will be able to get onto internet at their house to check message boards!
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Phone rang as soon as I logged off...it was my doctor and both my blood sugar and cholesterol are now normal. The November numbers were either borderline or over normal, so I am very relieved. But also know now that this can be controlled, for me at least, through my diet and being VERY careful about certain foods. I eliminated the grocery store roasted chickens that my DH buys any chance he gets, and started doing my own. I suspect they use a very unhealthy fat to marinate them in. I always have a very high HDL number, but my LDL number had also gone up. Just a few changes took it down 40 points. And the blood sugar I don't know. It could have been a fluke, but I have also been reading everything about what causes blood sugar to rise and so I have been careful to always have protein with carbs now. Not a bad idea anyway.

    Sooooooo,,,,sure you are all sick of seeing me on here, so I'll say a VERY RELIEVED good day.:ohwell:

    Amanda: Thinking of you and sending all good thoughts across the pond to you! Kackie:heart:
  • scompton54
    scompton54 Posts: 116
    Greetings All

    Well, I seem to be chatting it up all the time the last couple of days :blushing:

    We now have a healthy school bill in Ontario which is, I think, a good thing. What this means is no more unhealthy snacks or sugar/caffeinated pops(soda) in the machines, no deep fried or high sodium/sugar/fat foods in the vending machines or food service areas. I tend to cook pretty well anyway, in my program, but I am also trying to teach kids the skills one needs to work in industry, so it can be difficult to teach them what their employers might want them to know and what I am allowed to sell. I just thank God that I am teaching culinary and not baking!! The problem with this is that the kids tend to go "out" to eat

    We have 10 "junk food" days a year and today was one of them. As a result, I was allowed to sell poutine, ribs and wings. My students also got a chance to learn how to make cheesecakes and cinnamon buns, how to use a smoker, and deep fry. Anyway, we had lineups down the hall today and my students had to really move which is a really good experience for them. I know that making these changes is a good thing, and I do think that their acceptance of whole grain breads and healthier choices is also positive, but my bottom line certainly went up today. My students thought it was the best menu ever! It just makes you realize how ingrained poor choices are, and how addicted we all are to greasy foods. Vegetables tend to come back uneaten all the time, but I still always put them on the plate. Funnily enough, even the teachers eat badly, which surprises me.....they were lining up for poutine too. I will admit that I had four wings today (400 calories, certainly not worth it)

    I am still hurting from my run yesterday. Shin splints from one run (is that even possible?) so today is my rest day. Tomorrow I will do a long bike ride and strength train, after sleeping in, I hope.

    Have a lovely weekend.


  • cathys01
    cathys01 Posts: 221
    Hi Ladies:

    Well, I started packing, well, a little bit anyway; we still do not have the dates straightened out yet for the closing, but I have faith, it will happen :wink:

    Laura - I hope your hubby gets his unemployment paperwork all worked out and I hope you get your parent's house sold :smile:

    Nancy - You are so right - wearing your memories is amazing:laugh: Also, you sound like one amazing teacher, I wish my kids had a teacher like you when they were in school :wink:

    Eileen - Congrats on Sophie Elizabeth and I am sure she will love her blanket :laugh:

    Barb from SW Washington - Glad to hear from you and sorry to hear you are still going through such nonsense :flowerforyou:

    Jane - So glad to hear your doctor's report went well :flowerforyou:

    Michelle - You are amazing :smile:

    JipsyJudy - What great ideas you had for when travelling, thanks :happy:

    Amanda - Thinking of you and hoping you are okay :flowerforyou:

    Kackie - Congrats on your great bloodwork :wink:

    I am off work until Tuesday and let me tell you, I have sooooooo enjoyed this time off work:laugh: They have only called me a few times too, not bad for them :wink:

    Well, better go, I just wanted to make sure I don't get behind on the posts :smile:

    Love, Cathy xx
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    scompton54 - I dont know what poutine is, but I do know what junk food is. Unfortunately fat tastes good, I sometimes think its more about teaching how the body feels and reacts after certain foods. I'm sure seeing the vegetables on their plate each day is setting up a good experience for them to fall back on. My 20yr old daughter, now lives out of home and often eats poorly, pizza, pasta, chips, etc, but I like when i get that call saying mum i really have to go out and buy some salad and vegies. So even good habits can be ingrained without them knowing.

    kackie - good news on controlling your blood sugar. I am diabetic but now control it with diet and exercise. Being diagnosed with diabeties is what put me on this journey.

