What is your non-food treat to yourself when you reach your



  • hongruss
    hongruss Posts: 389 Member
    I'd like some Bowflex weights & the garage refitted to house my personal gym. But the money isn't there at the moment:sad:

  • valenief
    valenief Posts: 134 Member
    I want a new tattoo as well down my side!!! Also a new bikini from VS not wal-mart! lol
  • simple82
    simple82 Posts: 23 Member
    Rocking skinny jeans :D
  • zoeluiisa
    zoeluiisa Posts: 392
    Skinny jeans, because hopefully by then my *kitten* will be small enough to look good in them.
  • pinkita
    pinkita Posts: 779 Member
    Professional photographs of myself--practically my whole life I've run away at the sight of a camera as I've hated the way I look in pictures. I hope to be over that when I get to goal.
  • OnionCookie
    OnionCookie Posts: 272 Member
    I always wanted a belly button ring so if I get up the courage, I want one.
  • pinkita
    pinkita Posts: 779 Member
    I always wanted a belly button ring so if I get up the courage, I want one.

    Ooooh yeah, I want one of those too! :smile:
  • Mia2891
    Mia2891 Posts: 54 Member
    I want to get a tattoo on my side that kinda of wraps around from front to back! And I would love to get professional pics done also. I have tried to hide from the camera all my adult life.
  • saragato
    saragato Posts: 1,154
    My first real big one for being almost at 40lbs of weight loss was buying a brand new swim suit. I haven't worn one since I was 14 because I was so ashamed of all the fat and rolls and stretch marks (which were achieved on my shoulders because I literally carried close to 40lbs on my back 5 days a week at school because I never could work a lock for the lockers they gave us) I just wore t-shirts and long men's shorts.

    My next big goal will (hopefully) be LASIK surgery to get rid of my glasses. But my final goal will be to get new tattoos, probably 3 though 2 of them are matching and will go on my upper arms in celebration of reaching a weight where I don't feel ugly wearing a sleeveless top.

    For small goals, I usually do small little "retail therapy" treats. When I hit 25lbs lost I went and bought a rolling carry-on luggage bag. And if I just do good in general with my weight lost that week it's something small like maybe some new lip balm or a necklace I've been eying for a while. When I reach 50lbs or maybe 60lbs I may treat myself and my mother to a spa day. I've never had one but I know she likes getting pedicures, so.
  • I love all of these ideas....I am thinking instead of just shopping making it a girls day out with my neice....hair, make up, nails, clothes, maybe a piering or two...cant forget the bikini too...I might even rent a suite at the local motel so we can have a little bit of a staycay....thinking of this makes me really motivated to hurry up and get skinny....:happy:
  • BlueInkDot
    BlueInkDot Posts: 702 Member
    Once I hit my goal weight, my reward will be every time I look in a mirror, every time I go shopping, every time I see myself in a picture, every time it's hot out and I don't want to wear something that covers up every inch of skin on my body. ... Yea just being able to do what I want without being embarrassed about my body will be awesome. :)

    I'm not worried about rewarding myself once I've reached my goal weight. What I DO have to worry about is rewarding myself in general without using food. Back in the day I would reward myself with going out to eat. Can't really do that too much nowadays. Now I use bubble baths, some time spent blogging, emailing my friends, watching Disney movies. Singing always cheers me up. Yea it's good to have some mood boosters that don't cost too much money and don't increase my calorie intake!
  • I'll give my husband a private strip tease lol
  • SPNLuver83
    SPNLuver83 Posts: 2,050 Member
    a new wardrobe filled with curve hugging clothing lol
  • Atarahh
    Atarahh Posts: 485 Member
    I'll give my husband a private strip tease lol

    Love this! Not married yet, but a great idea.
  • Amy_nz
    Amy_nz Posts: 145
    I hadn't even thought of rewards!

    I guess clothes (because i'll need them). But I'll plan a good reward for every year that I maintain a healthy weight range - that's always been my problem in the past. So then I'll look at spa weekends and little trips away etc, but only if I maintain.
  • oharabear
    oharabear Posts: 13
    My boyfriend and I are planning a trip to Disneyland in the fall with his two daughters. My three brothers and their Significant Others have all invited themselves along, as well. So it is turning into a big family thing. I figure that being able to take lots of vacation photos with my family and loved ones will be reward enough (plus, I plan on feeling energetic and healthy and FIT throughout my trip- normally when I vacation I feel sluggish. I HATE that!)
  • Cesta91
    Cesta91 Posts: 11
    First of all, this:

    Also, I've been planning a tattoo down my side for years that I can finally get when I reach my goal weight:
    "If you can't teach me to fly, then teach me to sing"

    It's a quote from Peter Pan that I've loved since I was a child first starting off performing.
  • Reban060
    Reban060 Posts: 23
    First of all, this:

    Also, I've been planning a tattoo down my side for years that I can finally get when I reach my goal weight:
    "If you can't teach me to fly, then teach me to sing"

    It's a quote from Peter Pan that I've loved since I was a child first starting off performing.

    Hahaha, love it! The tattoo I'm planning is Star Trek- themed and it is also gonna be down my side. I've heard that the ribcage is the most painful place to tattoo, but I'm gonna do it anyways!
  • Nengi1980
    Nengi1980 Posts: 42 Member
    A sexy designer dress x
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,145 Member
    After giving this a lot of thought, I'd like to hear my guy friend tell me I'm hot. Kinda stupid, but it keeps me from eating all the cookies.