just a kid!

hey everyone, i really need motivation. i guess ill start off by saying ive was born with a slow motabolism, and so ive had no choice but to be overweight my whole life. i dont even want to count the amount of times ive been picked on. not only that, but i never was kid. my body just skipt it, litterally. i went through puberty in the 3rd grade. ive had acne and an adult body ever since, and i was always treated like one as well, by everyone. Im thirteen and 5 ft 8 with curves that dont belong with my age, haha! anyways ive always had to eat healthy and workout since i was 5 and havent lost weight until this year. ive suffered with some eating disorders like spitting out my food after chewing, pills, and addictions. ive been suffering with depression lately and im trying to get back on my feet so i can be the best Chloe there is. i dont have many friends at school ( i go to school with a bunch of immature 5 year olds.) and i live in the middle of no where, so its hard to ind support. my parents divorced about three months ago, but my dad is usually my rock, but i see him once a weekend a month or less. i told my parents last night ive been suffering from depression, but i still feel a bit lonely. i would really appriciate ANY ones thoughts, and i bless and thank you for taking the time out of your day for reading this. everyone have a wonderful Easter and a great week:)