    :heart: GOOD FRIDAY... already here in Australia, my first in 20 yrs without my darling daughter (only child) who is away on holidays at my sisters. My husband is having a sleep in. I like getting up early and having some quiet/meditation time to myself. I am looking forward to a quiet time to reflect and refresh. Its a 4 day holiday in Australia.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,381 Member
    Happy birthday to all the April birthdays!

    JipsyJudy - why is it, do you think, that meeting food, etc is so loaded with carbs? Thanks for your great ideas

    Did an hour of Bob Greens total Body Makeover DVD today. To me, tho, the workouts are so short, I'd really prefer something with a longer workout. But it's good for people who are just getting into exercise or for people who don't have a lot of time (each "week" is only about 10-15 minutes long). Does anyone know of a place where I can sell/exchange it? The good thing is that I am able to string a couple of the workouts together to make an hour. Tomorrow I'll do Jillian Michael's Burn Fat Boost Metabolism DVD. It's more aerobic than strength

    I went to a line dance class today, my crochet class was cancelled due to Holy Thurs. I wasn't real impressed with this instructor. She really wasn't prepared at all, we kept having to stop while she tried to remember the steps to the dances.

    I just wanted to mention to people that when you weigh in, do it at approximately the same time of day and wearing approximately the same amount of clothing. Just for jollies I weighed myself last night (I usually weigh myself in the a.m.), I was 135.5 Then this morning I was 129.5.

    Barb - I only use caliphers for my body fat testing. I don't know of any place that does hydrostatic testing. I know that's the most accurate but it's also the most expensive. Bioimpedance (those hand held thingys) is so very inaccurate, even something as small as how hydrated you are can affect the results.

    kackie - trust me, I wasn't born lean either. It's really watching what you're eating and exercise. Congrats on the blood work numbers!

    Vince and I went to the storage building to start to empty the last unit and bring it home. We found some very interesting things. I finally found the coal that I put in the stockings at Christmas! I knew I'd packed it, I just didn't remember where. We'll probably have to go back for 2 or 3 more loads. Then, hopefully, that'll be one less monthly bill we have

    Amanda - whatever your problem, my heart is with you.

    Nancy - another thing you can do on the treadmill (just to do something different) is walk sideways. For a time to the right, then for a time to the left, then repeat. Also works inner and outer thighs.

    Laura - have you ever used the pumpkin and spice cake mix but put it into muffins? I do that a lot. The only thing is, when I make them, there is usually a small bit of the cake mix that didn't get mixed up. What do you do? Do you maybe beat yours? Someone just told me about using club soda in place of the eggs and oil in a box cake mix. I think it was on Dr. Oz that I saw this.

    Sarah - so glad you have a healthy school. Wish we did the same here in the US. Who decides if a snack is unhealthy or not? I remember hearing that restaurants use a lot of butter, so I can see your dilemma. Feel better fast!! I know that I have a weakness for fats and sugars, like when I make a cake or cookies, I like the batter but really couldn't care less about the cake or cookie after its been baked.

    jellyfish - I agree, good habits can be ingrained without someone knowing it. When I was little, we never had cakes or ice cream for dessert, it was always a piece of fruit. I guess that's where my love of fruit comes from

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening.

  • djhobs
    djhobs Posts: 200 Member
    Had an ok day eating..gave into the munchies at work.:grumble: .was not hungry, just wanted to crunch...oh well I did go for a walk:smile: so did not completely blow the day and it was a pretty spring day. Today was a day off from workout, but back to it tomorrow am. Have good evening, ladies.
  • fitz1191
    fitz1191 Posts: 50 Member
    Hello all just got caught up on all the posts been a long week for me I went for a massage yesterday trying to relax a bit and break up some of the junk in there so it will wash out been to this guy alot of times massage is one of my guilty pleasures and I treat myself once a month or so but havent been for awhile any way I think he got a bit carried away on my back feel like I'm one big bruise back there still pushed through my workout this am but man oh man am I sore Oh well Ibuprofine water and rest and I will be better in no time but I will remember this next time I go.
    :love: Happy Birthday to all the April folks
    :bigsmile: Amanda I hope things smooth out for ya soon thoughts and prayers sent your way
    :wink: Exermom sounds like I need to find that dvd it might be just what Im looking for
    Well off to visit with the hubby after a long days work see you all soon
  • LeniceH
    LeniceH Posts: 17
    Hello All!

