Fit and Fun Sized (those under 5'4") for April 2012



  • JamCubeChi
    JamCubeChi Posts: 378 Member
  • julieh1973
    julieh1973 Posts: 121 Member
    5'3" starting weight: 02/02/12: 188lbs. current weight: 03/29/12: 176.5lbs.

    Goal for April is to loose 7lbs. (169 by 4/5/2012)
  • HELLO ALL!!!

    I am 5ft 2 on a good day and am SOoo much need of help. I do not have a weight-loss support group and am in much need of one, people to encourage and a few that will actually workout with me like walking, spinning... SOMETHING. I just moved back to Southern Alabama after 7 years and would love to meet new friends that have similar goals.

    My weight loss goal is 125 but I am comfortable at 135 so if I am unable to get past 135 I will be happy. At this point in time I way more than I did when I delivered my children. I have been battling the same pounds for several months. Calling out to fellow warriors "Help before my heal can't hold me no longer!!!"

    Much Love,

  • Tangerine16
    Tangerine16 Posts: 44 Member
    I'm 5ft 31/2 and 56 years old. I started here on January 9th (weight 155) and lost 9lbs in Jan, 6 in Feb, and 3 in March (now 136). My present goal is 130.

    I'm hoping for about a 3lb loss in April. Changed my target loss to 1/2lb per week and got 1270 calories instead of 1200. However, March wasn't a good month as I had pleurisy for most of it, then was eating about 1400 per day.

    As yet I haven't managed the 8 glasses/water per day. Also haven't done any exercise except for some 'slow walks' every few days. Have trouble with my hip (early arthritis) which is interfering a bit with the walking!

    Really need to start doing some weights......

  • 2manyshoes
    2manyshoes Posts: 6 Member
    Well, I'm 5'2" & CW is 173. My HW (hate weight as I call it) was at 220 in Sept. '09. Lost 25 lbs. in 3 mo. & then plateaued for almost 2 yrs. Lost another 20 lbs. b/t Sept. '11 (joined MFP) & Nov. '11 and plateaued again. Maybe plateau isn't the right word. I wasn't really trying, I just maintained. Last month I noticed I was starting to creep back up (birthdays, staff mtgs., baby showers) so I'm back and since I've been back, I've lost 11 lbs. Though I don't really count them since that is what I'd regained through the holidays and the 1st part of the year. Ugh. I tend to keep weight in my hips, thighs & rear but have a smaller waist. Classic pear *sigh*

    I have 3 goals for April. (1) hit 170 so I can take my 10lb. pic. (2) lose 8 lbs. & reach 165 (a place I haven't been in about 10 yrs.) & (3) STOP CHEATING!

    Started 30 DS today & took msmts. We'll see how it goes. Good luck to everyone!

    My favorite quote right now:
    "Don't give up what you want most for what you want in the moment." - Gordon B. Hinckley
  • shorty313
    shorty313 Posts: 432 Member
    I'm just under 5'4" and at my highest weight I was 156. I started running in Dec and joined MFP on valentine's day. The weight came on with 2 kids (though I could kick myself, I was 8 lbs away from my goal when my littlest was 3 months). My end goal is 130 and/or a size 6. Right now I'm 147. March was tough because it was my birthday AND we took vacation last week, though I'm happy to say I only gained 1 lb (already gone) and exercised while there. So far I'm down almost 2 inches in waist and hips, and half in in thighs. I started at 1200 cals but after a few weeks of reading bumped it up to 1450.

    April goals:
    1. Get to size 8 - not sure how attainable that is
    2. 5k race April 28 - run the entire thing. I'm having trouble adjusting from treadmill to outdoors, but am up to 2.5 miles
    3. Get better at hitting macros
    4. Keep running and strength training 3x/week
  • susieq101178
    susieq101178 Posts: 305 Member
    Anyone else that's a shorty have a short torso? I am finding that because my torso is so short that I think that I look bigger than I am. SO frustrating.

