


  • Emnee
    Emnee Posts: 33 Member
    There's no magic number for losing weight with hypothyroidism. But it is still possible to lose! We tend to lose slower than most. Exercise is not an excuse to eat more. I exercise so that I can lose weight, not so I can eat more. I find that starch foods are harder on me and I can't lose if I'm eating them. My carbs come solely from fruits and vegetables (save for the sugar in my coffee creamer), as much as possible. Lean protein is your best friend. Avoid soy. Soy is bad for anyone with a thyroid problem because it can interfere with proper hormone usage, only fermented sources are safe (as in soy sauce).

    I have to be more careful about counting calories, better to over estimate calories in food than underestimate. Better to underestimate calorie burns than over estimate. I can only eat back 1/4 to 1/3 of my exercise calories ever. I drink LOADS of water. 3-4 liters a day on average.

    Really ?!?!?! SOY is bad? :noway: I had NO idea, I've been eating edamame thinking it was good for me :grumble:

    I suffer from hypothyroidism as well, though I believe in my case it is still minor. I am currently only taking a 100mcg synthroid tablet a day. I am so sad to hear about the no soy policy! I love soy milk and edamame. It is healthy too. :cry:
  • juliekaiser1988
    juliekaiser1988 Posts: 604 Member
    As my weight declined, so did my Synthroid dosage. I'm down to 75 mcg pill once a day now. Even at that, I'm thinking of going to the doc. My hands and feet are always COLD!! I think I need to go down to 50.

    So, is weight loss possible with Hypo? Look at my numbers.... Yup.

    Good luck!!

    Julie :)
  • Lashun0913
    Lashun0913 Posts: 2 Member
    So encouraging to know that there are others in my situation. I have gained 40 lbs and am trying to lose it. I take levoxyl 112mcg. With the weight gain I am experiencing horrible low back pain for which I am doing therapy. I've increased my water intake and started walking. I am cutting back on sweets and adding more fruits/veggies/beans to my diet. Hope I am on the right track to lose the weight :)!
  • juliekaiser1988
    juliekaiser1988 Posts: 604 Member
    So encouraging to know that there are others in my situation. I have gained 40 lbs and am trying to lose it. I take levoxyl 112mcg. With the weight gain I am experiencing horrible low back pain for which I am doing therapy. I've increased my water intake and started walking. I am cutting back on sweets and adding more fruits/veggies/beans to my diet. Hope I am on the right track to lose the weight :)!

    It's a start!
  • marriedwith
    marriedwith Posts: 72 Member
    As my weight declined, so did my Synthroid dosage. I'm down to 75 mcg pill once a day now. Even at that, I'm thinking of going to the doc. My hands and feet are always COLD!! I think I need to go down to 50.

    So, is weight loss possible with Hypo? Look at my numbers.... Yup.

    Good luck!!

    Julie :)

    Wow! LOOK at your numbers - you are an inspiration! I'm sure that you worked hard for every pound. And only 75 mcg - I can't even remember when I took so little. Right now I average 240 mcg/day of levothyroxine!
  • HardyGirl4Ever
    HardyGirl4Ever Posts: 1,017 Member

    Is anyone struggling with weight loss due to hypothyroidism? Have you found anything that works for weight loss?

    I have it, and I haven't found anything that works a much. I just keep plugging away and hope one day I'll lose.

  • cweiler4
    cweiler4 Posts: 374 Member
    There's no magic number for losing weight with hypothyroidism. But it is still possible to lose! We tend to lose slower than most. Exercise is not an excuse to eat more. I exercise so that I can lose weight, not so I can eat more. I find that starch foods are harder on me and I can't lose if I'm eating them. My carbs come solely from fruits and vegetables (save for the sugar in my coffee creamer), as much as possible. Lean protein is your best friend. Avoid soy. Soy is bad for anyone with a thyroid problem because it can interfere with proper hormone usage, only fermented sources are safe (as in soy sauce).

    I have to be more careful about counting calories, better to over estimate calories in food than underestimate. Better to underestimate calorie burns than over estimate. I can only eat back 1/4 to 1/3 of my exercise calories ever. I drink LOADS of water. 3-4 liters a day on average.

    ^^^^^^^^Agree with this post!! I got to my goal in 6months. Weight loss is possible, it just comes off slow and steady!! I eat gluten free and it has helps tremendously!! Good luck!!
  • jenalderman
    jenalderman Posts: 411 Member
    I have struggled with hypothyroidism since I was 20 yrs old. Wow! 26 years now. Scary. Anyway, I find that what works best for me is too eat all day long. I have no "big" meals. Instead I keep my breakfast around 200, lunch around 300 and dinner somewhere in between 300-400 calories. This leaves me plenty of "snack" calories for between each meal and YES even at night. This seems to keep what little metabolism I have left going. Also, for those of us struggling with metabolic issues, it is even more crucial not to drop our calories too low as we are much more susceptable to the "starvation mode" effect.
  • TinkrBelz
    TinkrBelz Posts: 866 Member
    I have Hypo as well and I am on 125mcg of Synthroid.

    I eat between 1600-1900 calories per day.

    I teach Zumba 8x/week (so this is everyday except Wednesday, I teach 2 classes) Each class burns around 400-500 calories

    I eat around 100 grams of carbs/day and around 150 grams protein/day

    I cheat every Friday and eat whatever I want.

