Fit and Fun Sized (those under 5'4") for April 2012



  • ctprofessional
    ctprofessional Posts: 63 Member
    Hi I'm 5 feet and 1.5 inches. I started out at 220 an I'm down in the 180's now. In highschool i weighed 124 no matter what I did! I hope to now get into the 140/150 range as I have no desire to be tiny, but rather strong and healthy.

    When I'm not working, I find that 800 calories a day is good enough for me when I am being a couch potato. 1200 calories is good for me on a regular basis, but once a month I need 1400 calories for about a week, lol!

    I can tell when I'm not drinking enough water because I stay hungry. I was told by a Dr that you can't tell the difference between hunger and thirst. Sounds wierd, but it works for me!
  • I'm 5'3" and the extra weight really shows, I have had 8 children, and have always had a hard time with my weight, I want to loss at least 50 lbs, I have only lost 3 pounds since I joined, Its hard to keep up the motivavation but I'm trying.
    Thank to all your support
  • I am 5'1 and I completely understand what you mean about everything being hard for us shorter people. I feel that even if I work hard I still have to do more than others because since I am short all the weight shows more because it is all squished together around my waist and thighs. This is only my second day but as for my April goal I hope to get a good start on things and lose atleast 10 lbs by the end of the month. Feel free to send me friend requests I am looking for friends to help me stay motivated.
  • I agree i struggle with 1200 calories a day and I have a lot of trouble with my feet so the exercising is hard but i am doing pretty good an anyone who is serious please add me. I need motivation and mfp is great u r not only logging in your food and exercise but your weight loss and that's motivation.Plus it makes looking up your calories easy especially if u eat out.. good luck to all. btw i am 5 ft
  • Spanaval
    Spanaval Posts: 1,200 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm 5'1", probably around 120 lbs. and my goals are all NSVs. I'd be thrilled if I didn't lose any weight at all, but all this flabby stuff turned to muscle. My main problem area is my stomach, so I'm hoping to lose inches there, enough to fit comfortably into my nice, pre-kid jeans without spilling out all over. This is turning out to be a lot harder than I imagined it would be.
  • Hi all.

    I'm 5'1" and on the long road to 115 pounds. I lost 5 pounds on my own, joined MFP in mid-March, and lost 4 pounds by the end of the month. Yay!

    I'm finding MFP pretty easy to use, and I like that exercise gives me the option to eat a bit more. I did take the radical step of giving up my espresso habit, and starting my day without the sugar-caffeine jolt is helping too.

    My goal for April is to lose 5 pounds, but if it ends up being more than that, I won't complain! :)

  • FitSuga
    FitSuga Posts: 259 Member
    5'4 -175 lbs trying to be 135 ish but strong not " skinny fat".
    April I want to complete ripped in 30.
    Already had a small NSV of being able to finally do real push ups!
    Would also like to loose 8 lbs or so this month.

    Definitely having a hard time with food. Mostly the holiday, my husbands birthday, and this two week trip were about to go on has me a bit worried. I've got the flu right now too which is really putting a damper on my workout schedule. I pushed through till Friday but Saturday and today I couldn't do it.
  • KateJo84
    KateJo84 Posts: 25
    Hi all - I'm Kate. I thought I was alone in all this! All my other friends are tall!! Like the topic host, I am having a difficult time with my weight due to work, school, planning a wedding, and my fiancé being deployed. Of course he comes home in 6 weeks - so it is time for me to step it up! I would really love to support you all and hope you will do the same for me.

    Thank you and take care!
  • Hi everyone I am 5'2" as well. I am in serious need of motivation so I hope you all don't mind me joining in late. March was reallly bad for me. I lost all motivation from what I had. I had my 2nd daughter in november of last year and since then I have been working to not only get back to prepregnancy size but to finially lose the baby weight from my oldest daughtre (5). We vacation in 8 weeks, so I am setting that as a short term goal to bring 8 to 10 more pounds off
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    We are definitely not alone in this. Posting here is good support for all of us. We all bring in some good ideas and we need a place to vent.

    Our Easter was too quiet. We vegged out all day and did nothing. I miss not being near family and did not give in and buy a lot of stuff to have around this year. We had turkey instead of ham as it was cheaper.

    I have been doing better on calories and exercise lately and I hope to see some change in numbers at my next weigh in.

    Welcome to all the newcomers. I look forward to getting to know you all better. I'm at work, so I have to cut this short.

