Why did I gain???

I started eating back my exercise calories and I gained 2 lbs! What going on?


  • DietingMommy08
    DietingMommy08 Posts: 1,366 Member
    Eating back your exercise calories dont work for everybody.
    Do what works for your body.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Wow. Okay. I wouldn't listen to someone who tells you that you have no idea what you're doing.

    If you've been severely restricting your calories for awhile, upping your calories (which is what you're doing if you haven't been eating them and now you are...) can and will cause a gain as your body adjusts to getting more food. Don't give up. Give your body at least a month to adjust to what is happening. Be patient.

    Good Luck!
  • musicgirl88
    musicgirl88 Posts: 504 Member
    You are probably over estimating how many calories you are burning. Try only eating back half of your exercise calories? Adjust until you find what works for you. :)
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    could be glycogen, water, food mass, waste.....

    also, if you have been restricting for a long time,you may have retarded your metabolism, so it's going to take a few weeks to adjust back to normal.

    keep your calorie deficit between 250-1000, have a sensible work out plan, and you should be on the right track.
  • Majikk27
    Majikk27 Posts: 13
    Lynne could be a number of reasons. Is it close to that TOM or are you retaining water? I wouldn't get to hung up on the number on the scale. If you continue to gain..then perhaps you need to reassess your diet.
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    You most likely have no clue what you are doing.

    Wow. Bcuz thats not rude.

    Eating back your exercise calories dont work for everybody.
    Do what works for your body.

    Wow. Bcuz thats incorrect. You are NOT different than anyone else.

    OP- See, here are the problems:

    1. You don't have your diary open. We aren't psychic.
    2. You don't explain what your maintenance is.
    3. You don't tell us how many calories you HAVE been eating.
    4. You don't tell us if you are on any kind of weight training program.

    So when you make a thread with so much little information, we give little information back.

    (See what I did there?)
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,412 MFP Moderator
    When you go from not eating a lot to adding more calories, your body has to adjust. Your body is just freaking out as it's not used to the calories and is storing extra glycogen. Why don't you start with eating 50% of your exercise calories and then slowly increasing to 75% of them over the next month or two.
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    well it depends on many things....sodium,water retention...how many calories are you consuming..do you use hrm or trust MFP to calculate cals burned....how long did you try just sticking to a set caloric intake before you switched to eating back cals?.......
  • Will_Lift_4_Shoes
    Will_Lift_4_Shoes Posts: 238 Member
    You most likely have no clue what you are doing.

    Why did you bother replying if youare just gonna be a jerk. If you can't be helpful, keep your thoughts to yourself.

    real response: Have you looked at some of these types of posts. Most that do what you are doing gain in the beginning then seem to lose. Most of them it takes them a month or more to recover from the gain to starting to lose.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    You most likely have no clue what you are doing.

    Wow. Bcuz thats not rude.

    Eating back your exercise calories dont work for everybody.
    Do what works for your body.

    Translation - eating back exercise calories doesn't work for people who cannot or do not count their calories accurately. If counting accurately, then it works, just like 2+2=4 works.
  • lynne172
    lynne172 Posts: 11
    Whoa...aren't you just a bundle of inspiration! Thanks for your help. Have a nice day!
  • Animaniac87
    Water! Water! Water!!!
    How much are you consuming? Good chance you're holding a lot of water if you haven't increased your water as well.

    Also, you're probably over estimating how many calories you're burning. I always take 10% of what I think I burned.
  • Dinob661
    Dinob661 Posts: 251 Member
    You most likely have no clue what you are doing.

    Yeah dude, relax completely uncalled for.

    are you using exorcise machines to count your calories, a heart rate monitor, or MFP?

    Depending on which, the amount of calories you think your burning could be wrong. So you could be eating more calories back than just your exorcise calories. Also it does take some time for your body to adjust to a new routine. If you just started give it time.
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,738 Member
    Wow. Okay. I wouldn't listen to someone who tells you that you have no idea what you're doing.

    If you've been severely restricting your calories for awhile, upping your calories (which is what you're doing if you haven't been eating them and now you are...) can and will cause a gain as your body adjusts to getting more food. Don't give up. Give your body at least a month to adjust to what is happening. Be patient.

    Good Luck!

    ^^ This.

    But also be aware of how much you are actually eat and how much you are actually burning. Most nutrition on food underestimates calories, while most people overestimate calories burned. I found that MFP was overestimating my calories burned.

    My advice: Eat your exercise calories (or eat some of your exercise calories) and give it a few weeks before you worry about what the scale says.

    Also, the scale lies. A lot of things, including hormones, sodium, stress, etc. can give false gains. Take your measurements and use those to determine what is working.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    You most likely have no clue what you are doing.

