Running With Items?!



  • girlnumber57
    I'm training for my first 1/2 now. Great tips on here, so bump :)
  • nwhitley
    nwhitley Posts: 619
    I have a road id bracelet and never leave home without it. You can google the company and see what they offer. I usually run alone on trails or the road so the purpose of the id is to notify other people, EMT's, etc of your name, medical conditions, and emergency phone numbers of who to call in case you are unconscious or injured. They cost about $20.00 give or take depending on what type you get. Definitely worth the money. Better safe than sorry. It would be horrible to be in the hospital unconscious and the hospital workers not know who you are or who to notify and your family to not know where you are.
    may i ask why it is important to bring your id on a run?? just curious b/c i don't bring mine :tongue:
    and if i should start bringing it..thanks!
  • Athena413
    Athena413 Posts: 1,709 Member
    Aside from the obvious - phone/mp3 player, drivers' license, keys - I always carry my water bottle and some nutrition (gu, sport beans, powergel, whatever works for you) if I'm going to be out longer than 45min-1 hour. Pepperspray is a good item to have, too...and not just for pesky works great on dogs that try and run after you. Never hurts to carry a little bit of cash, either. You never know when you might need some. If you have room, maybe a bandaid or two in case you start getting a blister somewhere or if you fall down.
  • Meggles63
    Meggles63 Posts: 916 Member
    I am so lame, lol! I wear a fanny pack, into which I shove my phone, which I have playing pandora and run-double! I prolly should get the id bracelet, just because I run VERY early in the a.m. when it's scarily dark.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    Whatever you do, don't run with scissors.

    I bring my phone, ID and keys.
  • Aperture_Science
    Aperture_Science Posts: 840 Member
    Nothing below 5 miles. Over 5 some water (250 mls mini bottle) over 10 more water.

    I only worry about of food/gels etc for greater than a half.
  • RoboLikes
    RoboLikes Posts: 519 Member
    I usually go on 3-4 mile runs (although I did do a 8mile the other day) and I take my house key, phone and ipod in this bag>ADIDAS.htm that's all I need for my running
    I don't take water, I feel like it throws my stride off. I just ensure I'm well hydrated beforehand and I'm fine

    This looks good, I want!
  • everytree
    everytree Posts: 127
    I'm a notorious overpacker in every aspect of my life so running is no different!

    I wear a running belt that has a water bottle pocket then a zippered pocket. I carry water, gel, bandaids (what can I say, I fall a lot), id, house or car key depending on where I left from, credit card in case the run goes bad I can take a taxi home (I used to run marathons and being stuck 20 kms from home sucks), cell phone, iPod, Chapstick, a bit of cash in case I run out of water I can run I to a corner store and get more......trying to think what else.

    Told you I was an overpacker! Lol!
  • OverflowingRhythm
    On my runs i just have my bag and in it my house keys and my cell phone. There is no need for water imo unless ur planning to run a marathon or something
  • vegamy
    vegamy Posts: 204 Member
    I usually bring some Gu (energy gel). My trainer recommended it and it seems to give me a little more energy and hydration. I just started doing long runs a few months ago, I'm up to about 10 miles now.
  • amyluna
    amyluna Posts: 5
    I bring gatorade gum, id, ipod & water. I find chewing gum while running helps me to keep up my pace. I try to hydrate before I run but anything over 4 miles I find I do need some water. I have a question tho... I tend to throw up water when I drink it on my long runs. I dont drink much of it, just a few sips every mile or so. Does anyone know how I can prevent this?
  • jenmarie2012
    jenmarie2012 Posts: 180 Member
    Thank you!! I guess i never really thought about bringing my ID. Now since the things you guys mentioned i am going to start b/c you just never no what could happen and i guess that never came across my mind, what if something did happen. glad i happened to see this thread.. :smile:
  • oharabear
    oharabear Posts: 13
    Dog leash in one hand, pepper spray in the other (I'm paranoid), and my key tucked into a pocket.

    I'm currently trying to figure out a way for my dog to carry crap FOR for me. LOL. Some kind of pouch on his harness, maybe...
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    I carry (wear actually) my Garmin, Road ID and bring my cell phone and $20 in case I need to take a taxi home (hasn't happened yet....). Depending on how warm it is I may bring along water or G2 and gels if my run is more than 1 1/2 hrs (today I didn't bring any water or gels on my 15km run and was fine). On sunny days a hat & sunglasses are a good idea.

    If I'm running in the dark I have a flashing red LED on my right shoe (run facing the traffic) and if my route involves the recreational paths I'll wear my trusty old Petzl LED headlight.
  • Laurarunnergirl
    Laurarunnergirl Posts: 36 Member
    If I'm going 8+, I bring the following:

    sports drink in a water bottle holder
    asthma inhaler (always carry that)
    ID/$$ plus insurance card (which sadly, I've had to use during a run, but it sure came in handy in the ER)
    baby wipes/kleenex, especially on a warm day

    for longer runs, I take gels/shot blox

    if I'm running alone, or in an isolated area, I'll take my cell phone. I've also taken my bus pass and/or VISA since I've been injured a ways from home and had to get a cab.

    Sounds like a lot, but it all fits in little pouches attached to my water bottle holder
  • froeschli
    froeschli Posts: 1,292 Member
    I usually run about 8k, and when it gets warmer i definitely have to get a camelback or something similar to carry water.

    If it's below 10 degrees celsius, I carry my keys, ID and iPhone in a jacket pocket, warmer and i bring the smallest backpack i own to carry the same items:
    this isn't a picture of mine, but it's almost the same. about 8" tall total.

    I've tried a larger backpack for a water bottle, and a roots over the shoulder camera bag, but they all bounce too much, chafe my neck or do other weird stuff...
  • cowgirlslikeus86
    cowgirlslikeus86 Posts: 597 Member
    I have a CAMELBAK hydration pack I wear on my back for anything over 5 miles. I usually eat 1/4 of a cliff bar right before I run and carry the rest in my pack along with a personal defense Item, keys, I.D., small amount of money or card, my phone which tracks my activity and my HRM.

    Under 5 miles I tie my keys to my shoe lace and just hydrate before hand typically. Once in a while I'll carry a waist pack with 1) 20 oz. bottle and the bare essentials.

    I once got stuck getting water out of a bathroom sink on a run because I ran out of water on a hot day. Since then, I almost always carry a little money.

    TO the poster who asked about why you carry ID? Its so they know who I am if Im found maimed to pieces by some wild animal ;-)
  • _canuckrunner_
    _canuckrunner_ Posts: 364 Member
    I have my RoadID bracelet, iphone with music and Runkeeper. For runs less than an 10K, I don't take anything else. For longer runs just water. I don't run longer than 2 hours so I don't worry about gels etc
  • Samerah12
    Samerah12 Posts: 610 Member
    I always carry a water bottle and my ipod and for runs longer than an hour I carry Clif or Gu chomps/shot blocks (gummies). I have tried the GU gels and "real food" but the gummies seem to work best for me gastronomically speaking. Long runs at night I also take pepper spray and a headlamp (the sidewalks here are TERRIBLE and we streetlights are few and far between).

    If you find yourself wanting to carry too many things you can get a hydration belt that will hold water bottles and has a little pouch in the front for a phone/ipod/food. Little bit dorky but worth it. I use mine for summer long runs when I need more water then is comfortable to carry by hand.
  • sarahc001
    sarahc001 Posts: 477 Member
    For all of you interested in a road id bracelet, here's a coupon code for $2 off:


    expires 5/31/12


    EDIT: Just used the code- it works :-)