    Pretty new to MFP, trying to plug myself into a supportive community so I will stay on track with my fitness goals!
    My goals for April - lose 1 lb weekly, ramp up my fitness! I have no problem walking briskly 3-5 miles daily, however I need to tone and shape my core an upper body so I need to find something that I can stick to and something I will see results with before becoming discouraged so any suggestions would be appreciated. (Note - I live very rural so no gym locally) Any fitness/workout dvd's that anyone has used and had success with?
  • djhobs
    djhobs Posts: 200 Member
    Laura, I bought the kettleworx at sports authority. It came with a kettlebell and a bunch of Dvds, cardio, resistance, core are all 20 minute workouts. There were also 2 fifteen minute workouts...cardio and abs. The trainer has a six week program..I really like it, I am not sure he explains form very well, but I try to use common sense with respect to body position and how far you lift, etc. He does to lots and lots and then some more squats. I usually do the resistance and core Dvds and I bike, row and walk for cardio...you can also purchase this program online, but I think it was more $$.:happy:
  • yaddayaddayadda
    yaddayaddayadda Posts: 430 Member
    I would also look into some yoga tapes. I have seen a huge improvement in tone since taking up yoga. There are many different levels of yoga. I do vinyassa yoga at a studio, but I have heard that CD's or tapes are just as good:-)
  • JipsyJudy
    JipsyJudy Posts: 268 Member
    Michelle - what a good question about why meeting food is always loaded with carbs. I noticed that especially much last month when DH and I were at a reception where I wasn't able to show up late. I don't drink wine at those things until I can eat some protein, because wine has a few carbs, and I'm not supposed to have carbs without protein on the insulin resistance diet. Well, I took a glass of white wine when I arrived, and I think I must have stood holding that glass for more than a half hour before the roaming waiters passing by me turned up something with protein on them. And I was really craving a sip of that wine the whole time!

    Happy Easter and Happy Passover Eve to those who are celebrating these holidays! I'm happy to see that there are others here who plan to make the weekend about people, not food. It's interesting to think about how this celebration of rebirth and renewal got morphed into an orgy of candy consumption.

    And for those who haven't seen my posts about this elsewhere, the new profile pic is of the 25 pound fat bump on my abdomen. I plan to lose it this year! People keep telling me I'm skinny and don't need to lose weight. I needed to reassure myself that I really am still carrying 25 pounds I did not have until age 35.

    Jipsy Judy (who like Judz46 is also Judy born in 46)
  • chicletgirl21
    chicletgirl21 Posts: 99 Member
    Hello Everyone!

    Haven't really been myself for the last few months and just didn't feel like doing anything. Even getting on the computer was a major project for me. So I haven't been on since January I think? I have received a few messages from some of you, and I have read them, but just couldn't get myself "up" to go here. But thank you all for checking in on me. I appreciated it. Made me feel like I did create some kind of ripple in the waters of life. :smile:

    Things have been going on of course these past few months, but nothing really good to report, just depressing stuff that I will not bore you with. I am hoping soon there will be a change for me. I am praying there will be. I don't think I can keep going like this much longer. I have had too many counselors, doctors, and my mom's physical therapists tell me that I need to do something soon or else she is quite literally going to hurt me physicallly let alone mentally. So I have to do something. Just thinking about it boggles my mind. I just dont want to deall with it, so I am just hiding. I know its not good to do this, but it is how I am dealing with issues at this moment.
    When I saw how many months had passed since I have been on here, it kind of shocked me and so I figured I better make an appearance....briefly.
    I am glad everyone is doing well with their weight losses , exercises, and life in general. For those that are feeling poorly right now, I am thinking of you and sending my prayers to you.
    Take care all.
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    Hope all is going well. It has been a busy week. I am doing better with my goals....drinking water and moving more. Still not getting to the gym but I did teach my two yoga classes and walked more this week. I finally am getting to see the chiropractor tomorrow...naturally I am feeling a lot better. We have a busy weekend planned....tonight we did the grocery shopping. I am doing a brunch for family for Easter...got some nice healthy options!

    Mary…Good for you for all that exercise in March. I really need to get myself motivated for regular exercise.
    Djhobs….. Thinking of you and your DS. Good idea to use exercise as an outlet.
    TeTeAngel…. I struggled in March too. Glad to start a new month and new goals.
    Michele…you are so consistent with your exercise. Any words of wisdom……three weeks ago, I think a pinched nerve caused lots of pain in shoulder and arm. I have given myself too big a pass. Tomorrow I am finally getting into a chiropractor. My yoga stretches have really helped me a lot…..I should be exercising..need motivation!!!
    Barbie…you are a dedicated DWTS fan! We watch it on Monday night with my friend’s mom. She is 92 and really enjoyed dancing so it’s great to hear her commentary.
    Barbara…..good for you with the SWSY session. I have the book……now to get to the next step….doing it!!
    Karen…Welcome! I retired from teaching and wondered how I ever fit that job in my week! Enjoy your spring break!
    Suz….what a drive! I hope you are feeling better. I know that once I put those simple carbs/sugar in, I really feel awful.
    Kackie….it must be tricky acclimating to “summer” after your time in the mountains. I have done a 12 week challenge with a group on MFP and I really like. I signed up for the next one which starts on Monday and I am looking forward to it ( I think this challenge is called Thin in my Skin….we are finishing Egg cellent for Easter). It really helps me focus on my number every week. This board helps me so much with motivation, resources and general wisdom. We are so lucky to have this! Great results for the doctor!!
    Cathy…so glad you have a great time on the cruise. You must be so busy with the house selling too. Glad you are back!
    Faye..what a great friend you are! How great for the parents of the two children with special needs—so glad they got a weekend off.
    Jane…so glad you got a good report from the ortho. Good news!
    Amanda…hope things are better and that you are feeling better.

