How much do you want to lose?



  • mustgetmuscles1
    mustgetmuscles1 Posts: 3,346 Member
    I am almost to my original goal but it was never really about a particular weight for me. I just wanted to around 12% body fat. The closer I get to 170 I am realizing that I may not make it to the 12% mark by that weight. Trying to decide if I keep going or stick to the original plan to start putting on muscle once I reached 170.

    With summer on the way I might give the cutting a while longer.
  • jaysonhijinx
    jaysonhijinx Posts: 663 Member
    I've already lost 17.5kg (38.5lbs) to date and plan on losing roughly that amount more. No goal date set as I want to make sure once it's off, it stays off!
  • izzydino
    izzydino Posts: 254 Member
    I have about 90 more to go. 40 lbs down since Mid September.. So I figure by next Christmas (2013) I should be around my goal :)
  • tony1307
    tony1307 Posts: 127 Member
    The total I want to lose is 102
    I lost 20 before MFP.. 27 more after
    55 more to go
  • angemarie23
    48 lbs by September

    I'd be happy if I lost it by the end of the year, though. I'd rather do it the right way and keep it off then be in a big hurry and hurt myself in the long term. :-)
  • Gary1977
    Gary1977 Posts: 804 Member
    Started here last March weighing I'm 376 as of today. I hope to see the 200's by years end. UGW: 230-240lbs
    I'm 6'3
  • JBsCrazyGirl
    SW: 184

    need to lose 36 more lbs for


    Hopefully, by anytime in August :ohwell:
  • mustgetmuscles1
    mustgetmuscles1 Posts: 3,346 Member
    Started here last March weighing I'm 376 as of today. I hope to see the 200's by years end. UGW: 230-240lbs
    I'm 6'3

    Dude that is awesome. :drinker:
  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,421 Member
    I started here in August of 2011 at 213! Now I'm 141.8! My goal weight is 140. yay! :smile: :smile:
  • angemarie23
    SW: 183
    CW: 179
    GW: 135

    I have 44 more lbs to lose. If anyone has a similar weight loss goal please feel free to add me as a friend. I would love to connect with you. Especially if you're a mom of young ones like me. Even if you need to lose less or more, friend me anyway. I'd love to hear from you as well. :-)
  • raysmyth
    raysmyth Posts: 55 Member
    90 lbs in total... about 25 lbs in... SO at this point, I want to lose 65 lbs by New Years Eve!!! I already have my shoes picked out... and have been dress browsing online! Super excited!
  • Stephanie198907
    Stephanie198907 Posts: 163 Member
    90lbs by 12.31.12

    14lbs down!!!

    Start weight: 220
    Current weight: 204
    Goal weight: 130
  • LovelyLibra79
    LovelyLibra79 Posts: 569 Member
    I want 10 off by June!
  • mccarol1956
    mccarol1956 Posts: 422 Member
    High Weight was 265, start weight on here 245, goal weight 155. It will take the time it takes. I do not want to set a time goal. I also have set my interim goals 10% down. Current goat 200 lbs.. the next will be 180, then 162 ... final weight will come after that! It makes my large goal seem more attainable.
  • The highest I've ever had was 78kg, I am now at 68 kg and I wanna go to less than 60kg (what I had before starting the uni).
  • logicandlove
    logicandlove Posts: 191 Member
    I've been stuck in a rut this past month, but I really want to lose 10 pounds to hit my first goal weight, and then maybe 5 more before my friend's wedding in September!
  • runnercheryl
    runnercheryl Posts: 1,314 Member
    I was losing 54lbs in total, which is another 34lbs to go. Started in November 2010 and my goal is September 2015.
  • Riyanna
    Riyanna Posts: 11
    SW: 141 lbs
    CW: 110 lbs
    GW: 105 lbs

    Got 5 lbs to loss! I'd like to reach that goal maybe around 5-7-2012 (about 6 weeks), but if it takes longer.. it doesn't matter to me.
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    Starting weight was 560 lbs. and I am currently @ 255 lbs. The skin surgeon wanted me at 260 lbs. for surgery (planning surgery for June, he is thinking 25 lbs. to be removed) so I am still losing a pound a week right now so I am going to continue to lose if my body gives it up til June then surgery... So after surgery and a couple more months I am guesstimating my goal weight will be 225 ish give or take and on my frame that will be darn near perfect from where I started....
  • Emmabulliemum
    Emmabulliemum Posts: 294 Member
    I want to get down to 155lbs. Got about 50lbs to go but I had already lost 42lbs when I found MFP. I want to be my target weight by October but if it takes longer so be it I'm just happy to be losing the Fat that's been obvertaking my life :@)