I want to run!!



  • sparklefly74
    sparklefly74 Posts: 40 Member
    If you have a dog, you can try Pooch to 5K. It's the same idea as C25K, but with your dog and it takes 3 months instead of 2 months. My dog and I just started it about a week and a half ago.
  • Run! Do it! But make sure you start with good shoes. I always wanted to run but I was really large and really unfit and didn't think I'd ever be able to walk a distance, never mind run. I lost quite a lot of weight but was still unfit and still wanted to run. I researched a bit and went for my first walk/run on the 4th of January this year and now I'm running 10km every Sunday in just over an hour!! Tips are:

    1. Get good shoes (probably the most important thing!) They don't need to be the most expensive shoes, just make sure they are decent running shoes.

    2. Don't push too hard. Start off easy. Running programs to get you going can be helpful.

    3. Join a club. Nothing better than having support and motivation of others in your boat. Don't get discouraged by this idea thinking that people in a club are 'real' runners and you're not. There are usually people of all abilities in clubs and I bet you'll find you're not the slowest!

    Enjoy!!! To start running is one of the best decisions I made in my life. :):):)
  • mistyladidah
    mistyladidah Posts: 210 Member
    Yes, you to can run. I run in fact I just ran 3 miles today. I'm overweight and my knees hurt as do my feet. I come home and ice them. Last year I did my first half marathon it was brutal 8 miles up hill and 5.2 down. It took me four hours and it was great. I was sore for the rest of the week but it felt good. I never thought I could run either but I just put on good shoes and go out and do it. You don't have to be fast but you do have to get out and do it. Start slow and just keep at it before you know it you will be running with bulls:laugh:

    Race to Robie Creek?
    I just talked to an old friend today who was calling to tell me she's doing it! Brutal hills/ mountians... I want to next year! She promised that if I'm up for it, she'll do the Tough Mudder with me too! Without even looking at the courses! I just did my first step today... Walk/jogged (wogged?) to a friends house just over a mile away. Kinda wanted to throw up...
  • donitchell
    donitchell Posts: 142 Member
    I started with the C25k also then i went onto the B210k (bridge to 10k) i have just got back from my first 60min run & feel great. I was never a runner & i'm not a fast runner but i love it now, good luck. xx
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    Lots of good advice in the previous posts I'll add that the key to success (and not just in running) is consistency. Get out and run (or walk/run) at least 3 time per week (but not more than 4 times /wk initially - feel free to walk on recovery days) and build slowly - the leading cause if injuries amongst new runners is trying to do too much, too soon, too fast.

    Mix up time & intensity in your workouts and try to incorporate one longer/slower run into the mix on a weekly basis to build endurance.

    I didn't start running until I was into my fifties; be patient, listen to your body and have fun!
  • RenG57
    RenG57 Posts: 2
    Yes, it was Robie Creek. I had to have knee surgery a few months ago so I didn't do it this year. But I will do it again next year just so I can beat my time. I want to do it in 3.5 hours. It is a really fun race hard but fun.