How Do You Quit Soda???



  • you just have to fight the urge. i picked up a soda after 3 weeks and i got so sick because it felt like i stuck a straw in a thing of sugar an sucked:0 so after a while you just wont want it Pepsi was my weakness to you an do it
  • skcastro
    skcastro Posts: 13 Member
    I had a soda problem too. But it's been 2 months n I haven't had soda.
    What I did was, limit to one cup a day. Soda with dinner or lunch.
    And carry around with one of those big smart water bottles all day.
    Then after a few weeks I just stopped having soda craves.
    If u mess up its okay, ur training your body and mind. Just try again the next day.
    It took me a while to train my body to like water.
  • Graciecny
    Graciecny Posts: 302 Member
    Total soda addict here - recovering addict, I guess I should say! I was a 2-20 oz. Mtn Dew a day (at a minimum!)kind of gal. When I found MFP and started carefully logging my calories, those didn't fit in with actually having any FOOD, so I made a choice that I wanted something more substantial with those calories. Since then (a little over two months ago) I've had a soda here and there - and faithfully logged them - but I honestly don't find myself craving them anywhere near like I thought.

    One thing to share - when I tried intentionally giving up soda (pre-MFP), I made it five days and went right back to it. That was me making a decision to NOT have soda. What I do now is think "I can have soda, I just have to log it". Then I think of all the food those calories could gain apple, some cheese, some walnuts, a bag of popcorn, etc. And suddenly the soda doesn't look all that appealing. In fact, there have been nights where I've set aside calories for pizza and a can of soda, only to drink half the can and go "meh", dump the rest and change the amount consumed to 1/2 can. Weird now mindset really changes your cravings!

    Oh, and FWIW, caffeine withdrawl bites. :grumble:
  • GangstaMa
    GangstaMa Posts: 39
    I use to drink 2-3 cans a day of Diet Coke.... I started reading about whats in soda...its super bad for your body D:

    I quit cold turkey and I opt for green tea, water with lemon or an occasional Diet Snapple ( Diet Snapple has artificial sweeteners like Diet soda). But since i haven given up soda i dont feel bloated or have sugary cravings anymore :D
  • kyt1206
    kyt1206 Posts: 101
    Commercial soda has high sugar, start off with making your own. There's a lot of cheap kits out there now that you can mix your own. I personally liked orange juice so I started carbonating that, then I started watering down a bit. I drink carbonated water now because I like the fizz, but that's about it. Oh and sometimes a diet coke if I need the caffeine, I don't like coffee.
  • missjojo31
    missjojo31 Posts: 150
    I used to drink about 5 tins of diet pepsi throughout the day, i just swapped it to bottles of squash and water, I have 1 tin a day now :)
  • I had the same issue with pepsi. I drank about 2 to 3 cans a day. I finally became motivated to quit drinking the stuff to help me lose weight. I went cold turkey a few times and it didn't work. Then, something clicked. Why would I allow my mood and actions to be effected by a soda? I told myself I would no longer drink pepsi and I haven't. It's been 40 days ( I actually started at the beginning of Lent. I thought Jesus could be my safety net lol) not only have I had no pepsi, but I've been up all soda. All I drink is water with the occasional juice or tea thrown in the mix. My pepsi habit may not seem as extensive as in compassion, but in realizing an addiction is an addiction I overcame a huge obstacle to my leftstyle change. I hope you can do the same!!!

    Ps. be prepared for the withdraw symptoms... Pepsi is a fierce beast and made me horrible for a week. But I feel great now!
  • Honestly, soda was/has been the easiest thing for me to drop out of my life. I'v gone 6 months without drinking soda, I'd say the hardest part was the first 7-14 days. Then after that, i watch my wife get soda whenever she gets food that isnt home made and i'm totally fine with it.

