I've lost control

I'm not sure when it started. I've completely abandoned my food diary for some time now. I find myself with a bigger appetite than before. I'm eating foods I wouldn't normally eat like chocolate and ice cream. No, I'm not pregnant. That was my first suspicion. I gained 4lbs in 1 month but I haven't put that on my weigh in thingy just b/c I feel like a huge failure. I recently posted a story about how I could get my belt to the 6th notch...yea, not anymore i can't. What do you do when you feel like you have completely fallen off the horse and the horse has galloped miles ahead of you...b/c that's where you should be but due to your failed will power you weren't able to hold on tight enough? I just feel like I've been doing this weight loss thing for so long with not much to show for it. Since February, I've lost 21lbs...that's an average of 3.5lbs a month...wow, what a freaking achievement that is. I posted mini goals on my profile...i may as well delete those. Those are so far out of my reach now, I can't even see them anymore. Sorry to sound so depressed but I guess I just am.


  • cdickey
    cdickey Posts: 230
    I'm sorry you are struggling right now. I hope that you find a way to get started on this journey again. Just think of how good you felt when you first started changing your lifestyle. Go back to that moment and just start all over. You can do this. You're kids need you to be the healthiest you can be. Good luck and keep going.:wink:
  • didi9996
    didi9996 Posts: 10
    Give yourself and break! Sometimes life is what it is that happens to us to make us fall off the horse! Forgive yourself and tell yourself that you are an awesome person for caring. Start back today and you will be ahead of yesterday! Know you are not alone! :-)
  • yankeefamily05
    I feel you sister. I fell off the horse back in May after losing 10 pounds. I gained back 18 pounds. I was really depressed for sometime.

    I finally woke up one day and decided that it was time for me to do this. My knees started hurting so bad, They never hurt before. Start out slow. Try doing something healthy everyday.I have a hard time with the food part. I am always tempted by things that aren't that great for me. The exercise comes easily. In the last 3 weeks I have already built myself up to 30 min a day on the eliptical. When I started doing all of this again, I st arted small. Rome wasn't built in a day? Why should I expect myself to change in a day~!:smile:

    Anyways. You can do this!!!..I know you can!!:smile:
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    Now that you've come back to MFP... stop the bad behaviour. Log your food, exercise and do all the things that made you successful before. The old mini goals are gone...don't worry about them.

    The best time to start getting healthier is right now. Don't give yourself any more excuses
  • TByrd1325
    TByrd1325 Posts: 920 Member
    You'll be awesome! Just think, "Damn that was some great food. Now it's time to get back on track starting NOW."

    Remember how great you felt. You can do it!
  • jcarter0525
    Thanks guys! Ya'll are very motivating....and very right. I need to just take today for what it is...a new day. I appreciate it! :drinker:
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    I also understand, started in January at 180 lbs, lost 24 lbs by April, completely lost it and am now am re-starting at 169. The key is to start again right now, you can do this, I can do this, we are worth it!!!:flowerforyou:
  • Zephyr36608
    Thanks guys! Ya'll are very motivating....and very right. I need to just take today for what it is...a new day. I appreciate it! :drinker:

    That's the way to think! YOU CAN DO IT!!!!....
    WE ALL CAN!!!
  • KristyO
    KristyO Posts: 126
    You'll be awesome! Just think, "Damn that was some great food. Now it's time to get back on track starting NOW."

    Remember how great you felt. You can do it!

    I fell off too and said the same thing: glad I enjoyed that junk, now it's time to get back in it!

    You can do it, we all can! :glasses:
  • PattyTheUndefeated
    PattyTheUndefeated Posts: 302 Member
    Sometimes you've got to let that first horse gallop away, go back to the stable, and get yourself a fresh horse. I think I can speak for myself and everyone else on this board when I say that we've all been there and most of us still are. Losing weight doesn't solve the twisted relationship we all have with food. I've lost weight, but I know that there have been weeks where I've felt like a complete failure, and kept asking myself what was the point of even trying. I stopped logging my food, stopped excercising, stopped caring. But we all have to turn around at some point and try again, because eventually it will stick. It'll be painful, you'll look in the mirror and hate yourself, but you have to keep going. Just keep the faith - we're all here for you!! :flowerforyou:
  • chickalistic
    chickalistic Posts: 14 Member
    Every day is a new chance to start fresh.

    I absolutely love JUNK for meals. A few weeks ago, I started my lifestyle change. Although the scale doesn't reflect huge numbers, something even better happened. We have a local attraction that is basically a big hill that overlooks the city/country. Two months ago, I took my kids there and explored the trails with them. By the time I got to the top of the hill, I was out of breath, feeling dehydrated and felt like I was going to pass out. A few nights ago, we took 5 of our 6 kids back up there again. We climbed the stairs/hill, walked the trails and basically stayed at a fast pace for almost an hour. Not once did I have to stop to catch my breath. It actually felt GOOD! Not only did it burn calories, but it is so much easier to get going when you don't have all the carbs weighing you down.

    Pay attention to what your body is saying. Eat the healthy stuff again for a week or two... then allow yourself to eat a carb-heavy meal. (I'm sure I will get a hard time for that statement. haha) I gave in and did this a few nights ago and didn't accomplish anything that night. I sat on the couch feeling even more hungry two hours later AND I had no motivation whatsoever from dinner until bed. Maybe that "ugh" feeling will be enough to help you kick it in gear again the next day. :smile:

    You can do it. We call can. Best of luck to you!
  • FireMonkey
    FireMonkey Posts: 500 Member
    Welcome back :flowerforyou:

    Congratulations on your decision to start over! You can do it!

    You might want to consider why you fell off in the first place and work on some strategies for similar situations. It's not a failure; it' a learning experience!
  • blondeheat
    blondeheat Posts: 254 Member
    I recommend this book "The Amazing Adventures of Diet girl" by Shauna Reid.

    She blogged about her weight loss journey - the cool part is seeing how she fell of the wagon and got back on. The journey took 7 years! but she made it!!! It helped me see that making it is not about being perfect but sticking with it regardless over time.

    Hope it helps some others out there.