serious easter binging....



  • rosied915
    rosied915 Posts: 799 Member
    Have a look at my diary for this weekend.... then come back and tell me that yours is worse...dare ya :P

    I looked're my freakin' hero!!

    What happens on Easter, STAYS on Easter!

  • nickyfm
    nickyfm Posts: 1,214 Member
    Have a look at my diary for this weekend.... then come back and tell me that yours is worse...dare ya :P

    I looked're my freakin' hero!!

    What happens on Easter, STAYS on Easter!


    I just logged TODAY'S portion of the easter binge. Yikes. Definitely not brave enough to log the other 2 days like you!!

    As of midnight, I declare our calorie slates wiped clean, and we start fresh :D
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Have you ever had a stomach flu where you couldn't eat for 24 hours because everything bounced? And that day, you might lose a little water weight... but as soon as you're able to eat normally again, it comes right back and it never made any LASTING impact on the scale.

    Same goes for a one day binge. It's not enough to make a lasting impact.
  • beckyinma
    beckyinma Posts: 1,433 Member
    Have you ever had a stomach flu where you couldn't eat for 24 hours because everything bounced? And that day, you might lose a little water weight... but as soon as you're able to eat normally again, it comes right back and it never made any LASTING impact on the scale.

    Same goes for a one day binge. It's not enough to make a lasting impact.

    This. I have 3 lb to work off this week, just from the friggin easter candy, and being away at the in-laws, and out of my element, without my usual 32oz water jugs to count my intake. :) It'll come off quickly.
  • mszebra
    mszebra Posts: 94
    I, too, had a horrific binge day yesterday. Rich foods, candy, tons of wine- and I was up all night with horrible stomach pains and nightmares becasue of it.

    Today? Eating light. Drinking lots of water, tons of fruit and veggies, and heading out for a run after work. I refuse to beat myself up too much over it.
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    Have you ever had a stomach flu where you couldn't eat for 24 hours because everything bounced? And that day, you might lose a little water weight... but as soon as you're able to eat normally again, it comes right back and it never made any LASTING impact on the scale.

    Same goes for a one day binge. It's not enough to make a lasting impact.
  • MrsSWW
    MrsSWW Posts: 1,590 Member
    Log it
    Accept it
    Move on

  • AmyM713
    AmyM713 Posts: 594 Member
    Don't worry I had the same thing, I was really sick friday and saturday to the point I could barely eat and then yesterday I got my appetite back but what was staring me in the face all day CANDY and I couldn't get enough, I gave up on logging because I knew it wasn't gonna be pretty. I just figure today is a new day and I won't make the same mistakes self control is gonna be my middle name (I hope).
  • imtriagain
    imtriagain Posts: 104 Member
    I also had a shocking few days leading up to and on the day of Easter made worse by PMS cravings. It is the first time this year I've gone over my allowance for the week. By the calorie deficit I am estimating I'll gain half a kilo. Still, it's only once a year and I still fit into my clothes (lol) so it cant be too bad!
  • shelleyannefriend
    shelleyannefriend Posts: 11 Member
    I did, too, but Easter is a special day. I try not to feel guilty because eating good food (for those of us who aren't starving, literally) is a choice. Guilt just makes me dig deeper and take a longer time to get on track.

    I enjoyed the chocolate cake, three-cheese macaroni, parker house rolls with lots of real butter. Luckily we put it all away and I'm going to give the leftovers away today (or tomorrow at the latest).

    One of the things I learned years ago is about "red light" foods. Those are foods that I have to STOP before I dive in. For years I could not even take a bite of ice cream or I'd eat the whole gallon...same with cake, candy, nuts...almost like an alcoholic with that first drink. Not every day, but sometimes I can take a few bites and be satisfied.

    Sometimes THREE bites is all I need to get the taste and satisfaction of enjoying the food. And sometimes I am out of control and want to take a bath in the food I think I would enjoy...maybe that will help next time.

    And, I logged in every morsel yesterday just to see what my projected weight would be if I ate that much every day. Even with me eating double what I usually eat, I wouldn't gain THAT much weight even if I ate that much for FIVE weeks, WHICH I AM NOT.

