
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    I'm in!

    Lately I've been bingeing heaps and the scale has not been moving. Time to get my eating under control!
  • xabcdefgee
    xabcdefgee Posts: 41 Member
    I'd like to join too :) Haven't tried anything like this before, so it'll be interesting!
  • 2fit4fat
    2fit4fat Posts: 559 Member
    Me me ohhhh pick me!!
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member

    Will we be eliminated if we gain at any point? From what I've noticed, most of us are female and most likely gain a little during that TOM. Also, I've been thinking about lifting again, and I always show a slight gain initially and again every couple weeks due to water retention as my muscles repair themselves. I really don't want to get eliminated because of what I know my body does naturally.


    Just some insight into the lifting gains! I am the exact same but if I take my rest day the day before my weigh in I am fine. :)
  • aksunshine
    aksunshine Posts: 62 Member
    I'm in!!
  • GoalSixPack
    GoalSixPack Posts: 60 Member
    Would like a chance at this. Sounds fun and what I need to get moving again. Best of luck to everyone
  • tema47
    tema47 Posts: 42 Member
    I'd love to join your 11 week challenge.... I've sent ou a friend add if that's ok. I'll be finishing a comp in a couple of weeks nd this will keep up the momentum from that comp...;)
  • Bluemountain22
    Bluemountain22 Posts: 170 Member
    I would really like to join, just sent a friend request your way!
  • Sheri869
    Sheri869 Posts: 1,195 Member
    For those of you 'on the fence,' let me tell you what an awesome challenge this is! I literally ran out of weight to lose by doing the last 2 challenges! I hit goal, lowered goal by 10 lbs and hit that too! I'm very competitive, so this was an awesome motivator for me. I'm not officially in this time because I'm having surgery week one, but I'm still going robe with my team for moral support and to help me keep eating good when I don't feel like it. I'm on the best team, none other than the Dolphins and I consider all of them friends and live having their support and encouragement. Seems when one of us is down, someone is always there to motivate.

    So, take the plunge, get serious about being healthy and join this challenge!

    Thanks Kathy!! AND The Dolphins will miss having such an awesome person competing with us! But SO glad you are gonna be here by our side anyway!!!
  • Sheri869
    Sheri869 Posts: 1,195 Member
    And those asking about elimination....Please go to my blog if thats a concern of yours - to see some of the challenges....


    REALLY depends on how many people end up competing and how dedicated the people are....Weightloss DOES factor in each week - HOWEVER the FIRST thing I look at for elimination is completing the challenge. Those that don't complete the challenge are the First eliminated....if Everyone completed the challenge THEN I look at weight loss - or those that didn't really pull their weight for their team #'s.
  • Kai85
    Kai85 Posts: 439 Member
    I'm want to join too : )
  • alex063287
    alex063287 Posts: 61 Member
    I would like to do this!
  • anewrac
    anewrac Posts: 52 Member
    Defo in ;)
  • jillkent12
    jillkent12 Posts: 14 Member
    Im in!!
  • aksunshine
    aksunshine Posts: 62 Member
    Is there an easy way to save the blog or thread? I don't want to miss a thing :)
  • Jules2Be
    Jules2Be Posts: 2,238 Member
    only a few weeks in here! i want to participate too...i need to go back and read what to do! thx!
  • Sheri869
    Sheri869 Posts: 1,195 Member
    Is there an easy way to save the blog or thread? I don't want to miss a thing :)

    If you "right click" when you are on the thread (or blog once I create it and choose - add to favorites - it will be in your favorites (usually a star or something in the uppper right or left corner of your computer.

    When I put the blog up - I'll have a link here on the thread and it will come up with a link on the "wall" so you enter in easy and then do the "right click" thing - if you have ANY problems just message me direct and I will send you the link direct. Then you'll have it in a message from me.
  • Chicc
    Chicc Posts: 144 Member
    Sheri...so exciting!! You're getting one heck of a turn out this round. This is going to be a blast!!! I think I have goosebumps :)
  • mabrider
    mabrider Posts: 2
    Ok I'm in...
  • bxbutterfly
    bxbutterfly Posts: 47 Member
    please count me in. thanks