Seem to be going backwards...... can anyone help?

Hi there,

I have been to the gym for a swim twice this week and tried to keep my eating helathy but I have managed to put some of my weight back on :sad: :sad: ..... I realise I ave just weighed myself at the wrong time of day, and that doign exercise can add muscle but was wondering if anyone had any words of advice, cos at the moment I just feel like my hard work is for very little purpose!
I am trying to stay positive and think I am going to try ther glitter jar suggested by another member but if anyone else has any more ideas to try to keep me motivated ..I would be very grateful.

Thanks in advance



  • iceqieen
    iceqieen Posts: 897 Member

    Weight will fluctuate allot depending on water retention, don't panic and keep at it. It is a good idea to take out the measuring tape and keep track every 2-3 weeks. That way, when the scales are being annoying you are likely to notice change elsewhere. Keeping track of your fitness level (swam this or that many m in min, run, lift, which ever you are doing) is also a great way to stay motivated.

    You have to log all your days to get a proper sense of how you are doing calorie wise. One day in between is not all important, but if you dont log almost every day you will easily miss your calorie deficit - unless you are that more adapt in calculating them and keeping it in your head what is what.

    Stick to it, and you will get results. Some weeks you will not loose, some you might gain but it is the over all, long term, effort that counts.
  • BaconMD
    BaconMD Posts: 1,165 Member
    The point of exercise is fitness. Therefore, it is never pointless, regardless of what happens with your weight.
  • ivyamom
    ivyamom Posts: 16
    Keep your eyes on the goal. Always log before you eat. Look for new foods to enjoy. Go for low carb low sugar menus. Do not go under 1200 calories a day. Check your recommended intake under tools. You can eat too few calories and not lose weight cuz your body goes into starvation mode. Get a friend to join with you...keep up the good work. It takes time and dedication!
  • Breadbar
    Breadbar Posts: 334 Member
    Just a suggestion - next time you ask for help open your diary first. I'm guessing that without seeing your food and exercise history that most folks would be at a loss to make valuable suggestions. While two swims a week are extremely unlikely to add any significant muscle weight, seeing your exercise diary might change that evaluation. Hope this suggestion is helpful to you in the future. Good luck on your journey!
  • juliekaiser1988
    juliekaiser1988 Posts: 604 Member
    Just a suggestion - next time you ask for help open your diary first. I'm guessing that without seeing your food and exercise history that most folks would be at a loss to make valuable suggestions.

    ^^^^ THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Weight will fluctuate