Getting ready to give up

I have been watching my diet and excercise for nearly 2 months, I did have a bad week recently running around. I had lost almost 4lbs but now the scale is saying I have put 2 of that back on. Even during my bad week it wasn't excessive. I know not to go by the scale too much but my body is also telling me. My rings and jeans are getting tighter instead of looser. My fingers swell up anytime I do any excercise. I am getting very discouraged. Any input would be appreciated!


    BIGJIMMYU Posts: 1,221 Member
    Believe in yourself and love yourself. If you want to give up go ahead but you know that will get you nowhere. I don't think you will give up or you wouldn't have posted this. Remember you have to be there for yourself like we are there for you. Picture us frustrated and sweating on the treadmill and gym just like you do!
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    If you need new direction please check out and read in full the link on my profile.
    I guarantee, if you have no physical issues or disease, that my method works.
    Please PM me if you want into the high calorie group also.
    We can support you on your journey!

    It gets wayyyyy better!
    Dont quit 5 mins before the miracle!
  • wikdmoody4life
    wikdmoody4life Posts: 1 Member
    I understand it is hard, I have been trying for so long. Be sure to get blood work done to make sure you don't have an underlying problem. And always remember you have to add daily exercise to your diet plan, even if it's just a couple of chair squats in living roomor strength stretches. You can do this and you have the will power or you wouldnt still be here. Hang in there there are so many success stories. WE CAN DO THIS!!!! We must do this to improve our quality of life. :-) happy day
  • lambertj
    lambertj Posts: 675 Member
    Its hard to give advice with a closed diary but I will tell you this, as a 46 yr old it will take longer than it ever did in dour 20's and 30's - giving up can't be an option.
  • I have made my diary public! You are all right! Just getting frustrated but this journey I am on is not about the numbers anyway but more a change of life, just thought the scale would be going down not up. I think I just needed to vent! Thank you all for the support and motivation
  • lambertj
    lambertj Posts: 675 Member
    I will tell you what has worked for me per your open diary. Higher protein levels and lower carb levels. Try to match your protein and carb levels and fill the rest in with healthy fats. It seems like whenever I see someone our age that isn't losing I see 1/2 the amount of carbs to protein. It took me a bit to get the balance right but once I did I started losing more consistently. Also, do not be afraid of healthy fats such as nuts. Additionally, you don't appear to be eating enough. When I started I was at the MFP settings of 1200 calories a day but lost very little, i upped my calories to 1400 and the weight started moving. I'm now up to 1500 a day and losing about 0.8 lbs a week. And that includes a cheat day. It was hard for me to wrap my brain around it that to lose more I had to eat more but it's true.Stop with the quick add calories or you will never know what the protein, carb, fat ratio is. Work out 3-5 times a week for an hour - get your heart rate up. Feel free to send me a friend request if you like, otherwise my diary is open to get ideas for protein (ignore Saturdays as they are my cheat day). Not everyone agrees on cheat days but for me, without them, I would fail at this. I need to know that there is a place in my week for those foods I miss and crave.
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    You are not eating enough. Try to get a net of around 1400 per day. It works, I swear it does.