MFP Newbie


I'm new to MFP so I thought I'd introduce myself. I'm 25 years old with about 30 pounds to lose. I've tried all kinds of diets and diet websites including Sparkpeople and Fatsecret. Some have worked a little bit but then I just gain the weight back. I'm finally ready to shed the rest of my weight and start living a healthy lifestyle.

I'm planning on moving to the Pacific Northwest at the beginning of September so this is a big motivator for me. From what I know of it they seem very health conscious and active which I love.

Any support and motivation to keep me going that any of you can give me would be much appreciated. I'm so excited to get started!


  • cmason516
    cmason516 Posts: 62
    Feel free to add me as a friend. I try my best to motivate. :) I am pretty new too so I am looking for some motivation from others as well.
  • Thanks for the link. I'll definitely be joining this group. I can't wait to get to the Pacific Northwest. It seems like such a great active place to be.
  • 29candicanes
    29candicanes Posts: 30 Member
    Hi and Welcome! I am about 3 days in so I am definitely a newbie too. We can all motivate each other!
  • That sounds great! I'll need all the motivation I can get.
  • Hailei
    Hailei Posts: 86 Member
    Hi there! I'm pretty new myself, but I must say that MFP has been a great help for my newly started diet so hopefully it will help you too. I am also looking for friends cause it'll sure be easier to do this "in a group".