    YES! 5'3" and it seems my boobs are directly above my waist - side note: short torso makes for very uncomfortable pregnancy. Feels like your insides are being constantly pinched. I've always felt "out of proportion" even when I was slim. Looking back at pictures from the slim days makes me wonder if I have some body dismorphia issues because I would kill for that bod now and at the time I was not the least bit comfortable with it - very self-conscious. :tongue:

    Currently at 158 lbs and stalling out as well, even though I've started doing REALLY well with my calorie intake and my workouts feel more productive. It's very frustrating, especially when I enjoy food so much and going out for new culinary adventures is one of my and husband's favorite things to do. :ohwell: Not sure if it's just a temporary rut or if I need to try a different approach.
  • sburde2
    sburde2 Posts: 178 Member
    I'm 5'. I don't have much to lose but it's really taking me forever to do it. I was exercising 5 days a week in January and I lost about 3 lbs and felt great. I upped my calories b/c 1200 was not enough for me, now I'm at 1350. I've mainly been struggling with finding the time and motivation to work out. I'm about to graduate with my masters so with that and a job I'm busy a lot! I wanted to be at my goal weight of 105 by graduation in May but it doesn't look like that is gonna happen so now I'm just shooting for 112.
  • enewsome2
    enewsome2 Posts: 355 Member
    I'm 5'1" and currently between 146-148 (depending on the day). I have been trying not to weight myself for a long time, though, as it is extremely frustrating. I have been exercising a few times a week (biking, walking, jogging, or circuit training) and trying to eat unprocessed food whenever I can.
    As advised by folks on the boards here, I am eating a "higher calorie" diet of about 1500 cals/day. This is about the bmr of my goal weight.
    I really want to get back down to the 120's, but ultimately, my pant size is more important to me than my weight. I want to get down to a size 4 (which is what I wore in highschool.) I have so far gone from a 12 to a small 10 (which is slow progress, but progress nonetheless.)

    This month I want to focus on strength training and biking. I really want to tone up! :)
    I am getting married in two weeks and I would love to look a little slimmer for the wedding, then continue to lose afterwards.

    I'd like to be down to a size 6 by August, for a friend's wedding, but I'm not sure whether this will be an attainable goal.

    I'm always on the lookout for more mfp friends. :) I need all the motivation and help I can get! :)
  • pars1981
    pars1981 Posts: 158 Member
    Hi there.
    Im 5' and currently weigh 136lbs. My start weight (before I joined here) was 154lbs. I managed to get down to my current weight fairly quickly, but have been on a plateau for approx 2years! I really would like to get below 120lbs and see how I feel once there. At the minute Im not logging anything as I have bursitis in my hip. For the last week and a half I have done no exercise because of it so March finished on a real downer for me. I have just over 2weeks left before Im allowed back to strenuous exercise, so my goal for this month is just to ease myself gently back into running, start lifting again (which I had only just bleeding started!) and also play my beloved golf- I cant wait!! Oh yes, and start eating properly again :blushing:
  • Rpaddock
    Rpaddock Posts: 9 Member
    Hello everyone! I am 5'1 210lbs
    I have 3 phases or goals, 1st phase to get down to 200 even, 2nd & 3rd phase is to get down 25lbs. I just broke it up into smaller amts so I feel that the goal isn't to far away.

    For March I lost 7 lbs and One inch off my waist and hips and half inch off my neck!
    For April I want to lose 10 lbs and an inch off waist & hips.....

    I always measure every 2 wks so that way even if I don't lose any lbs I know I at lease lost inches....either one I will be happy to take!!
  • ChshireKat
    ChshireKat Posts: 117
  • erh12275
    erh12275 Posts: 40 Member
    Hoping it is not too late for me to join in. I have 100lbs to lose overall. Am down 16 so far.

    March was a great month. Lost about 10lbs in March. Hoping for at least as good if not better April.

    Goals for April...lose the last 5 needed for my first reward and another 5.
    Workout an hour at least 6 days each week.
    DO my STRENGTH 3x a week.
    Do my stretches.

