BodyMedia Fit - Now What

I'm a cotton headed ninny muggins and lost the "brain" to my heart rate monitor. So I decided to just move on to the Body Media Fit - Link. I ordered it today and have to wait until next week before it comes in but while I wait I'm hoping those of you who have one will tell me what you do with yours.

Do you wear it 24/7?

Do you log your food on BodyMedia and MFP?

Do you use their iPhone or Android App with Bluetooth?

What do you wish you had known when you bought it?

Any tips or tricks that you learned?


  • marlad33
    marlad33 Posts: 37
    I got mine about 3 weeks ago. I don't wear it all the time b/c part of my exercise is swimming and you can't get it wet :-)
    I just log the food in MFP as I don't really want to do it twice. :-)

    I use it mostly for the calories burned and am finding that MFP is pretty spot on the calories burned for what I have been doing to date.

    Most interesting thing I found was it telling you how much you slept on any given night. It was never what I thought :-)

    I think it's another tool to help in the weightloss journey. At this point I probably don't use it for all it is capable of doing but when you get yours let me know how much you use it.
  • RahBuhBuh
    RahBuhBuh Posts: 585 Member
    Thanks for the input. It should arrive on Wednesday.