    My weekness is sweets, candy.... If anyone has a cure for that, i would be forever in debt :D
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    I cannot relate to being addicted to soda, but I have dealt with other addictions, and I just stopped. I suggest you do the same.
  • Laura_Suzie
    Laura_Suzie Posts: 1,288 Member
    Sparkling flavored water is the best. My favorite is the berry flavored kind from Trader Joes. :) And if you want it to be sweeter like regular soda, you can put in at the MOST 5 drops of liquid stevia. I was totally addicted to Diet Coke and now I prefer sparkling water. Though I do occasionally have a Diet Coke on weekends. I really shouldn't though, It makes me feel bloated and awful. :P
  • lynnmarie60
    lynnmarie60 Posts: 325
    diet, flavor water, get 4-7oz cans of your favorite soda and only drink one every other day then every two days until you hardly notice them anymore. Make sure you work off the calories before you drink it and it will limit your intake as well.
  • TinkrBelz
    TinkrBelz Posts: 866 Member
    I love real Coke. I just stopped buying it cold turkey. If it is not in the house, I can not drink it. I would not wean off of it....just stop! haha!
  • cold turkey....
    It is harsh but really, a good way to go. Maybe slowly move to drinking fizzy water. Once you have cut it out completely you will feel so much better all the way around.
  • I gave up soda entirely by substituting it with green tea. Not only it is fun to make the tea, I find myself drinking it more often. I've lost weight consistently these past 2 months, and although I exercise a lot, I am certain the tea has something to do with it.

    Give it a try. You can drink the tea hot or cold, sweetened or not (I never put sugar or sweeteners in my tea) and you will feel great about yourself.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    At first, I refused to give up my Mt Dew. I figured if I changed everything else, keeping the Dew wasn't a big deal. Then I started to really think about it - I would have to be on the treadmill for 25 mins before I would burn the calories that were equivalent to that Dew. One day, I simply decided I wanted to spend my calories on something besides pop. First, I tried switching to Diet Dew - that stuff is disgusting. So, I went cold turkey. I simply gave it all up. The first week was AWFUL (I won't lie) - I craved it so bad my mouth would actually water for it. I had massive caffeine headaches. It was bad. But, once I made it through the first week? It was way better. I started drinking coffee in the morning and the occasional sugar free energy drink instead. I tried a sip of regular Dew awhile ago and actually gagged at the taste of it.
  • kindra3434
    kindra3434 Posts: 176 Member
    Go to youtube and learn about how bad high fructose corn syrup is for might be a wake up call and enough to make you say "no thanks, my health is more important".
  • SPNLuver83
    SPNLuver83 Posts: 2,050 Member
    They make carbonated water.. Dasani has some flavors that are really good..... I used to hate diet pop, but coke zero changed my mind about it. it's really good. so is diet orange sunkist, diet mountain dew, and a&w diet cream soda.
  • jutymo
    jutymo Posts: 162 Member
    My name is Julie and I am a Red Mt. Dew-aholic.... I am now clean for 84 days.
    Loved that stuff, had 2-3 large bottles a day at my peak. And I'd say none today and couldn't keep from stopping to pick one up on my way to work. And after having one, well I'd need to have 2-3 more of course.

    Cold turkey for me as of January 14th. I just decided I had to stop. It's also the day I started on MFP and I think food tracking helped me stop. I didn't want to waste calories on soda and I knew how bad it was for me. So I just quit. It was hard, I had a headache for 2 days, but after 3 days it was easier. I've had one soda since January 14, it wasn't a red Mt. Dew so I didn't appreciate it, like it, or want anymore.
  • mg413
    mg413 Posts: 39 Member
    What about seltzer? It's obviously an acquired taste but I've become addicted and it's so good! Carbonated water!! Drink away! :drinker:
  • i have ulcers so i can not drink a lot of pop anyway. But you could try drinking juices. I know they have a lot of sugar but they are great. Or crystal light powders, or V8 fusions, they taste awesome. I was on a smoothie kick for a while. Maybe you should try it. Just a thought.