Boxing (Not Tae Bo)

I recently started taking real boxing lessons from a coach. I go once a week for one hour private training. I thought I was in pretty good shape and I lift weights with heavy weights and workout all the time. I find myself after about 6 rounds almost completely dead. My arms and cardiovascularly. Since I already do a lot of weight training are there some specific arm exercises that will really improve my endurance to make it through more rounds stronger. I thought about practicing the punches with weights in my hands or weighted gloves.

I also am totally in love with boxing now and think I have found the workout for me! Who knows maybe one day I will be in the ring doing a real match.

I would also like to add some friends who are doing the same thing.


  • maynarz
    maynarz Posts: 9
    Boxing is always a great work out. Also be proud that you can make it 6 rounds, especially if you are keeping a high intensity throughout. Its always better to get good exercise and proper technique for self defense in comparison to say tae bo. I have recently started back with Muay Thai because I really enjoy working with legs in addition to regular boxing, and I like the form more than kickboxing. Congrats on you're progress so far, and if you want any inspiration they just added the Rocky Series on Netflix instant watch.
  • sphinxdust
    sphinxdust Posts: 59 Member
    Boxing is a fantastic workout, especially combined with weight training! I do it all the time, it enlivens the neurofascia through speed, agility, quickness, as well as balance training. I use 14 oz gloves and find them sufficient for training, although I have heard that training with a weighted vest or weighted shorts is common practice.