Ideal Protein



  • I have been on Ideal Protein Plan for 6 weeks now and have lost 18 lbs, but this week didn't lose anything. Has anyone on this plan hit a plateau? and for how long?
  • Zita_Jenn
    Zita_Jenn Posts: 252 Member
    I haven't hit a plateau yet.. but my mother in law told me, if I do, switch things up a bit. For ex. have my supper in the am and my breakfast for supper. That should help. Good luck.
  • Susie_Bee
    Susie_Bee Posts: 34
    Hi there! I am on phase II and I have lost 27 lbs so far. I love this plan!
  • Zita_Jenn
    Zita_Jenn Posts: 252 Member
    Wow that is awesome. How long have you been on the plan? I am loving this plan as well. I am on my 7th week, it will be 8 weeks on Monday. :smile:
  • alauer5
    alauer5 Posts: 1
    I am finishing up day 3 of the ideal protein diet. So far so good. Just wanted to get on here to meet others that are doing it too. Just looking for support, encouragement, and helpful advice and tips. I'm worried about getting sick of all the vegetables so if anyone has any good phase 1 recipes send them my way. Good luck to everyone! I feel good about this diet and look forwardto living a healthier, thinner life.
  • kaitlynnrogers
    kaitlynnrogers Posts: 142 Member
    whats this diet all about?(:
  • gesears
    gesears Posts: 2 Member
    I'm on my 1st week off the program which, I guess, means my 3rd week on Phase 4. Ideal Protein is a medically-supervised, high protein/minimal carb & fat program. If you search for Ideal Protein on youtube, there is an approx 8 minute video on how it works. The program guarantees an average of 3 to 7 lbs of weight loss PER WEEK. I will tell you, it's what worked for me FINALLY. I lost just over 46 lbs in 5 months and have no doubt that I will keep it off for the rest of my life. A co-worker has lost over 100 and is off all of his diabetes and blood pressure meds, my doc who administered the plan lost over 100, my mother has lost 35+. I don't care that others will say "it's a fad diet" or "you can lose weight if you just eat right". You've heard it all too. I tried so many things. THIS worked! And for those of you who don't like to exercise--this is the program for you! Ideal Protein does not allow for exercise in order to protect the muscle mass you currently have. There is a protocol available for those who already exercise and don't want to give it up but I can tell you from experience, it's a little tougher when you're exercising. Weight loss is a little slower and your energy level isn't quite the same for the first several weeks. I will recommend this program until my last day on this earth. And just for fun (because I did this to GET HEALTHY), I went from size 18 to size 10 pants/skirt, XXL to L shirt, lost well over 30" (I haven't done my final measurements) and I now weight LESS than what my driver's license says for the first time ever--and I'm 54 years old. Please look in to this program!
  • gesears
    gesears Posts: 2 Member
    Hey, alauer5! Roasted cauliflower saved me! Cut up a head of cauliflower, toss lightly with olive oil from your daily allowance of oil, sea salt and spices (I like chili spices like cumin, chili powder, and cayenne) and roast at 400 degrees until it starts to carmelize. It's fantastic right out of the oven or cold. Also, I liked to add sauteed mushrooms to the soups, chili, and spaghetti. Cayenne was my favorite spice. I used it in just about everything. That's what was great about the program. You can add spices and seasonings to jazz your meal up. I liked adding cinnamon to oatmeal, chocolate pudding, and the crepes too. And make the crepes really thin in a small saute pan so you get 3 or 4 thin ones (like crepes should be) instead of just 1 thick one. Try the Walden Farms salad dressings. I liked the Raspberry & Asian the best. I'm a big fan of red bell peppers and cucumbers for my veggies now, too. Good luck! I promise it will pay off!
  • amywise1969
    amywise1969 Posts: 1 Member
    I am in Phase 4 Maintenance of Ideal Protein since early March. Am having some troubles.. have gained a 3-5 pounds and am freaking out... anybody else having trouble?
  • I LOVE IP! I'm down 12.5 pounds in just 2 weeks! I'm never hungry and never binging. I feel AWESOME and every day is getting better and better!
  • Hey all,

    My father and I are on this program. I am on week 10 as of today and lost 41 pounds and my dad is on week 14 and is already on phase 4, past his goal weight. It works if you follow it :).

    Melissa - Canada.
  • ladybugss
    ladybugss Posts: 135 Member
    I want to read this but I have to go to work. Be back soon
  • stella_star89
    stella_star89 Posts: 1 Member
    I am starting tomorrow with ideal protein. Little nervous because I heard the first week is really hard. But I'm ganna do my best at it. :p
  • I just finished my first week of Ideal Protein! I am definitely losing weight. Has anyone gotten off it and managed to keep the weight off?
  • Moe4572
    Moe4572 Posts: 1,430 Member
    I finished my first week on this program, and lost 10.4 lbs in a week!!!! Very happy with those I know it won't be like that every week, but am confident this will work for me :)

    My biggest problem is that I don't like the "splenda/sucralose" aftertaste that pretty much all products seem to I just add ALOT of cinnamon to the shakes/puddings and that helps alot. My "coach" said adding the cinnamon was no problem since it is good to even out blood sugar.

    Feel free to friend me if you would like support doing this diet. I am doing it with my cousin, but would love others' input......
  • shigwa
    shigwa Posts: 1 Member
    i just finished my 13 th week today on ideal protien i ve lost 48 lb's so far and still on phase 1 and will be on phase one for awhile yet . I am pretty happy with ideal protien i am suprised how good some of the stuff taste . but i really only do the puddings vanilla and strawberry i do have some of the snack bars and snacks wich i dont eat very often there higher in carbs and to make me hungier later after i eat them but they taste really good though
  • Great to hear all the success people are having!
  • kdsantell
    kdsantell Posts: 1
    I am going to start the ideal protein diet and wanted to know whee I can buy the food online. Also, can some of their products be purchased at the store? Any tips to keep it inexpensive would be appreciated!
  • almostatgoalweight
    almostatgoalweight Posts: 234 Member
    I'm doing the DIY version of Ideal Protein. Unlimited meat and vegetables. Seems to be working so far.
  • maykatcooper
    maykatcooper Posts: 1 Member

    It is totally an online approach to Ideal Protein. I've really benefited from being able to do this program without driving hours and meeting every week. I do weigh in and record it on the program site. Everything you need is right there but you do have to make an initial minimal order. I lost 50 pounds and am back for more. Smile. Hope this helps.
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