    Happy Monday and good luck this week,

  • KateJo84
    KateJo84 Posts: 25
    Oh, goals: To work out 4-5 times a week and losing 3-4 lbs (my little beer belly has made an appearance)
  • Prettylittlelotus
    Prettylittlelotus Posts: 239 Member
    5'2" and 137.8 lbs
    I am RE-starting my weight loss goals. I wasn't 100% committed the first time around, but this time I have set up a plan, have goals and am uber motivated to lose 15-20 lbs within the next year.

    I think this is the most I have weighed since I was pregnant. I quit smoking October 1st, and just like they said I would, I gained about 10 lbs (on top of the 5-10 lbs I had gained from taking a desk job), so here I am. Committed and focused. Getting married next year and want to look good for my wedding pictures, I want to be a role model for my daughter and I want to be proud of myself (even in a bathing suit).

    I am looking for some committed MFP friends to help motivate me. Please add me if you're looking for the same!

    Thanks :D

  • msxnitro
    msxnitro Posts: 1
    Hi, I'm around 4ft 8in, and since I'm not very good with pounds I'll just say I'm around 62 kilos, and want to go down to 45KG. Actually, my name's Midge - I should've started out with that! As characteristic as my, ehm, size is. :)

    March was good for me - the first 2 weeks were my last stages of pregnancy, and the 17th my lovely little boy was born. The rest has been healing from my C-section.

    I hope to ease back into my pre-pre-pregnancy weight during the rest of the month, and continue healing to - hopefully - go back to exercising.
  • Hey everyone,

    I'm 4' 11" ( but i like to round off to 5' :D lol ) being shorter then most can make weight gain an awful thing. Gaining 5-10 pounds can look like way more and quickly. Its always nice to have some motivation. I've been off my healthy routine since November and have gained back 15lbs. Im just getting started, a week now, but would like to get back to where I was at.
    Good Luck to all, I know how hard it can be, but your not alone.
    Heres to Meeting our Goals(:
  • aelarek
    aelarek Posts: 83 Member
    Anyone else that's a shorty have a short torso? I am finding that because my torso is so short that I think that I look bigger than I am. SO frustrating.

    Me right here. 5lb gain looks like 10lb gain on a good day.
  • lexytay
    lexytay Posts: 29 Member
    Hi All! I'm 5'2" and CW is 166. Since starting last month I am down 13 lbs. My goals for this month are to begin the C25K program, and hopefully continue to lose the weight. My ultimate goal is to get back to around 120-125. Good Luck to the support :)
  • rmhand
    rmhand Posts: 1,067 Member
    5'3" age 22. Shortly after turning 21 I realized I had gained 20lbs due to big changes in my life and the discovery of beer.
    I lots a total of 17lbs but it crept back on over the last year due to finishing college, moving away for a job and having no friends. Trochanteric bursitis flare ups slow me down incredibly. I am now back, closer to my friends, access to a gym and pool for free, access to my favorite bike trails too. I'm 13lbs away from my goal weight of 120 lbs. I know the pool with help immensely for my bursitis.

    I'm very focused to look great for canoe trips and swimming this summer. Also training for Hero Rush June 2nd.
  • Hi there all!
    I'm 5'1 j& ust turned 30 this year =/ begining of Feb I weighed in at 176lbs, I am now at 164.8 lbs. With hard work and perseverance I intend to be somewhere in the 150's by the end of April.

    GW 125-130 lbs...tho' I'm not super focused on the numbers as my program includes strength training. I'll be happy once I can fit comfortably back into my size 5 jeans again ~so I guess whatever comes first ; )
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    I guess I should have posted my goals too:

    learn to live on 1200 calories a day
    get back into size 6 clothing and have it fit comfortably

    I was 178 when I started, got down to 138, now I am re-starting at 154. 2011 was a hard year and I let too much of it roll into 2012. My ultimate goal is 125-130 depending on how I look when I get there.

  • kym117
    kym117 Posts: 315 Member
    Hi I am Kim and I am 5ft tall I have been on MFP since January last year and did really well up until Sept then I hit a platau and stayed there I got a little dissaponted with this and kind of went off the wagon. Over Christmas I gained 2lbs lost 2lbs but generally stayed around the same weight around 8st 10/12lbs and MArch was a very bad month for me I seemed to eat my way through it the scales were starting to say 9st 2lbs and that to me is in the very bad 9's (could start working back up) so time to knuckle down.

    April is going to be a fantastic month for me I go on holiday in 8 weeks and have all the dresses I want to wear awaiting in my wardrobe with only around 7lbs to lose to my goal weight. I am focused and I am back!!