  • AHHH!!! I was so busy talking about me I forgot to talk about me...

    April Goals...
    -To get out and walk EVERYDAY
    -To lose 10lbs but may have to work extra hard with April 27th being my birthday (Mmmm yummy cheesecake)
    By the end of the year I would like to be able to lay down and not feel as if my neck is going to fold over my head.

  • Tiffanie252
    Tiffanie252 Posts: 9 Member
    Im 5'3" and 129 pounds.
    I was doing great the first week of March, then gained for a week, then plateaued the rest of the month.
    Now im stuck at this awful 129 and I just want to be 120 and its just impossible and im so frustrated!

    I'm in the exact same boat....March showed no real progress for me at all! And with 5 pounds to go it's SUPER frustrating.....blah!
  • Tiffanie252
    Tiffanie252 Posts: 9 Member
    Anyone else that's a shorty have a short torso? I am finding that because my torso is so short that I think that I look bigger than I am. SO frustrating.

    YES! 5'3" and it seems my boobs are directly above my waist - side note: short torso makes for very uncomfortable pregnancy. Feels like your insides are being constantly pinched. I've always felt "out of proportion" even when I was slim. Looking back at pictures from the slim days makes me wonder if I have some body dismorphia issues because I would kill for that bod now and at the time I was not the least bit comfortable with it - very self-conscious. :tongue:

    Currently at 158 lbs and stalling out as well, even though I've started doing REALLY well with my calorie intake and my workouts feel more productive. It's very frustrating, especially when I enjoy food so much and going out for new culinary adventures is one of my and husband's favorite things to do. :ohwell: Not sure if it's just a temporary rut or if I need to try a different approach.

    This is me too! At 5'1.5" I am a size 4, but feel like when I look at myself I look MUCH bigger than that......
  • Kooraloo
    Kooraloo Posts: 362 Member
    Hi everyone!
    I'm 5"2.5 (the half an inch is really important :p) and currently 136.5 pounds.
    In March, I went from 140 to 136.5, which is an almost 4 pound drop!
    My April goal is to lose 10 pounds... or around ten pounds and work on slimming my thighs.

    I have these huge muscley thighs... they're only a few inches smaller than my waist, so I need to work on that!
  • KPstartingover
    KPstartingover Posts: 268 Member
    Hi - I'm 5'2" and currently 162 lbs. I started last year and was very successful - got down to 137 by logging every day and training for a 10-miler. Then I got sick in August and was hospitalized - took several months to fully recover, in which time I gained back almost everything I lost. Serious bummer. So, I have been looking for my motivation which has been lost for so many months. I think this week I finally found it, so I changed my user name (hence the "starting over" part). I hope to lose 6 lbs in April by returning to my successful eating program, and getting back into exercise. Since Thursday I've done a zumba class, circuit-training, run twice, and plan to run today as well. I deleted all my old friends with the hope of starting fresh, so I'd love to have new friends with similar goals :)
  • Sharonks
    Sharonks Posts: 884 Member
    4'10.5" and currently 125. I spent a lot of years around 120 and then dropped down to 115 which was close to where I feel I should be. Then I got sick and put on 15 pounds over that year. Then I had surgery and now that I'm recovering from that I feel better than I have in quite a long time. I still get a little tender in my tummy and my rotator cuffs still have problems but for the most part I'm back to working out.

    My goal weight is around 110-115. I'm really more concerned with size than I am with weight (although watching the scale go down is nice).

    This month I want to lose an inch off my waist and tummy. I'm a full time student and had to take some PE this quarter so the goal I set for that class was to be able to run 2 miles continuously in 10 weeks. I haven't run in 25 years so it will take a little work.
  • AMike98
    AMike98 Posts: 63 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    I'm 5'2" and 190. My goal weight is around 120. We will see how 135 is when I get there.

    Goals for April:
    More exercise, starting walking more
    Loose 10 pds