7 Days No Sweets Challenge: Week 1



  • bettyboop573
    bettyboop573 Posts: 610 Member
    Great job, ladies! As the OP, I feel like I've let you all down (and especially myself) for completely caving into my sugar cravings. :grumble:

    BUT, today is Sunday and so far, so good. :bigsmile:

    So, I will start with today and see how it goes. I resolve to be better! And for anyone who wants to join in the challenge, it's not too late! :smile:

    Not at all! Just by being in this challenge I have been more aware of what sweets I eat :) and how many I would probably normally have ( I work ina kitchen where we are always making dessert....and are supposed to sample lol )
  • kdsmith
    kdsmith Posts: 250
    Day 1 of no sweets went well for me...I was even dipping homemade easter eggs into chocolate and didn't have one taste!
    How did everyone else do today?
  • bdelossantos
    bdelossantos Posts: 8 Member
    Me but I am eating cereal this week in place of dinner.
    No sweets for me means no cookies, cake, pie, ice cream, pastries, or soda.
  • kdsmith
    kdsmith Posts: 250
    How's everyone doing? No sweets again for me!
  • ChristieDF
    ChristieDF Posts: 178 Member
    Okay day 6 and no sweets. Why is it that last night when I got home from class there's a strawberry cake sitting on my table. My youngest daughter decided that she wanted a cake. Hmmm! I was sooo weak, but I overcame it!! :smokin: Now tomorrow is my day to way and I want to see what no sugar has done for me this week. Wishing you all the best.
  • MrsFarrow
    MrsFarrow Posts: 326 Member
    Day 3 for me, craving a no-pudge brownie, but so far I haven't!
  • ChristieDF
    ChristieDF Posts: 178 Member
    This day 7 and still no sugar!!!!!! I am so proud because I was in Arlington yesterday, and usually I always have to stop and get me a peice of cheescake from the cheesecake factory. I drove straight home!!! Didn't even think about it until I got too far away LOL!!
  • GonnaDoItJenn
    GonnaDoItJenn Posts: 131 Member
    Sorry I have done so bad about actually checking in. I have done amazingly well this week for cutting back to not eating things without the first 4-5 ingredients of sugar. It has done wonders for me physically already and I can't wait to weigh in tomorrow morning and see.

    After I got past day 3, the cravings weren't really there and I was able to say no! :)

    Sounds like it's been pretty good for most of us. How many are planning to go with week 2?
  • MrsFarrow
    MrsFarrow Posts: 326 Member
    Day 6 today! We'll see how it goes! I'm excited to see my weight tomorrow because I've also been doing no sodas! So pretty much no calorie drinks, with the occasional Motts Medley because I'm still a little kid ;) Good job everyone! You're all an inspiration!
  • billmac
    billmac Posts: 51 Member
    Re sweets. I'm not sure 'resolve' is the way to beat it. It sounds like underneath it all the sweets still have control of you and if that is the case they will get you. Maybe not immediately. I've found that you have to CHOOSE. " I CHOOSE not to eat sweets". Say it! Visualise it! It's more active and puts you in control,
    Just my opinion of course and I hope maybe someone might find it helpful.
  • You ladies are AMAZING!!! :drinker: :bigsmile:

    Sounds like we all made it through the first week (even with a few slips!) and are starting week 2. I was great yesterday and there's even a lava crunch cake (weakness!!) in my fridge that I didn't touch. Week 2: Bring it on!!

    If anyone wants to join the challenge, come on in, the water's fine!! :heart:
  • silverlil
    silverlil Posts: 70 Member
    i want to join your challenge, I was good for about 2-3 weeks, this week I got TOM and was sugar addict, and will start tomorrow again, this is just perfect for my, I am such excuse, I used to steal my kids cookies and candy, couldn't go throughout the day withouth eating 1/2 lb anything sweet :explode:
  • GonnaDoItJenn
    GonnaDoItJenn Posts: 131 Member
    Well, I just finished week 2 of limiting my sugars and had another GREAT week! I lost 3.3 lbs for a total of right at 6 lbs in 2 weeks with the cutting back on sugars. That tells me it is totally worth it.

    Now, don't think I have gone without but I will tell you that I am really looking at eating more natural items and making sure that sugars aren't in the first 4-5 ingredients (prefer to the 5th but sometimes okay to have as 4th). I have allowed a few sweets here and there just to keep me sane but I'm totally beyond the cravings! WOO HOO!

    Hope you are all doing as well!
  • bdelossantos
    bdelossantos Posts: 8 Member
    I can give up everything but gum.....
  • bdelossantos
    bdelossantos Posts: 8 Member
    I can give up everything but gum.....
    I have 12.5 pounds to go- sigh
    will I get there?
    Keep reminding myself that 3 years ago I weighed 46 pounds more than I do now>>>>>>>>>>>
  • bdelossantos
    bdelossantos Posts: 8 Member
    Okay so does this challenge also apply to artificial sweeteners? Let me know so I can get on board......
  • graelwyn
    graelwyn Posts: 1,340 Member
    I shall be up for this after easter, if I find I am unable to stick to a single treat item per day (without binge eating a whole mound).
    I have a box packed with chocolate mini eggs. My aim is to have no more than 4 a day, total of 160 calories, or the equivalent calories in an ice cream or dessert.
  • TheFunBun
    TheFunBun Posts: 793 Member
    The last time I did this, I spent a whole year without added sugars, and without artificial sweeteners except in my protein drinks... felt so much better. I do usually like to avoid added sugars.. yeah, I'll start tomorrow since today I totally ate 2 of those reeses BIG CUPs.

    Shouldn't be anything I have to worry about in my fridge except condiments! Time to get out the spicy brown mustard. :)
  • Christine1110
    Christine1110 Posts: 1,786 Member
    I have been doing this for 3 weeks...no sugar. I feel good and have lots of energy. I have not had ANY except natural in apples & strawberries. It's not as hard as I thought.
  • Snuggles5
    Snuggles5 Posts: 28 Member
    Yes count me in 7 days no sugar 👊👊👍👍
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