    Wow. Bcuz thats not rude.

    Eating back your exercise calories dont work for everybody.
    Do what works for your body.

    Wow. Bcuz thats incorrect. You are NOT different than anyone else.

    OP- See, here are the problems:

    1. You don't have your diary open. We aren't psychic.
    2. You don't explain what your maintenance is.
    3. You don't tell us how many calories you HAVE been eating.
    4. You don't tell us if you are on any kind of weight training program.

    So when you make a thread with so much little information, we give little information back.

    (See what I did there?)

    Joe is right. It's only a matter of minutes before people start chiming in with random advice like cutting carbs....
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    You most likely have no clue what you are doing.

    Wow. Bcuz thats not rude.

    Eating back your exercise calories dont work for everybody.
    Do what works for your body.

    Wow. Bcuz thats incorrect. You are NOT different than anyone else.

    OP- See, here are the problems:

    1. You don't have your diary open. We aren't psychic.
    2. You don't explain what your maintenance is.
    3. You don't tell us how many calories you HAVE been eating.
    4. You don't tell us if you are on any kind of weight training program.

    So when you make a thread with so much little information, we give little information back.

    (See what I did there?)
    Do you really think one formula/way of doing things works for everyone? ....:noway:
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    You most likely have no clue what you are doing.

    Wow. Bcuz thats not rude.

    Eating back your exercise calories dont work for everybody.
    Do what works for your body.

    Wow. Bcuz thats incorrect. You are NOT different than anyone else.

    OP- See, here are the problems:

    1. You don't have your diary open. We aren't psychic.
    2. You don't explain what your maintenance is.
    3. You don't tell us how many calories you HAVE been eating.
    4. You don't tell us if you are on any kind of weight training program.

    So when you make a thread with so much little information, we give little information back.

    (See what I did there?)

    There wasn't a lot of information offered in the original post, but I really don't see how that makes it okay to be rude. How about asking questions? Clearly based on their join date - they haven't been with MFP for very long (and have posted less than 10 times). Instead of being rude and telling them they're basically dumb and don't know what they're doing - you could have attempted to be supportive and asked some questions. I'm sure the OP wouldn't have problem answering them if placed in a post in a polite way.

    Rudeness isn't necessary and it doesn't help anyone in the least. If you aren't going to TRY and help, then why post?
  • catattack13
    catattack13 Posts: 117
    You most likely have no clue what you are doing.

    Wow. Bcuz thats not rude.

    Eating back your exercise calories dont work for everybody.
    Do what works for your body.

    Wow. Bcuz thats incorrect. You are NOT different than anyone else.

    OP- See, here are the problems:

    1. You don't have your diary open. We aren't psychic.
    2. You don't explain what your maintenance is.
    3. You don't tell us how many calories you HAVE been eating.
    4. You don't tell us if you are on any kind of weight training program.

    So when you make a thread with so much little information, we give little information back.

    (See what I did there?)

    as much as it pains me to say so, Joe is right.

    guys, the internet is srs buznss.
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    You most likely have no clue what you are doing.

    Wow. Bcuz thats not rude.

    Eating back your exercise calories dont work for everybody.
    Do what works for your body.

    Wow. Bcuz thats incorrect. You are NOT different than anyone else.

    OP- See, here are the problems:

    1. You don't have your diary open. We aren't psychic.
    2. You don't explain what your maintenance is.
    3. You don't tell us how many calories you HAVE been eating.
    4. You don't tell us if you are on any kind of weight training program.

    So when you make a thread with so much little information, we give little information back.

    (See what I did there?)
    Do you really think one formula/way of doing things works for everyone? ....:noway:

  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    You most likely have no clue what you are doing.

    Wow. Bcuz thats not rude.

    Eating back your exercise calories dont work for everybody.
    Do what works for your body.

    Wow. Bcuz thats incorrect. You are NOT different than anyone else.

    OP- See, here are the problems:

    1. You don't have your diary open. We aren't psychic.
    2. You don't explain what your maintenance is.
    3. You don't tell us how many calories you HAVE been eating.
    4. You don't tell us if you are on any kind of weight training program.

    So when you make a thread with so much little information, we give little information back.

    (See what I did there?)

    Joe is right. It's only a matter of minutes before people start chiming in with random advice like cutting carbs....

    Joe might have asked these questions first instead of being a jerk to the OP. His first post wasn't the least bit helpful at all and really? Unnecessary. If Joe really wanted to help, Joe could have asked those questions initially instead of being a jerk. THAT is what people are trying to say. I'm pretty certain Joe's original post didn't do a damn thing to help the OP.
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