    Have a good night,
  • imaiyana
    imaiyana Posts: 3
    Wow, I was excited to see this group! I have been with my fitness pal for about 3 weeks. I will be 53 on April 11 and am happy to admit it. I am however, finding that my age makes things a bit different for loosing weight and getting back into shape, so it is good to see support in my age bracket. Thanks for the group. My goal is to loose another 8 pounds this month. In order to do that I am upping my work out goals and sticking to it!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,970 Member
    :flowerforyou: This morning’s spiritual reading said “---those who are free of resentful thoughts surely find peace”. The topic at the early morning spiritual meeting we went to today was that harboring resentments will shut you off from the sunlight of the spirit. It was just what I needed to hear to get through the day. I was all primed to teach a dance at line dance class and about half way through the class it became obvious to me that the teacher had not included me on the schedule. When I talked to her after class I found out that she thought I was going to teach the dance on Friday at the beginner class…..since the dance is much too hard for the beginner class, I can’t possibly teach it to them. I left the class filled with resentment and sadness and a lot of cranky thoughts and then I remembered what I’d heard and read earlier in the morning and realized that this was my opportunity to practice new behaviors and not ruin the rest of my day with negative emotion.

    :flowerforyou: Amanda, it looks like you are seeking new ways to deal with negative emotions.

    :flowerforyou: Barbara, so far I haven’t had any inclination toward choreography, but then a few years ago I had no inclination to teach dances, so who knows.

    :flowerforyou: Nancy, when we picked out our frames, there were many shelves that said nine dollars and twenty dollars……..I picked out frames that cost $97.00 and Jake’s were over $100.00 and then my eyes are so bad that the optician recommended the more expensive thinner material for the lenses so the glasses wouldn’t be so heavy on my nose……..and on and on until the glasses were nearing $500.00

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I am in awe of all of you who are running……..it’s too high impact for me

    :flowerforyou: Kackie, congratulations on your good numbers from your bloodwork.

    :flowerforyou: Chiclet, hang in there…..it was good to see your post today

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington state where it was cold this morning and warm and sunny this afternoon.
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hello ladies

    I am mentally exhausted at present. There's no way that I can go into the reason fully, but it comes down to the fact that I had a huge bust up with the husband of my eldest daughter whilst I was looking after the grandtwins on Tuesday. We have always know that he is slightly unstable, but he completely lost the plot with me for absolutely no reason. He actually raised his hand to hit me and would have struck me if I hadn't stepped back. As I left the house he was shouting abuse at me all the way to my car.

    This is a supposedly intelligent, well-educated man. I am totally gutted and really don't know what to do. I want to speak to my daughter, but I know she will have heard only what he wants her to hear. My grandtwins are the most important things in my life and I have the feeling that I am going to be cut off from them.

    I hope you don't mind me spilling this on here - sometimes it just helps to write things down.

    Love to you all.
    Amanda x
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Amanda its good that you have expressed your troubles. I can't give any advice, but hang in there and always be there in whatever way possible for you daughter and grandtwins, which I am sure you will be. My heart goes out to you, conflict is never nice or easy to get over. I send you a big hug and keep you in my prayers.
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Amanda - I am sorry to hear of your troubles. I haven't been in your situation but I am sure that some of the wise women on this thread will have advice for you. Just know that I am thinking of you.

    Up early for my day off from work. Wouldn't you know that I was unable to sleep in? I'm getting ready to make my menu so I can go to the grocery store. I have way more planned for my day off than I could possibly accomplish. I hope that I can at least make a dent in my pile of jobs!

    Everyone have a great weekend! And Happy Easter to those who celebrate! Mary
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,970 Member
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: Amanda, the wisest thing that was ever said to me regarding all the erratic people in my life was to come from a place of love....I'm sure that has a root in most of the religions and spiritual paths.

    :heart: hugs to you from your friend, Barbie