People who run with their dogs? (tiny bit icky)



  • kaned_ferret
    kaned_ferret Posts: 618 Member
    I actually don't mind holding the squishy, stinky thin plastic bag of poo until I find a trash bin. :happy:

    Plus it can be a hand-warmer in winter... :bigsmile:
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    And, haha, my dogs another one of those 'inconveniently pooping' dogs. He just stops, dead in the middle of the street, and poos. He doesn't care where. Sometimes, he runs into people's gardens when he's off the leash. He's a well behaved dog, and knows not to do it, but can't help himself!

    I always pick it up, though, even if it's somewhat 'gloopy'.
  • froeschli
    froeschli Posts: 1,292 Member
    "stick and flick" is a method advocated by our local forestry comission around here, and it's intended to flick it to the dense undergrowth, so it's not like people are flicking it at people's windows or anything, it's to get it away from any trodden areas - and ultimately better for the environment than bagging and binning!

    yeah, in a forest that might work, but in my semi-urban neighborhood, there is this guy who 'flicks' it into other people's yards. That's just plain rude and i would so go over to yell at him if my dog wouldn't take it as a cue to rip him to shreds...

    As for the original topic, I've taught my dog to pee and poo on command. he mostly listens, if i time it right. he won't poop in the park unless he is sick anyways (i think he wants to keep his playground clean). He's also pretty regular, so knowing which times to run is a good thing.
    Maybe start training your dog to know what 'poo' means, and then let him know to do it before you reach a trash can...
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    I got my dog one of these doggie bag holders. I got it from the £ shop, and you just slip it on to their collar. It looks cute, and it's practical ;)

    Not sure the dog would agree about how pleasant it is though! :laugh:

    :laugh: it's not for the poo, just the bags! I wouldn't subject my poor doggie to that; his poos REEK :laugh:
  • eleslie1989
    eleslie1989 Posts: 57 Member
    whilst on the subject about dog poop. i live in a street where no one even owns a dog and someone keeps leaving a bag of poop at the top of my street ! theres now 3 bags. i dont understand the logic of putting it in a bag then leaving it to sit and fester in the bag!

    i appreciate there are considerate people out there but unfortunately not everyone seems to follow suit.

    this is not any different from cleaning up after any other animal, i mean if you owned a rabbit, hamster etc you wouldnt leave it sitting in its cage full of urine/poop. i dont see what is so difficult since you have decided you can be responsible for another living thing.

    im thinking of having a steak/stake (sorry about spelling lol) out to catch the culprit
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    Ah, I'd love to see someone teaching my jackies to poo on command. Stubborn little buggers, jack russells.... :-)

    I should have made it clearer in my OP that there really are *no bins* where I live - it's a rural place and the trails etc round here don't have bins on them.

    But there have been lots of really helpful suggestions for runners generally, and I do think some of the suggestions will work for me - the can, the doggy backpack, and the wag'n'bag thingummy all look promising.
  • froeschli
    froeschli Posts: 1,292 Member
    Ah, I'd love to see someone teaching my jackies to poo on command. Stubborn little buggers, jack russells.... :-)

    I should have made it clearer in my OP that there really are *no bins* where I live - it's a rural place and the trails etc round here don't have bins on them.

    But there have been lots of really helpful suggestions for runners generally, and I do think some of the suggestions will work for me - the can, the doggy backpack, and the wag'n'bag thingummy all look promising.

    when you can tell they are about to, tell them to 'poo' or 'potty' or whatever word you want to use, then be all happy about it and thell them 'good potty', just as they are finishing. Will take maybe about a week.
    Oh, and don't quit telling them they're good once they know what to do...
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    Now that might have worked with my old GSD.... Jackies are a rather different kettle of fish. They understand what you want. Just be ready for that 'nah, can't be bothered' look when they're not in the mood..... :-)
  • SuperSexyDork
    SuperSexyDork Posts: 1,669 Member
    I'm so thankful that my lab doesn't normally poo while we're out running. Just in case, I bring bags with me but I've never had to use them. She does however pee very inconveniently. She just simply stops without any warning. She's very well trained and heels even when running so without warning I get jerked back by my 90 pound dog who has simply stopped.
  • Dwamma
    Dwamma Posts: 289 Member
    I run with my dog all the time....I carry the "empty" bag with me......when she poops......SHE has to carry the bag! I just tie in around her coller and off we go!

    Good luck!!

    Blessings! <><
  • kmacgera
    kmacgera Posts: 137 Member
    A friend bought me a bag made of the same stuff they use for wet suits with a zip and an airfreshner thing inside with dog bags in the lid at a country show in UK it clips to your belt but all safe inside I use it all the time with t
    mine xxx

    I'll buy one!

    In my hood, everyone has different trash days. I use a grocery bag. It's not that great for tying off, quite often there are holes in it, so I dispose of it as soon as I see one handy. Sorry if I've offended anyone, but that's what I do.

    When my current dog was a puppy, one day he went 3x, so I ran over to a garbage can to find something to use. A neighbor stopped his car and yelled at me for leaving the pile. Having him stop the car in the street and come towards me while yelling was threatening.