Vegans - what do you eat?!

Athena413 Posts: 1,709 Member
So my husband and I recently decided that we want to try and get away from animal protein and have a primarily plant-based diet...not because we're hippies or care about the feelings of a cow...but for the health implications. So here's my question for the vegans or anyone else who has embraced this type of lifestyle. What do you eat?

Favorite foods? Especially breakfast...that isn't oatmeal...

Favorite recipes?

Favorite books/cookbooks?

Substitutions you commonly use?

Pros/cons of eating like this?

Any (well...most...if you're just wanting to be a jerk, move along) feedback is appreciated. :happy:


  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    Apparently they eat lots of Tofu. Blech. :P

    (not speaking of anyone in particular) ...well maybe i am.
  • Squidgeypaws007
    Squidgeypaws007 Posts: 1,012 Member
    You don't have to be hippies, but cows do have feelings ;P (even though they are evil...true story). Anyway, bumping this because it's a good question - I'm veggie and have wondered how people go without dairy and eggs :)

    Although as someone who doesn't eat meat (for 11 years now), I can say there are some GREAT meat substitutes out there. I don't personally like Tofu, but it does have a good ability to soak up the cooking flavours you're using. I primarily eat Quorn (and similar products). Favourite foods have to include most of the Tesco "meat free" range (glazed BBQ fillets, burgers, kievs.....yum!). And eggs, lots of eggs.....yum! (especially chocolate ones.....aha).

    Pros and Cons (even though I do still abuse cows....): I feel better, whether that is psychological or not I'm not sure. You get to eat lots of different things, you can rarely get food poinsoning from undercooked veggies (this is a pro given my cooking skills) and I do tend to think it's a cheaper way of living. A downside is that you WILL get moaned at by people, and you'll often have to take your own substitues when eating at other peoples houses. Eating out is also usually fairly boring ;) As I decided on this diet due to moral/personal reasons I have cut out things containing gelatin etc - not sure how far into this you want to go - but that does mean missing out on marshmallows and jelly!!
  • islandjumper
    islandjumper Posts: 369 Member
    I'm not vegan, but I've been vegetarian for about 10 years and I don't really eat eggs...and I'm lactose intolerant. Beans, nuts, lentils are all good protein sources. I drink almond milk, eat quinoa, and yes sometimes I eat tofu, but maybe once a week at the most...really the possibilities are endless with food. It makes you more creative in the kitchen to venture away from the meat and potatoes type mentality.
    There are vegetarian and vegan groups on here...might be good to join one of them.
  • Toddrific
    Toddrific Posts: 1,114 Member
    I was a vegetarian for awhile. I've the Vegan Planet cookbook that had some interesting stuff.

    My go to food was generally some combination of beans tomatoes and rice with different spices.

    If you are going vegan, make sure you supplement your diet with enriched foods and/or vitamins.
    B12 is an important one and some others.

    Oh and...


    (that's what broke my vegetarian back)
  • joankpoirier
    joankpoirier Posts: 281 Member
    "Substitutions you commonly use? " Shakeology Tropical Strawberry YUM!
  • Athena413
    Athena413 Posts: 1,709 Member
    Husband isn't big on the idea of soy products...he's okay with some, but doesn't want that to be a staple.

    I'm from the south where everything was meat, fried, or smothered in bbq sauce and that's how I learned to cook. I'm a good cook, don't get me wrong, but re-learning most of what I know is going to be interesting...
  • Athena413
    Athena413 Posts: 1,709 Member
    I was a vegetarian for awhile. I've the Vegan Planet cookbook that had some interesting stuff.

    My go to food was generally some combination of beans tomatoes and rice with different spices.

    If you are going vegan, make sure you supplement your diet with enriched foods and/or vitamins.
    B12 is an important one and some others.

    Oh and...


    (that's what broke my vegetarian back)

    I love bacon...*sigh*
  • Athena413
    Athena413 Posts: 1,709 Member
    You don't have to be hippies, but cows do have feelings ;P

    I know it's not just limited to hippies...I was just kidding...but I know vegans get a lot of crap about their views when it comes to animals and why they choose to not eat them. I'm not a radical type person at all and didn't want anyone to get the wrong impression of me. There's nothing wrong with being vegan, but some of them take it a little too far.

    And we have every intention of still eating meat sometimes...just not having it as a staple in our diet...we'll probably only have it when we're eating out or at someone else's house...but as far as having it in our house...not so much.

    We may scrap the whole plan sooner or later, but figured we'd at least give it a shot and see how we feel about it after a few weeks.
  • Squidgeypaws007
    Squidgeypaws007 Posts: 1,012 Member
    You don't have to be hippies, but cows do have feelings ;P

    I know it's not just limited to hippies...I was just kidding...but I know vegans get a lot of crap about their views when it comes to animals and why they choose to not eat them. I'm not a radical type person at all and didn't want anyone to get the wrong impression of me. There's nothing wrong with being vegan, but some of them take it a little too far.