    Today, is a new day. Easter means new beginnings, as does today, is a new day. One day at a time, one bite at a time, I am going to plan my meals, eat slowly, drink lots of water, take my vitamins and get a little exercise. I'll try to remember the mantra "a moment on the lips, forever on the hips," or "nothing tastes as good as feeling healthy feels."

    Don't panic, it's a new day for you, too. Good luck. YOU CAN do it....
  • Sweet_Pandora
    Sweet_Pandora Posts: 459 Member
    I indulged and had a most enjoyable Easter Sunday brunch and dinner. I ate almost double my daily calorie allowance.

    I ate white flour, white sugar, dairy and I did not explode and the world did not end. I won't make those choices again any time soon.

    I knew it was going to be a day like that and so I looked forward to it, I went with it and today it's business as usual!

  • GauchoMark
    GauchoMark Posts: 1,804 Member
    honestly... I think its good for you to go off the diet once in a while with a couple of caveats -

    1) you have been dieting for a month or more
    2) you haven't been cheating
    3) you only do it once every one or two months

    It seems like every time I would go off the diet, I would first retain a ton of water (probably all the junk I ate in the process) but a few days later I would be back to my beginning weight or lower. My experience is that I could actually lose weight a little easier afterwards for a while. It is like your metabolism speeds up a little for that day of feasting. Now, that is kind of how I break through plateaus if I can't do it any other way.
  • niknak30
    niknak30 Posts: 58
    You have a choice to make

    1/ feel guilty, hate yourself, binge some mroe, give up on yourself and send yourself in a downward spiral


    2/ accept that it was a bad day. Log it so it is there to remind you. Think to yourself - I can do better tomorrow . Clear your head and start a fresh.

    We all have bad days. We all sometimes eat things we shouldn't. We are human, but we are here and we are surrounded by wonderful supportive people who know what it feels like and have walked in our shoes.

    Fessing up is part of the battle. Just don't hate yourself - just remember, you probably once ate biscuits without thinking about how many calories they were, what fat content or sugar content they had. Now you know better.

    As Oprah says - you can't do better unless you know better

    and you are here!!!!!
  • AeolianHarp
    AeolianHarp Posts: 463 Member
    lol why are some of you eating to the point of sickness? Jesus. No control whatsoever. I advocated numerous times that people enjoy themselves but to the point that you're physically ill? That's insane.
  • graelwyn
    graelwyn Posts: 1,340 Member
    Just move on, learn from the experience, and remember how uncomfortable you felt afterwards. Overindulging can, in the end, ruin the enjoyment of the food, and that is what has put me off doing so again. Chocolate, for example, is enjoyable in a moderate quantity, but eat too much of it and you end up just feeling sick to the stomach.

    But, I don't feel it fair to judge anyone, as most people have done this at some point. It shows great insensitivity on a forum populated by some with binge eating disorders, bulimia and emotional eating issues, to point a finger and talk about control. I am sure people are feeling unhappy enough with themselves as it is. I am all for being blunt and to the point, but there is a fine line between that, and simply being spiteful.
  • rosied915
    rosied915 Posts: 799 Member
    I indulged and had a most enjoyable Easter Sunday brunch and dinner. I ate almost double my daily calorie allowance.

    I ate white flour, white sugar, dairy and I did not explode and the world did not end. I won't make those choices again any time soon.

    I knew it was going to be a day like that and so I looked forward to it, I went with it and today it's business as usual!


    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • krherzberg
    gotta keep that metabolism up! having days like this keeps it in check! no worries!
  • TiffaniBarrett
    TiffaniBarrett Posts: 369 Member
    Hahah thanks guys!

    It was my birthday this weekend too - so it's allowed right? :P xxx
  • TinaCleg_cancel
    I think we all fall off the wagon. I did not log, ate what I wanted, and have to deal with it today :) It's a new day to eat clean and excercise ! Have a great Monday !
  • unhgoose
    unhgoose Posts: 122 Member
    I over did it too...I'm food detoxing today. I ate so much candy, hi-fat crap and alcohol. Ugh. I felt horrible last night; I actually went to bed with a stomach-ache because of all the crappy food I'd put in my system. That isn't something I do normally even when I'm not trying to loose weight.

    So I started fresh this morning. I worked out this morning and I'm committed to staying at or a little below my calories today.

    I'm not going to let one weekend ruin my momentum. :) Just hop back on your wagon.