    I have lost weight doing this and have gained muscle too....well, not bulked up, but have gotten more lean for a 42 year old woman.

    Research coconut oil. I have been eating this for 5 weeks now. I started ti help my skin, but one of the benefits of coconut oil is thyroid function. Now, I have not been tested, so I will know more once I get re-tested this summer.
  • janalayn
    janalayn Posts: 510 Member
    Have a nice long talk with your doctor. I had a hemithyroidectomy in April 2011 (they took 1/2 of my thyroid along with a benign tumor the size of a golf ball). My levels did not settle down until November. Once my TSH was below 3.0 I began to lose weight. I take 75mcg of Synthroid daily.

    You have to find what works for you. I exercise for 30 to 60 minutes a day (hula hoop, Curves, and just started 30 day shred). I eat back enough of my exercise calories to reach a net of 1200 (most days). I don't do low-fat, low-carb or any other restrictive diet. I eat what I like in smaller portions so that I can continue this change for life. I avoid fast food except occasionally Subway or Sonic hot dogs. I try to drink a gallon of water a day. I don't deprive myself of anything that I "really" want.

    You can lose weight, even if it is slower than other people. Just don't give up.

    Feel free to add me if you need support.
  • ElHombre23
    ElHombre23 Posts: 126 Member
    I'm Hypo and i've lost 23lbs since being diagnosed...Just bring a full and determined effort to your workouts and to your meals and you won't even notice that your hypo...Good Luck!!!
  • cbcw1964
    cbcw1964 Posts: 43 Member
    I am hypo and have been here for almost 50 days or so....this is the first time i have been able to lose any weight since starting meds for hypo. If you exercise and log everything you eat...you will lose...trust me...I am down 16lbs in fifty days! Good luck!:flowerforyou:
  • va_va_voom
    va_va_voom Posts: 467 Member
    I was tested during my second to last pregnancy and was told my levels were low - which probably means they still are, since I was also told that all hormone levels are increased when pregnant. I need to get tested again. My mom and my sister are both on Synthroid, so chances are good I need to be, as well.
  • Sueboo31
    Sueboo31 Posts: 128

    Research coconut oil. I have been eating this for 5 weeks now. I started ti help my skin, but one of the benefits of coconut oil is thyroid function. Now, I have not been tested, so I will know more once I get re-tested this summer.

    I too just started using coconut oil. First I used it externally for a few weeks and about a week ago I started to take it internally (1 tbsp). Do you have any side effects? It seems to give me heart burn and I am not one to get heart burn.

    Btw tinkrbelz, wow! You said you teach an exercise class so I looked through your pictures and you look incredible!! I was just diagnosed a few months ago and it all seems so overwhelming but I guess you and others from this thread are proof that losing weight with a low thyroid can be done. Great advice from everyone!
  • darcompagnon
    darcompagnon Posts: 4 Member
    Hi there

    I have hypothyroidism and I hate it..lol..I started on here to keep track of the calories and such, its great, I do the elliptical 60 minutes a day and It's been 3 weeks that I changed my diet and I have lost 13 lbs., I want to lose at least 20 more by June 15, thats the deadline I gave myself and hopefully i can do it. I stick to approximately 1200 calories per day, which ends up being less because of the calories burned by the elliptical. Good luck
  • PlumeriaToo
    PlumeriaToo Posts: 188 Member
    Your advice is well taken. 22 lbs since January -- you know what you're talking about. Way to go.
  • Another thing to be aware of is that obese women with a thyroid condition have a really high incidence of insulin resistance. My physician put me on meteor in, and it helps!!! Also following a diabetic friendly diet helps as well!

    Steer clear of stimulant supplements! People with thyroid problems, can not clear the stimulant well from their systems! I took Release and had a resting heart rate of 160 for 4+ hours!

    I have never been diagnosed with a thyroid problem but I am wondering if that could be my problem. I have been tested in the past but they didn't find anything wrong. I have an unusual reaction to medicine. Anytime I take any type of acid reflux medicine or pain medicine my heartrate skyrockets for hours and my heart skips. Caffeine does the same. I also cannot lose weight despite drastic changes in diet, calorie cutting, and 45 minutes per day of exercise 6 days a week. I also lose a lot of hair, have acne, and a small hump in between my shoulders. What do you guys think? Any help would be appreciated!
  • tecallahan
    tecallahan Posts: 732 Member
    [I have never been diagnosed with a thyroid problem but I am wondering if that could be my problem. I have been tested in the past but they didn't find anything wrong. I have an unusual reaction to medicine. Anytime I take any type of acid reflux medicine or pain medicine my heartrate skyrockets for hours and my heart skips. Caffeine does the same. I also cannot lose weight despite drastic changes in diet, calorie cutting, and 45 minutes per day of exercise 6 days a week. I also lose a lot of hair, have acne, and a small hump in between my shoulders. What do you guys think? Any help would be appreciated!

    Learn about your metabolism and symptoms - could be thryoid, adrenals, any number of complicated hormones.
    A good site for info is: www.stopthethyroidmadness.com

    Most doctors will say you are "normal" because they are only testing TSH -- but the website above gives you a list of common symptoms and the types of lab work that your doctor could do to hunt down the problem.
  • HardyGirl4Ever
    HardyGirl4Ever Posts: 1,017 Member

    That's awesome, thank you!!