    Lol, aye that's certainly the truth! But you're not in this for the moral thing, so I reckon you'll be ok :) And you get extreme views in all kinds of people, makes life more interesting.....or, something like that ;)

    Oh, and I'm not sure cows do have feelings....they scare the cr*p out of me!! :p

    And yeah, totally the best way : try it and see! :)
  • Lib_B
    Lib_B Posts: 446 Member
  • DKaye09
    DKaye09 Posts: 109
    My friends use the Engine 2 Diet, I believe.
  • AMorganNJ
    AMorganNJ Posts: 9 Member
    I have been transitioning to a primarily vegan diet for the last 4 months, and I think that is the key. You have to ease into it, or you will decide to give up (as my husband and I often thought we would). A typical day looks like this:
    Breakfast - plant fusion shake with kale, maca powder, chia seed powder, and almond milk (with a vegan multi by the company vega).
    Lunch - kale, carrots, shallots, tomato, broccoli, and quinoa with braggs liquid aminos
    Snack - 1/3 c apple juice, 2 tbsp flax meal, and 2/3 c water
    Dinner - beans and various veggies/greens, or a large salad with avocado, tomato and various veggies. Sometimes tofu, sometime seitan or a gardein product if we are in a hurry.

    I will sometimes eat veggie rolls, or even have an occaisional tuna roll, depending on how I'm feeling. I enjoy the rare instance of fish, but can't see myself ever having dairy or turkey/chicken again.
  • Athena413
    Athena413 Posts: 1,709 Member
    My friends use the Engine 2 Diet, I believe.

    That's what started this whole thing!

    We watched Forks over Knives last night on Netflix, and it really made a lot of sense and went right along with what my personal trainer has been telling me for months. Then that damn Netflix recommended the Engine 2 Diet documentary, so we watched it, too! And I took notes...because I'm that much of a nerd... :noway:
  • Athena413
    Athena413 Posts: 1,709 Member
    I have been transitioning to a primarily vegan diet for the last 4 months, and I think that is the key. You have to ease into it, or you will decide to give up (as my husband and I often thought we would). A typical day looks like this:
    Breakfast - plant fusion shake with kale, maca powder, chia seed powder, and almond milk (with a vegan multi by the company vega).
    Lunch - kale, carrots, shallots, tomato, broccoli, and quinoa with braggs liquid aminos
    Snack - 1/3 c apple juice, 2 tbsp flax meal, and 2/3 c water
    Dinner - beans and various veggies/greens, or a large salad with avocado, tomato and various veggies. Sometimes tofu, sometime seitan or a gardein product if we are in a hurry.

    I will sometimes eat veggie rolls, or even have an occaisional tuna roll, depending on how I'm feeling. I enjoy the rare instance of fish, but can't see myself ever having dairy or turkey/chicken again.

    I don't know what half the stuff you named up there is! :tongue:

    I wish we had a Whole Foods somewhat close to Joplin, but alas, we only have a couple local whole food stores with limited products...and a farmers' market...I imagine I'll be spending a lot more time and money at these places versus Wal-Mart, Sam's, Adli, and Food 4 Less!
  • Buckeyt
    Buckeyt Posts: 473 Member
    "Substitutions you commonly use? " Shakeology Tropical Strawberry YUM!

    Just had that for breakfast. IT is good stuff.
  • Books - Vegan Diner - awesome food ideas and easy. Peas and Thank You. Again, great recipes and easy.

    Fast go to meals - cereal with lots of fruit and almond milk for breakfast. Breakfast burritos. PB and J sandwiches for lunch. Rice and Beans. Dinner - bean burrito, yesterday was Thai Burgers from Peas and Thank You book. We keep frozen Black Bean Burgers from Peas and Thank You.

    I also recommend the Engine 2 diet book. His philosophy is mostly vegan, but to not label yourself. This gives you the option to reduce meat without having to make a lifelong committment to it (unless you want to). We are 95% vegan in our house. But, we still enjoy the occasional burger when we go out. I don't stress if someone else cooks, etc. And if I want something, I just go out and eat it.

    Definitely try some of these books and make the recipes in bulk and then freeze. This will give you options when you have little time. I got 2 of the books at the public library while I was testing them out.

    Good luck!!
  • Athena413
    Athena413 Posts: 1,709 Member
    "Substitutions you commonly use? " Shakeology Tropical Strawberry YUM!

    Just had that for breakfast. IT is good stuff.

    I don't know what Shakeology is, but it sounds like some sort of fad diet... :huh:
  • icemaiden17_uk
    icemaiden17_uk Posts: 463 Member
    Bumping because I am interested!!
  • aykaa
    aykaa Posts: 7
    I´m vegan who eat fish, seafood and eggs so not a 100% one. You have to have balanced diet, not food substitutions, it will be better for you to look on some vegan sites. You can find much very yummy and healthy recipes on web:

    It is only couple of my favorite sites.

    And about my favourite food? Love Porridge for breakfast, with honey or fruit and nuts or sometimes some baked vegan goodies. I´m not big fun of tofu and soya products, but it is good for you it has low calories and vitamins what you need, so i put them to my diet, but i love beans (soup, saute, salads), vegan bean chilli is my favourite one, brocolli, vegetable saute, many diferent kinds of soup. I choose bigger lunch than have only salad or something smaller for dinner. Look to my food diary for inspiration and feel free to add me to friends list.
  • AMorganNJ
    AMorganNJ Posts: 9 Member
    LOL. I know, it all sounds like gibberish to us too. Engine 2 is a good place to start, and you can print off shopping lists directly from their website. I definitely feel better. My allergies are all but gone, I have more energy, and find the "journey" interesting. Cheers! :happy: